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PostSubject: Ufo's How do they fly   Ufo's How do they fly Icon_minitimeSun Feb 26, 2012 12:18 am

How do ufo's fly.
I was watching a Nasa film of ufo's and noticed that they fly around when a thunderstorm is producing alot of lightning. So like I'm thinking that they harness the energy from the lightning to charge there ships..and the littler ones. Have you noticed that when ufo's visit here on earth. they aren't here longer then afew minutes, enough to do what they came to do then leave. I think that they can use positive against the negative / like placing to fridge magnets together..the orther pushes off the other magnet.But they know how to control the flow to their advantage / they can stop on a dime , turn in any direction up down side to side..and streak off at a blink of an eye. As we in space use, I assume air to thrust the ships forwards and back. I don't know .. What ever we use..I think in space they use some what the same technology as we do to propel themselfs forwards or the electrical energy for visiting earth..I don't know if this is even close..but I said it..what do you think..
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PostSubject: Re: Ufo's How do they fly   Ufo's How do they fly Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 12:11 am

Read: Flying Saucers and Science by Stanton Friedman

Also Google:

A lot of great info on that site (not the silly stuff)
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PostSubject: Re: Ufo's How do they fly   Ufo's How do they fly Icon_minitimeFri Feb 08, 2013 7:41 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Ufo's How do they fly   Ufo's How do they fly Icon_minitimeTue Apr 08, 2014 11:33 am

One thing I am beginning to understand is that once you are inside of an electro-gravitic field that gravity has zero effect on the craft and whatever is inside. There is no up or down unless you look outside or use instruments to see where you are. Being in a non gravity field, time as we know it changes. You should be in what I call Space time or actual solar time like in a place between galaxies with zero gravity.

The propulsion system that Lazar talks about is both electrical and mechanical. They need to move at least 2 gravitator arms to a point ahead of them to ride the field in that direction.

These are mechanical, hence need time to move and focus. Even if they are very swift at doing this it can not be instant, we just see it being this way because we are seeing it in our time. If we could see it in there time we would see them slow down and stop change directions and take off again. Maybe it would take them a split second or two their time. To us, it would be instant.

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