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| Why would the Aliens not want to be know? | |
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alittletouched Seeker
Number of posts : 53 Age : 55 Location : Terre Hauet, IN Registration date : 2009-06-11
| Subject: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:58 pm | |
| I don't know if this is the right area but I do belive that aliens have been and are still around us. I can understand why our government and others leaders would not want everyone to know they didn't like sharing with each other forget about us. I can't understand why the aliens don't want to be see and known by all? I can come up with a few thought on why they would go along with the governments of the world. 1.) Where their ancient history that they can study. Where we have to look at bones and other nonliving things to study our past the earth is their chance to see their ancient past. 2.) There is more then one group of Aliens and earth is their game board, each human is a pawn in the aliens chess game. 3.) They fear us. With our non-caring only the strong live thought. With our world history of killing because someone is different for one reason or another maybe they fear we would round them up and kill them. 4.) What if earth is a prison planet. Aliens traded the Native Americans in north and south america tech so that they could place their prisoners on the planet earth. They set a date 2012 to release or take away all said prisoners then the land earth would go back to the Natives. That would cover White Buffalo Woman(sorry I can't spell well without spell check) who said that the Native Americans would get everything back and it even touches the Holy Bible with its end days. They keep an eye on our miltary if you belive the sightings and they would work with the governments letting them watch over the prisoners (like death camps in Germany where they had prisoners in places watching over prisoners) The land deal is like what China did with Hong Kong the lease for 99 years. The prisoner aliens on earth would have until 12/21/2012 to reform (become enlighten) to get back home or they who knows what will happen to them. For this one you have to belive our soul lives on when the physical body dies and comes back in another life. Anybody else have any thought on way they wouldn't want to be know or where I could look for more information, books, web sites.? Thank you. | |
| | | Guest Guest
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:23 pm | |
| I will try to respond to some of what you are saying.
1. It is quite possible that the aliens visited us during ancient times. They would have recorded us secretly to watch how we lived our lives, just as modern anthropologists do now. If contact were made right now, I would be wondering to see how we lived in the past.
2. There are many different alien races that have been recorded through abductions and CE3K type sightings. Some state the number 57, but it is not really known how many different types have visited us. The pop culture gray alien is probably the least seen, but it is what has been adopted by us. There are Reptilian types (not the ones reported to change into humans), Mantis types, human types, tall, short, and many other descriptions out there. Think of all the aliens in Star Trek and one gets an idea.
3. We are in a very destructive era now, and they probably would not want our violent ways to spread to the less advanced planets. (There probably are many civilizations that are way behind us out there). They are probably waiting for us to mature and start fixing our own problems. When we mature as a society and work for the planet's good instead of a small state/nation, they may decide to contact us. I do not see that happening anytime soon.
4. If Earth is a prison planet, it is a very beautiful one. I have been to both oceans and the Rocky Mountains. I plan on going to Europe and visit the pyramids before I leave this planet. I do not think this lovely world we call Gaea is a prison planet. Our mindset may make it a prison, but we can make this whole world better. (I know, that sounds so 1960s and flower child like.) 2012 is really a newer idea that has many different approaches on what is going to happen. (I predict in 2012 we will have a major election in the United States, and London will have a major sporting event that is watched by millions all over the world.)
I also think there is greed on the part of the government and military out there. They do not want to share any technology gleaned from any crashed objects out there.
