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 Greatest story ever denied

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Number of posts : 81
Age : 77
Location : Caldwell, New Jersey
Registration date : 2009-09-05

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PostSubject: Greatest story ever denied   Greatest story ever denied Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2009 10:44 pm

For those of you who have some extra time on your hands...
Check out the below videos and let me know what your thoughts on the topics might be.

Remember to keep an open mind and follow through and watch all of this series of videos.

Greatest story ever denied

William Cooper in his own world

WC documentary..... 9 parts
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PostSubject: Re: Greatest story ever denied   Greatest story ever denied Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2009 12:13 am

Either William Cooper was a tin foil hat wearing crazy, or he was onto something big. I don't believe all of his theories, but the secret government he talks about has been recently outed none other than by George W Bush. It is called the Shadow Government and no one really knows who is in it. The main stream press has ignored the story, even though a rather big name accidentally leaked it out.

A few years ago I would of stated tin foil hat. After much digging and finding out things, I would say he was a courageous person.

Good videos, ALBERT. It should be noted they are 90 minutes (the first two).

I do wonder if the Illuminati are the Shadow Government. I would of laughed at someone stating the Illuminati still exist, but now I am not so sure of things.
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Number of posts : 81
Age : 77
Location : Caldwell, New Jersey
Registration date : 2009-09-05

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PostSubject: Re: Greatest story ever denied   Greatest story ever denied Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2009 8:47 am

Thanks, Kidflash, for your input.
I appreciate your time and I appreciate your insightfulness....
It caries a lot of weight as far as I'm concerned.

I have not formed an opinion on Cooper's theories yet and plan on studying them more closely in the coming week.

three friends say that he is "dead on"; and another two friends claim he is only "dead on" about the UFOs he talks about.

I hope more people from this forum take the time to watch these videos and give some feedback on them in the coming days.

People here at these forums are very intelligent , insightful and I get input that I have not been getting elsewhere.

Thanks again.
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PostSubject: Re: Greatest story ever denied   Greatest story ever denied Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2009 3:18 pm

Without George W opening his big mouth, we never would of found out about the super secret Shadow Government. It would of stayed in the conspiracy forums and people who talked of it made to look like they were crazy.

I am not saying I agree with Mr Cooper's theories 100%, but the revelation of the super secret Shadow Government does vindicate a part of what he was saying.

It does amaze me how much out there that was once thought to be crazy now has a grain of truth to it.
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PostSubject: Re: Greatest story ever denied   Greatest story ever denied Icon_minitime

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