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 Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies

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Mike Good
Fox Mulder
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 1:59 pm

I enjoy hashing on about Bob Lazar's claims. So here goes...
Of all the claims that have been made, this one stands out as pure bunk: That element 115 exists, and that he, Bob Lazar, made off with a little bit of it, is utterly unbelievable. Many of the facts about his story seem plausible, some even true, but the physical properties of this element dont allow for it to stay stable for very long (milliseconds), so why would anyone claim to have Stolen from the US Govt, a bit of it? And this man is still Free? Also, the Non Disclosure Agreement Lazar surely must have signed would prevent him from discussing all the things he has said. He simply would not be Free, unless...
he was a purposeful agent of misinformation. Even then, why would he have said the things he did? I dont think the Govt wants anyone to know that they have been reverse engineering Alien technology. So that would make Lazar... a Double agent? The story gets screwy here for me. Who was he trying to kid? What made him say what he did. His unassuming attitude fooled many people. Where is the Profit from his story? Who profitted? George Knapp? Not Bob Lazar either. Nobody made much money from this story AFAIK. That lends credence to the facts as to why he came forward, but why else? There are a million questions that this whole story has spawned, mostly all non-falsifiable. Therein lies the only truth to this story; That the "facts" cannot be proven. Ample room is left for deducing and theorizing.
I personally have no knowledge of Lazar's security Clearance(s), but I do have first hand experince about how the US Govt goes about issuing access to Top Secret and beyond information. Nothing about Bob's story is even close to reality.
Furthermore, most of what I have read and heard from Lazar himself, is contrary to the process. He feigns a knowledge of how he was cleared. This is not something that anyone who is cleared, is not well versed in. And to just walk away from something like this, and take up a new life, racing Homemade Jet Cars, makes zero sense also. Why is he still alive? I don't think Bob had access to Alien Craft at Area 51, maybe what he worked on, led him to believe he was. But that is all speculation. In the end, this story lends itself quite well to speculating about something we will never know. Plus the Testors' Model he helped to create is first rate! I have one, and it is full of unique little details. Anyways... my rant is now over. Anyone else?
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 4:49 pm

There are many flaws in his story, with the biggest ones being his pay stub and security clearance. The pay stub would of been issued by his contractor, not the military. The contractor takes care of pay and all the personnel paperwork. Also, it would of taken him at the very least six months to gain such a high security clearance. The alien craft and bodies weren't going anywhere, so the military would of waited for the clearance. On his first week, he is introduced to all the top secret goings on.
Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman has discussed the element 115 aspect of the story and smells a rat.

Scroll down to the article and click on it.

I also think disinformation agent, as he has never waivered from his story. I try to keep an open mind and he has a lot of supporters out there.
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Fox Mulder
Fox Mulder

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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 9:08 pm

Anything that could possibly lend him credibility is not there. His education, his work history. Unsubstantiated.

If the government really wiped his past clean of such involvement, then why do a half job of it?

I think the government can do better than half discrediting someone.

At best he was let go and the government hopes he will just discredit himself.

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Mike Good
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Mike Good

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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 7:27 pm

Surely the element 115 stuff is pure bunk. But I was around when Lazar started telling his story. Just because his info may be off here and there does not mean that he is a complete fraud. It is common psy-ops procedure to mix a little BS in with the truth. That creates plausible deniability.

Having heard and seen him speak, my gut reaction was that he was not a liar. And there is one more thing to consider: somebody really was after Lazar. George Knapp and John Lear, both of whom knew Lazar well, witnessed mysterious people poking around and even taking potshots at the guy. Plus, the public persecution of him by law enforcement is a matter of public record. He was not a criminal, nor did he do anything that should have resulted in such persecution. Somebody had it out for him.