The main thing is I think mankind is still too immature to be contacted. We have to learn to get along with each other, and when we do will we be ready for intergalactic travel. |
| | | Guest Guest
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:48 pm | |
| Gaia. Yes-yes. Lovelock, NASA, Mars research, '60's and '70's. Gaia "rubs shoulders" in higher orders. Big. Really "Big" idea. Good... and we'll need bigger ones too perhaps. The systemic inter-connectedness is obvious and perhaps there are dimensions we may be unable to comprehend an understanding of at this time. Why covert? Is it? Wink. Then? Now? 1944 and on has been a more or less constant "seasonal" data stream. Almost all recorded histories have "anomalies" of interest. Today? Every week or three in MSM, more elsewhere. Shhhh it's a secret? Um, what secret? It's an industry. Dr. Mitchell explains it very, very well. 57 or 63? The first "official" one will be important. Beyond important. If we don't get that "right"? Could be trouble. When? As soon as it happens. The clock is running but I have no notion on mission elapsed time. It only has to happen once, but it could be "happened" again. Hey, the US Air Force isn't called the US Air Force anymore for nothing. AFSC now - Air Force Space Command. Fully integrated and online 24/7/365. "Other" countries (friendly) have similar and assistive structures with varying aerospace nomenclature. Maybe some "not-so-friendly-ish" too. Then again, I wouldn't put it past humans to sell and sell-out any individual, group, species or this planet at this time. Not ready for prime time directives at this point - 30,000 innocent human children die of completely preventable causes every single day. Just numbers? (Wink to Alf). Um, limbic-of-me but I do have some doubts. To Serve Man (an old movie) comes to mind and would "fit" with our little population problem being "stuck" here on the third rock. Most everything else "fits" that we do not have a complete understanding of ourselves... nor much else at a global level. 2012? OK. I'll wait. Prison planet? In some ways. There are many obstacles to get "outside the wire".. Beautiful? As planets go Gaia is a real "looker". I'm sure there are many attractive models on the cosmological cat-walk. I'd expect it to be quite cosmopolitan. Gaia smokes too much and it's not sexy. I pretty much echo what kidflash2008 has contributed and thanks to alittletouched for a good-think about great questions. As far as books and media? It wouldn't hurt to have a "look-see" at all of them you reasonably can. I'd also suggest historical texts and just about anything to do with astronomy and space. kidflash2008: You'll really enjoy Giza. Tiahaunaco... was my favorite - had a great guide. Cheers, Fix' |
| | | Guest Guest
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:32 pm | |
| The planets in the Sirius system are supposed to be water based and quite humid, according to Robert Temple in his book "The Sirius Mystery". I would like to find out if it is true.
I am sure there are plenty of Eden like planets out there, but I do think we have many beautiful and stunning areas on our own world. |
| | | Guest Guest
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:57 am | |
| Barring anymore serious processor resets (there's been two) Kepler may just help you find out kidflash2008. The science exists. Sirius is on the list for Kepler to look at (amongst approx 100K other targets) for Earth-like conditions. "If' the photometer stays "up" transit observation will help to clarify. The "skeptologists" (not skeptics - there's a personal distinction I allow myself) seem to feed on Temple like Seagulls on a French-Fry... all the usual suspects. Jaws... Ice Berg... Squirm... McHappy Straw, Smokestack, Wavy-hands Guy, etc. Not that I'm such a Temple fan either. The Asimov "stuff" is not without negative note. For sure worth considering contextually and more as evidence allows. You "could" email NASA/Kepler (likely through NASA PAO at Ames) and ask for further details on a Sirius observation sked kidflash2008. There is great interest owing to the proximity and the special configuration. A very, very good place to look. The shooting-sked may be public but really complicated owing to "best use" allocation - so pinning down a date or range of dates is difficult. Finding an Earth-like planet in Sirius would be serious stuff and I'm just as sure the most ardent "skeptologist-types" will find their way to make sure it doesn't fit their world-view AND let everyone within annoyance-range know about it - generally unlike our mystery "visitors" who walk softly and "speak'" soto-voce. Such a discovery might prompt some positive dynamics and give rise to "who-knows-what" disclosures. Cheers, Fix' |
| | | Mike Good CE 1
Number of posts : 155 Location : Left Field, California Registration date : 2009-03-12
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:14 pm | |
| Perhaps the most asked question whenever the UFO subject is brought up is: If UFOs are real, why don’t they land and make themselves known to us?
Dagnabbit! Why ain’t them UFO fellers bein’ social-like?
This question has been around as long as UFOs have been making us curious. And if you poke around some of the less reputable places for answers, as I have, you discover the answer is not hard to find. But, I am sorry folks, you aren’t going to like the answer.
It is because we are not worthy.
That answer is not very satisfactory, is it? But if you take a moment to look at the reasons for that answer, you will probably come to the same conclusion.
Perhaps the best answer I have seen to this question, among many other similar statements is this one from the Webpage of "The Aetherius Society" the organization founded by the late contactee, George King:
"I ask my brothers from Terra who require as a sign a landing of one of our craft in a prominent position, to give us a sign.
"Science has requested a sign from Flying Saucers. I ask science to give us their sign.
"What sign do we require?
"Their goodwill, their complete open minded honesty and their proof that if we reveal to them the secrets of the vibrations of crystals, these secrets will be used for the benefit of all. We cannot reveal our science to the scientists of Terra until they prove to us their Godliness. We would only be instrumental in taking Terra back another 70 decades if we gave the secrets of our gravitational control to you now. Would it benefit you? Not so. Would it benefit the ordinary man? It would not. It would be used for belligerent purposes, a belligerence which would be covered by the camouflage of defense. Then science know this: when you give unto us a sign, then will we give unto you a sign, the sign which you now require. This will be accepted as the measure of your goodwill."
