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» New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum
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New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_lcapNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum I_voting_barNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_rcap 
New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_lcapNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum I_voting_barNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_rcap 
New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_lcapNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum I_voting_barNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_rcap 
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Jeremy Vaeni
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New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_lcapNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum I_voting_barNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_rcap 
New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_lcapNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum I_voting_barNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_rcap 
New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_lcapNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum I_voting_barNew location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Vote_rcap 
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 New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum

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Number of posts : 45
Age : 54
Location : Rio Rancho, NM
Registration date : 2012-09-15

New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Empty
PostSubject: New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum   New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2015 7:54 pm

New location for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum​ meetings.

The North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center — Albuquerque’s newest center for youth, seniors and the community — is a welcome addition to Northeast Albuquerque. Featuring a computer cafe, computer room, game room, classrooms, outdoor decks/patios,  aerobic room, card/table games room & community rooms. North Domingo also boasts a fitness room and meals.

Located at: 7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113

This is the Facebook community page for the North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center.

Here is their Weebly web site:

Here is their City of Albuquerque page:

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New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum
Non-Profit Organization

The sky is the limit (or maybe not). We discuss and present a wide range of knowledge and information in the areas of ancient wisdom, extraterrestrial contact, cosmology, cryptozoology, lost knowledge, metaphysics, occult sciences, paranormal occurrences, supernatural events, ufology and much more.

If you are an author, researcher or experiencer and would like to be considered as a potential speaker for the NM UFO and Paranormal Forum, contact us immediately at the forum’s community links listed below:

Duke City Fix:

Executive Committee Group
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