That does not mean that his story is true. But it does make you wonder. It sure did the trick for me. Because of this, Lazar goes in my gray basket. I remain an agnostic regarding Lazar.
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeWed Sep 02, 2009 5:17 pm

There are too many holes in Bob Lazar's story for me to believe him. The pay stub and the time it should of taken for his security clearance raise enough doubt in me about his story. I do not know about the people following him and taking potshots at him, but he could also be a disinformation agent to keep many in ufology to stay on the Area 51 aspect of aliens and craft. That way, they will not start to look for where they may actually keep the craft and bodies.
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: He probably means plutonium   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2009 1:46 am

Bob only makes sense when you see him as an agent of misinformation.

The ships you see in the sky are nuclear powered aircraft. They're all desperate that this never be known because who would tolerate the fact that they fly nuclear reactors over our backyards on a regular basis? It explains the extreme cleanup crews too when there is a problem.
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 4:51 pm

aclarado wrote:
Bob only makes sense when you see him as an agent of misinformation.

The ships you see in the sky are nuclear powered aircraft. They're all desperate that this never be known because who would tolerate the fact that they fly nuclear reactors over our backyards on a regular basis? It explains the extreme cleanup crews too when there is a problem.

You are correct that the public would be up in arms over this information. However, there would have to be a lot of nuclear engineers and other support for such an aircraft. With the public's attitude on nuclear not being supportive, they would not consider flying nuclear power craft.
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: 115   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 1:54 pm

element 115 was first synthesized on earth in 2003.
a few atoms were manufactured then.
bob Lazar's claims are bunkum? NO I don't think so !
he presumably adds to the weight of UFO evidence that exists to the contrary , I believe his claims are true.
I don't personally think that 115 produces unusual gravity waves - but it might serve as a anti-matter producer, might it not?
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 3:46 pm

jonnywalton wrote:
element 115 was first synthesized on earth in 2003.
a few atoms were manufactured then.
bob Lazar's claims are bunkum? NO I don't think so !
he presumably adds to the weight of UFO evidence that exists to the contrary , I believe his claims are true.
I don't personally think that 115 produces unusual gravity waves - but it might serve as a anti-matter producer, might it not?

The best source about Mr Lazar's claims of element 115 come from noted nuclear physicist and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman:

Scroll down for his article on Mr Lazar.

I also will add that Mr Lazar's major mistake is the pay stub he showed to the world. I am being a Mr Monk on that one, but I do know about contractors in the military.
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 5:01 am

Lazaar is a fool. Of course the government has disks. Of course they lie to their scientists about where they get their coopted technology.

And they're masters at mind control so... duh again.

How does everyone keep missing the simplest answers? Somebody messed with that poor bastard's marbles because he thought he'd expose what is really going on, that it's just the government being sociopahtic. Like anyone in power cares what the people feel or think. lol

It's amazing that the republicans have the ability to deceive their own base like that. They never vote in any way for the working man. They vote for the corporations. And, somehow the blue collar workers think that's their party. Bizarre.

This level of mass deception is clearly widespread and used unsparingly by those that know it's dark ways.

So, why not with UFOs? Why not scramble a scientists mind when he threatens to expose the truth?

Sure, why not.
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 4:33 pm

My main problem with Mr Lazar is all the lies he has told and his own bogus "proof" that he worked for a top secret project at Area-51. The paystub is bogus and would have been paid out by his contractor, not the government.

I have been in the military and also have family who are contracted out by the government. I do know a little bit about this subject.

Until Mr Lazar can come clean about certain aspects, I will not believe a word he says.
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Registration date : 2010-05-02

Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 6:00 pm

He seems to be a mystery.

I suppose the only way to put him into perspective is to consider which is more likely:

(1) He wove this strange tale and subjected himself to a life time of ridicule for no particular reason or clear plan to profit


(2) His extra-curricular projects and less than formal education did make him the perfect recruit for the release of the information that he published.