It is as Stan Friedman has said, because we are primitives who still practice tribal warfare. It is as contactee Dan Fry once said, because our technological development has far outstripped our spiritual development. Because of this we use our technology for the wanton death and destruction of our fellow humans, rather than using our technology for the advancement of all humanity.
It is because our present situation is a terminal path of self destruction and nobody wants to be a party to the acceleration of our suicidal path.
That’s it. Until we evolve in consciousness, we will remain a bunch of forlorn Bubbas on this dysfunctional little planet at the edge of an insignificant galaxy. The UFO guys aren’t coming to call because we are seriously dangerous, to ourselves and to them. The real question here is; are we up to the paradigm shift in consciousness that will qualify us to enter into the “Kingdom of Heaven”?
That's my take on the situation, if anybody has a better explanation, then I would like to hear it. | |
| | | LakehurstNJwitness CE 2
Number of posts : 219 Registration date : 2009-03-26
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:11 pm | |
| Thankfully most people don't drink the Mike Good "kool-ade" answer and are able to realize the absurdity of the explanation. Oh yes, the aliens are going to continue to obsess over mankind because "we are not worthy" of their precious time, a complete contradiction if ever there was one. It would be like having Albert Einstein sit over the top of an ant colony everyday hoping that it will someday change its nature and act like him. And the day the ants start acting like Albert Einstein will be the day he finally tells them who he really is, thats he is a human and they are ants. It's an absurd explanation.
Mike Good quotes contactees who sound like they are repeating the words of satan ... the Bible tells mankind that satan is jealous and full of ego and pride. Satan wants to be like God, satan is pissed off that mankind was created in God's image when even the angels were not. Satan complains that mankind is not worthy.
The ufo/alien field mimics satans words , it attempts to deceive people and lead them away from God... telling them to be "God's themselves", this is exactly how satan thinks, and it is a neccessary step in placing a wedge between God and his children. Just look at most of the "New Age" types of fans who make up most of the ufology circle , its astounding. It's proof of how the deception is working successfully. There's no open-mindedness , no love or appreciation for the message of the Bible, instead it appears to be a concentrated group of people who hate the message in the Bible and would go to any length to mock and ridicule it to ensure promoting a contactee's message of "let us be God", which is satans message.
Do you take God's word ?
Or do you take the word of a contactee who is trying to sell you some half-baked absurd explanation as to why the deception continues? | |
| | | Mike Good CE 1
Number of posts : 155 Location : Left Field, California Registration date : 2009-03-12
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:09 pm | |
| Apparently I take the word of satan, a thing which I do not believe in. And, of course, the contactees MUST be satanists as well, what with all of that preaching about peace and brotherhood and goodwill and the folly of nuclear weapons and such. Clearly this stuff stems from "evil". But hey, who says your explanation has to make sense? | |
| | | alittletouched Seeker
Number of posts : 53 Age : 55 Location : Terre Hauet, IN Registration date : 2009-06-11
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:06 pm | |
| With the Aliens watching us as an ancient time I mean now too. They don't want us to be know because they don't want us to change our ways, we are still a lab to them, we're an education in their past as we live our present. I'm sorry, when I said prison planet I didn't not mean one where we have walls and fences all around us but a prison in the fact of being away from what they call there home world to a jungle, a prison in ones mind of the soul. Have you ever had to go some where for a time and the whole time hate it and just want to go home, that is the kind of prison I was thinking about. To me that is the worst kind of prison if you are boxed in you can still escape through your mind, but if you trap yourself in your mind its a harder time to due. The kind of choice that England gave to its prisoners to come over to the new land America some did well but others hated they went from a city to a jungle. This was just one of my ideal when I looked at repeating patterns of the earth the main ones should show us something that we are missing and not answering. The shipping off of souls, beings that we don't want to stir up in one area, like we are now doing in Iraq. We also have a long history of ego, greed and souls who want total power over everyone to bow down to them. Maybe those are the souls that the aliens would have brought to earth to stop their vile from over taking the alien planet and give those souls a chance to grow and change out of their ego, greed and wanting to control ways to become enlighten. That last one about earth being a alien prison I know is out there but if we didn't look out of the box sometimes we would still thing that the earth is the center of everything and/or the earth is flat. I'm not saying that the last one is true but I want others who are smarter than me looking outside of the box for ideals. For me there is truth in everything and truth in nothing. We need to look at everything in a different light, we need to turn it, twist it and open our eyes, mind and heart to truly see things. We need to do this to even things we hold near and dear to us, that we have been taught is true so much so its second nature to everybody. Ok, that maybe the reason that I alittletouched, I have always seen life a little different than most and I ask to many questions that people didn't like me to ask. I hope I have not stepped on anybodies toes, I'm truly sorry if I did. Peace out! | |
| | | LakehurstNJwitness CE 2
Number of posts : 219 Registration date : 2009-03-26
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:24 pm | |
| - Mike Good wrote:
- Apparently I take the word of satan, a thing which I do not believe in.
