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UFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_lcapUFO video - these things are everywhere I_voting_barUFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_rcap 
UFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_lcapUFO video - these things are everywhere I_voting_barUFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_rcap 
UFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_lcapUFO video - these things are everywhere I_voting_barUFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_rcap 
UFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_lcapUFO video - these things are everywhere I_voting_barUFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_rcap 
UFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_lcapUFO video - these things are everywhere I_voting_barUFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_rcap 
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UFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_lcapUFO video - these things are everywhere I_voting_barUFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_rcap 
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UFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_lcapUFO video - these things are everywhere I_voting_barUFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_rcap 
UFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_lcapUFO video - these things are everywhere I_voting_barUFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_rcap 
UFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_lcapUFO video - these things are everywhere I_voting_barUFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_rcap 
UFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_lcapUFO video - these things are everywhere I_voting_barUFO video - these things are everywhere Vote_rcap 
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 UFO video - these things are everywhere

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UFO video - these things are everywhere Empty
PostSubject: UFO video - these things are everywhere   UFO video - these things are everywhere Icon_minitimeWed Dec 05, 2012 3:08 pm

Hi I have been shooting video of these things for nearly 10 years.

It was frustrating trying to get people to look at the videos. All they would see was NOTHING or specks and bugs.

NOW I have perfected my multimedia player to more clearly show these anomalies.

Check for the following text on YouTube
"Slow Motion Demo and Faster Than Sight Objects"
the above 10 minute demo shows some of the best. But it's a screen reshoot transferred to Flash. Not the best of quality. slash public slash stonedan slash slomo_demo.htm
This link shows you where to get the original videos. (
Then the timeline playback text control file
And the free multimedia player.

Put this all on a USB stick (PC and Linux & maybe MAC) systems...

Hook your computer up to a large screen TV and in minutes you'll be seeing stuff that I have been trying so hard to show.

Recently I found a site by "Willbur Allen" he has pictures of cloaked objects. Just like I have video of.

Please please hunt these things with video.
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