Seems like Lazar is a bright guy, whose is nonetheless easy to pick apart. Perhaps he was the perfect guy to use as a him incredible things, expect him to blab about a bit and be prepared to slay him publicly if the need arises. These are things that could not have been done with an established and legitimately degreed scientist.
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Do you remember the circumstances of his wife's death?   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeThu Nov 25, 2010 7:57 am

MarksBrother wrote:
I enjoy hashing on about Bob Lazar's claims. So here goes...
Of all the claims that have been made, this one stands out as pure bunk: That element 115 exists, and that he, Bob Lazar, made off with a little bit of it, is utterly unbelievable. Many of the facts about his story seem plausible, some even true, but the physical properties of this element dont allow for it to stay stable for very long (milliseconds), so why would anyone claim to have Stolen from the US Govt, a bit of it? And this man is still Free? Also, the Non Disclosure Agreement Lazar surely must have signed would prevent him from discussing all the things he has said. He simply would not be Free, unless...
he was a purposeful agent of misinformation. Even then, why would he have said the things he did? I dont think the Govt wants anyone to know that they have been reverse engineering Alien technology. So that would make Lazar... a Double agent? The story gets screwy here for me. Who was he trying to kid? What made him say what he did. His unassuming attitude fooled many people. Where is the Profit from his story? Who profitted? George Knapp? Not Bob Lazar either. Nobody made much money from this story AFAIK. That lends credence to the facts as to why he came forward, but why else? There are a million questions that this whole story has spawned, mostly all non-falsifiable. Therein lies the only truth to this story; That the "facts" cannot be proven. Ample room is left for deducing and theorizing.
I personally have no knowledge of Lazar's security Clearance(s), but I do have first hand experince about how the US Govt goes about issuing access to Top Secret and beyond information. Nothing about Bob's story is even close to reality.
Furthermore, most of what I have read and heard from Lazar himself, is contrary to the process. He feigns a knowledge of how he was cleared. This is not something that anyone who is cleared, is not well versed in. And to just walk away from something like this, and take up a new life, racing Homemade Jet Cars, makes zero sense also. Why is he still alive? I don't think Bob had access to Alien Craft at Area 51, maybe what he worked on, led him to believe he was. But that is all speculation. In the end, this story lends itself quite well to speculating about something we will never know. Plus the Testors' Model he helped to create is first rate! I have one, and it is full of unique little details. Anyways... my rant is now over. Anyone else?

As you seem to know much about Bob Lazar (he is the guy who made Area 51 public, so he did know something secret), do you know where he went to high-school? The town he grew up in? The name of his wife and the circumstances of her death? The time-line between when his 'story' went bad and her death? And for me, what about the EG&G story? I myself experienced something very similar to Bob Lazar's EG&G story. Its a thing that only contractors doing specialized scientific work generally learn.

Know anything about any of the above? Or just repeating the bad info being circulated about Mr. Lazar?

ET Investigator
SETV Search Model Founder
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Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-05-23

Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Bob Lazzaar   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2012 5:26 pm

As a 23 year government employee with a background in nuclear missle handling and transport. I have a good idea of how his clearance works. One coming from another facility into a new security area his clearance is under scrutiny again. With him only 4 1/2 months at area51 he would still be under his probationary period of 90- 120 days. There is no way he can enter other secure areas because of "need to know" in different areas outside his work area. He must be cleared for each area. Another flaw he is listed as a suncontractor and not Naval intellegence officer. I think he is a disgruntelled employee that couldnt go where he wanted to and they pulled his clearance. Most people that work high security areas usally will work their whole life there, highest pay and benfits why not. Lazzaar was there 41/2 months theres a reason for this. Then again he could be a dis-infrmation stooge and make high claims about an area that nothing isthere and the UFO disinformation begins. This would only make sense if they are drawing attention away from somewhere else.
If the government had UFOs they would have them in combat just like the B1,B1b,B2, F117 all brought out of the closet so they could be used in daylight missions. Theres big bucks to be made by discloseing something like ufos being engineered the propaganda alone would be worth it.
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Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies   Bob Lazar,   Truth and Lies Icon_minitime

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Bob Lazar, Truth and Lies
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