And, of course, the contactees MUST be satanists as well, what with all of that preaching about peace and brotherhood and goodwill and the folly of nuclear weapons and such. Clearly this stuff stems from "evil".
But hey, who says your explanation has to make sense? But you're not being objective , you claim things shouldn't be boiled down to "good -vs- evil" , but then you say the aliens judge us as "bad" or "not worthy" ... you don't see the contradiction? You're arguing that the aliens recognize "good things" and "things not worthy" .. yet you are unable to come to terms with that logic yourself. If everything was as rosey as you portray, the aliens would offer to be good examples to those who they are trying to teach, but they evidently judge us as "not worthy" , thats pretty harsh coming from such advanced people , where is the love in that ? | |
| | | Guest Guest
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:47 pm | |
| Mike, I think that Stan Friedman hits the nail on the head. I do agree that we are like little children and go to war over every little thing. Right now the big reason is oil, although the politicos do not state that as the reason.
Until we grow up and start looking for ways to solve our own problems, the aliens will watch us from a distance. As soon as we roll up our sleeves and start working on solving our problems, then they will start to initiate contact.
Goddess Bless,
Lloyd |
| | | alittletouched Seeker
Number of posts : 53 Age : 55 Location : Terre Hauet, IN Registration date : 2009-06-11
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:00 pm | |
| Sorry, I was thinking again, it could be more than one reason a combo of things and/or they may already be around us but be can't see or hear them in the normal ways. What if they help us in our thoughts and ideal to help the world grow. UFO Hunters touched on mediums that where used to help the Nazis during WW2 but I mean that they aren't going thru others but are linking to that person of power or person that is coming up with the new tech item. They are not changing the persons free will or how they think but just placing the ideal in the persons thoughts to help enlighten or help solve their problem to make an items go. Maybe they are around us all the time and we can see or what we see is not everything, like what a butterfly sees looking at a flower is different that what we see in that same flower. Please know that these are just thought of mine when I let myself go what if and I look outside the box of life. Thank you all for letting think and look outside the box. Peace Out. | |
| | | Guest Guest
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:56 pm | |
| You are probably correct that there is more than one reason why the aliens have not initiated contact with us. It is an interesting question and makes us look into our own selves to try and solve some of our problems. There is nothing wrong with adding more thoughts to these threads. It does give me something to do every day! Goddess Bless, Lloyd |
| | | alittletouched Seeker
Number of posts : 53 Age : 55 Location : Terre Hauet, IN Registration date : 2009-06-11
| Subject: Re: Why would the Aliens not want to be know? Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:07 pm | |
| That's a good thing, my mind works at its own speed. I know for me that once I start thinking something like what would be the reasons more and more thoughts come to my mind and I just happy to have a place to share its been a long time. | |
| | | davefair CE 4
Number of posts : 455 Age : 78 Location : Tampa, Flordia Registration date : 2010-04-09
| Subject: the memory of a memory Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:09 am | |
| - Guest wrote:
- You are probably correct that there is more than one reason why the aliens have not initiated contact with us. It is an interesting question and makes us look into our own selves to try and solve some of our problems.
There is nothing wrong with adding more thoughts to these threads. It does give me something to do every day!
Goddess Bless,
Lloyd The memory is a very tricky thing. Follow with me for just a moment I and others of my kind, were in a darkened room. we clustered around an oval view port, looking down at a beautiful blue and white planet. We knew that this would be our home. Yet! I was born in the normal way and grew to be an adult. Now at my age I don't count the years up, instead I count them down. knowing that in the end I shall return to from whence I came. Death holds no fear for me of this I am sure. What if, in the end we find out that we were just a part of an experiment? One to either succeed or to fail. Once the experiment is over sucess or failure will we as humankind continue? This I do not know. Evil and good are all that matters. How one lives his/her life is all that counts. The good go one way, the evil goes the other. Davefair | |
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