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 Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?

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Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 4:22 pm

You first have to believe the individual who had the paranormal experience to also believe in the validation of the photographic evidence. They obviously go hand in hand together. So if someone initially doesn't believe the person in regards to the incident does the photographic evidence ever convince the naysayer and make the paranormal experience valid? Is there any ufo incident etc. followed by photographic evidence that makes the truth undeniable in recorded ufo history?
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Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 4:58 pm

Well ,

I have photographic evidence of one of my encounters and i know it's real .

Not sure that i would be convinced by anybody else's though !

How weird is that ?

FW .
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PostSubject: Has photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 5:45 pm

Any suggestions as to where to send Paranormal photographs for analysts? I've heard of village labs and jim dilletoso.
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free wheel
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Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 5:54 pm

Hi 4real ,
In my humble opinion , photo analysis is pointless .
Not meaning to sound like a party pooper , and i could be wrong . But then , so could the person who analyses your photo !

Cheers FW .
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Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: photographic evidence   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 28, 2010 3:03 pm

Many thought the Gable Film was the real deal, and that was recently proved to be a hoax. It is so easy to make a fake picture nowadays that there needs to be some kind of guidance:

1. The person who took said photo/video needs to be identified. (A red flag should immediately rise if no author or person is named.)

2. Place, date and time should be on said photo/video.

3. Videos with no natural sound should also be red flagged.

4. YouTube is a known place where the hoaxes usually go to. Letting a media expert look at said video/photograph first would help with trying to identify the fakes from the real deals out there.

I do believe the Patterson Film of Bigfoot has passed many tests given to it. The men who filmed it are known, as is the date of the film. Breasts can be seen on the creature, something they would not have thought of in the 1960s. Also, it is filmed, which makes for easier detection of any trickery. There are also numerous cases of UFO photos and films that also pass the test (Lubbock Lights, Montana film, etc).

If anyone here has taken a photograph of what they believe to be an entity of some kind, they need to identify themselves and give the date and time they took such photograph along with where it was. That is a difficult thing to ask of people, as they put themselves up for a lot of humiliation doing such things. The men behind the Patterson Film have been called liars and many other such names. Even an alleged deathbed confession was being bandied about (unproven).

If anyone chooses to do such a thing, they would have my full support. And also my prayers.
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Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Has Photographic Evidence Ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 31, 2010 6:41 pm

Lloyd B,
Thanks for the informative reply. I wish my digital photo was on video.For one thing it would be quite dramatic and would take an exhaustable amount of work to try and replicate it with special effects. I don't even know how to use any graphics software. Secondly I would challenge anyone to try and copy the digital photo I do have. Thirdly I have more than one picture that I believe is the same entity the only difference is it didn't do the same things from my first encounter. Criticism,Ridicule and all the other unpredictable ways people can react to something that is out of their realm of reality is probably one of the biggest reasons I haven't gone public. Unfortunately,the photo doesn't do it any justice as to the actual feats it performed before I snapped the photo. I believe my story and photo have significance for research but it's a real up hill battle for credibility.
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Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 01, 2010 1:43 pm

4real, as I have written in other areas, there are many good photos out there of UFOs, Sasquatch and the paranormal. The good ones pass muster, and in the end the hoaxes get found out. Unfortunately the hoaxes are what the debunkers always trot out when they look at any evidence out there (if they look at it).

Another thing: It is not just the witness who puts their personal life in the limelight when coming forward, but family members and friends also get caught up in the crossfire. Many debunkers go after people personally and the attacks can be brutal.

It should also be noted that just because someone analyzing a photo or other evidence says it is not convincing to them, they are not attacking the person who took the photo or had the encounter. It is just that what is shown is not enough to pass the Occam's Razor test. (Pictures of orbs are usually dust particles, etc.)

I do hope you decide to share the photo with us, but I would advise you take it to a professional for them to certify that no tricks or CGI was used in the making of the picture. Many local colleges do have departments in that area and I am sure someone would like to examine it.

As I stated above, whatever you decide, I and others here support you.
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Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2010-03-22

Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 01, 2010 10:47 pm

Lloyd,I have plenty of digital pics of the same Orb in several different places at my former residence.Their dense and self illuminated and believe it's related to the encounter I had outside.I would be willing to submit one of the photos to this website for viewing. The more I reveal about what I experienced at my former residence the more unbelievable it becomes. I don't want to sound like some nut job that is fabricating things as I go on. That's one of the reasons I have kept a lot of the details,and possible explanation and other goings on that came before and after the initial event to a minimum. I guess sharing something very personal and hard for many to believe with complete strangers doesn't make a lot of sense either.
As you can tell it's more complicated than just this one encounter. It's hard to keep it contained without other details and photos etc. that have relevence to the encounter not eventually coming into play.
There is also a spiritual significance that is overlooked and not discussed.

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Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 03, 2010 5:30 am

I understand you well, can you present few of your pics?
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Mike Good
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Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2010 2:00 pm

Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?

Truth? For who? That is the big question.

