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   Finally, Got One On Video! Vote_lcap   Finally, Got One On Video! I_voting_bar   Finally, Got One On Video! Vote_rcap 
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   Finally, Got One On Video! Vote_lcap   Finally, Got One On Video! I_voting_bar   Finally, Got One On Video! Vote_rcap 
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  Finally, Got One On Video!

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Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2010-03-22

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PostSubject: Finally, Got One On Video!      Finally, Got One On Video! Icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2012 7:30 pm

Since,I have moved to the downtown area of my city 7 years ago I have witnessed 3 distinct unknown objects in the sky. One fairly up close at dusk. Each time I would kick myself because I didn't have any photos or footage.
On August 17,2012 @ 10:00pm I had just walked out of my apartment to take my dog out. I looked up to the west and a bright orangish yellow round object was moving across the sky with no blinking lights or sound and a bit faster than a regular commecial jet. I knew immediately that it was something out of the ordinary. I ran back to my apartment with my dog on leash and went to get my sony bloggie video camera.
I turned it on walked down the driveway and started capturing this ping pong ball shaped object that started dancing in the sky and slightly changing colors and pulsating. Acting and looking totally different than when I first saw it without my camera. It was as if it knew I was capturing it on video and put on a short aerial show for me. I would like to post this footage online somewhere perhaps you tube. Any suggestions?
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