A photo is a photo. In this digital age, even that is open to question since most photos these days are actually bits of binary code on a bitmap, re-generated as pixelated images on various types of screens or printed images. There is much room for chicanery there.

But truth? Photos can equally confirm lies or truth. They, essentially, are ambiguities on which we cast our beliefs - one way or the other. Well, there is a third way, choose not to decide. That is choosing not to believe anything at all.

When we speak about truth, that is a sticky wicket indeed. After years of pondering and asking questions, I have come to the conclusion that truth is not a thing we mere mortals can simply pull out of a hat, or even a photo image. Truth is an ideal. But since we can only ascertain a subjective truth from the limited perspectives of ourselves, truth itself is relative.

My truth is somebody else's lie. My lies are somebody else's truths. Only the ambiguous choice not to decide, paradoxically, remains unambiguous.

Sorry, don't mean to go all philosophical on you here, but as I said before, truth is not a bunny you pull out of a hat. albino

Do you want truth? There are things that fly through the sky that we cannot identify with any certainty. I know this is true. That is my truth. Yours may differ.

Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? UFOhighway227web

And this photo is an ambiguity that you may cast your beliefs upon, one way or another. Only you, as an individual, can decide what you believe to be true - about this photo or anything else for that matter.....

I think a quote from Buddha is appropriate here: "All descriptions of reality are temporary hypotheses."

Now that is the truth! Wink
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Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 9:00 am

Hi Mike,

Good Points There.

I keep asking myself the same question over and over again. I know better than to do this, but it keeps me going anyway. I wonder how many years people believed the earth was flat, before they were able to convince enough people that it was not.

It baffles me that with all of the credible witnesses that there have been over the decades, that we do not constitute a sizable enough body to be able to convince the majority of the population, that there are ships flying around that we can not identify.
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Mike Good
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Mike Good

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PostSubject: Re: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 12:59 pm

Gort wrote:
Hi Mike,

Good Points There.

I keep asking myself the same question over and over again. I know better than to do this, but it keeps me going anyway. I wonder how many years people believed the earth was flat, before they were able to convince enough people that it was not.

It baffles me that with all of the credible witnesses that there have been over the decades, that we do not constitute a sizable enough body to be able to convince the majority of the population, that there are ships flying around that we can not identify.

Thanks Gort!

According to some opinion polls, a majority of people in this country DO believe there are such things as "UFOs". But then other polls lower this figure to about one-third.

So, which figure is true? What questions did the pollsters ask? In what way could these questions have distorted the answers?

See, even on such a small point as this, the truth is elusive.

If people were all willing to look at the available evidence, without prejudice or bias, then I suspect the figures for "believers" would be much higher. But we again return to individual subjective beliefs when we go down that path.

The truth is out there. But we are here:

....along with our prejudices, beliefs and preconceived notions. The truth is difficult to see with those kinds of filters over our eyes....
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Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 1:55 pm

The truth also is photographs and videos can be faked quite easily with computers today. I will not believe a photograph is real or fake. Even an expert like Bruce Maccabee was fooled by Ed Walters' photographs from Gulf Breeze.

My test is if it looks fake it is. All others keep an open mind about, but do not outright believe them

The main problem with the photograph you show is the shadow of the craft. The shadow looks like it was put their digitally. (That is one of the reasons we need to know the Who, What, Where and Whens of the subject.)

I prefer the older photographs as they were taken before the digital age and were harder to fake (and easier to see as fakes).

You do bring up a good point as people see different things when looking at photographs, just like a person viewing a piece of artwork does.

The best thing is to post or show what you have and let others look and decide if it is proof to them. Also, many can ask questions about the subject at hand. (One thing from me is I will never make light of what people claim to have seen.)
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Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2010-03-22

Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Empty
PostSubject: Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth?   Has Photographic Evidence ever Confirmed The Truth? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 8:14 pm

How better to capture a moment in time that is rare and extraordinary than a 8mm film, video or photographic picture. How else can you document an event that doesn't fall in the category of everyday norm. Well, we could abandon our current technology of filming the skies and digital cameras and go back to documenting Ufo's on cave walls and rocks in desert regions around the world like our ancestors did thousands of years ago.
With the proliferation of 8mm cameras to video and onto the digital revolution we have an oppurtunity more than ever to do what our ancestors could only dream of. They felt what they had witnessed so far back in time was so important that they documented it in the best pictorial way possible.
Even before the so called age of "modern science'"when superstition,magic and ritual was practiced and even before that was formed these people of a lost far ago age felt so compelled to share these incredible encounters and sightings around the world.
Why would early man want to fake a cave drawing of a Ufo thousands of years ago? To gain notriety from his or her cave dweller neighbor's next door. Also the similiarities as we all know between ancient European frescos done in the 14th through 16th century.
When are we as Humans going to ever universally land on a conclusion by drawing on these irrefutable facts that obviously have validation because were still discussing it today. Nothing is 100% proven True without some doubt but for some reason we want to raise the bar higher when it comes to the Paranormal and Ufo's. If our ancestors would have stored there drawings on cd's instead of drawing on caves it would of all been lost or erased over time.

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