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 Five problems with extraterrial visitation

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Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-05-23

Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Empty
PostSubject: Five problems with extraterrial visitation   Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 6:24 pm

1: Of detectible planets which over 1500 have been found exactly "none" are habital now these are found from 5 -15 lightyears out from earth. None could be traveled to in a lifetime. At speeds we can attain about 6 miles a sec, 60000 mph. To reach the nearest star 73000 years traveltime one way. Thats about 4.5 lightyears from earth. The sheer distances involved and hazards inherantly involved in space travel makes it very unlikely any visitation occured.
2: Hazards in space, dust, debris, rocks, gravel, ice,asteroids people saying they can achive lightspeed would require a fuel tank as big as a planet. To maintain that speed requires more energy to maintain the speed. How so you dodge or detect anything in your path at lightspeed a pebble could destroy a craft.
3: Why come all this way and not communicate in some form in 60 years or more. Why not, an intellegent being would interact communicate in some way. Wouldnt they say hello trade information sciences and refuel to return to point of origin. Maybe its a one way mission to an occupied world where their presence might interfere with the home species.
4: Knowing microbes they can kill beings that cant tolerate infection by them. Microbes are everywhere in life and beings from another world couldnt possibly tolerate them.
5: Light and oxygen are nessities that in a narrow band we can tolerate, too much oxygen is poisonious. This could apply to extraterestrials also.
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Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Five problems with extraterrial visitation   Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Icon_minitimeFri Jun 08, 2012 8:09 pm

Are you saying we are alone,or we havnt been visited?
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Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-05-23

Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Five problems with extraterrial visitation   Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2012 12:44 pm

Ace68 wrote:
Are you saying we are alone,or we havnt been visited?

At this time I would say we are very isolated from other stars none closer than 4.5 lightyears. Thats an impossible distance. Wheather or not visitation Im saying no why come all this way and not communicate. Its what an intellegent being would want to do. Share information ideas refuel and go home. The non- communication part Im having a problem with. As for the gov having UFOs, if they had em youd see them everywhere just for their sheer propaganda value dont you think? Look at B1, F17 made public so they could fly in daylight for daytime use in Bosnia.
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PostSubject: Re: Five problems with extraterrial visitation   Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2012 5:17 pm

I have to dissagree with you. I have seen with my own two eyes,aircraft i could not ldentify. Ive havnt really beleived in et, untill recently when some one i respect told me about his experience with a grey. So if you put one and one together,the answer has to be
creatures have been coming here for a long time,but why is anyones guess.
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Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-05-23

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PostSubject: UFOs    Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2012 8:35 pm

Not all UFOs are UFOs if bright lights in the sky miles away could be anything. As for these small ships they couldnt be interplanetary they are too small. So many fakes just for a smile on youtube. Or you have people that see something in a city of 7 million and no else can see the same thing. Or theres the people that have 55 \hours of video in their backyard. Then there is the 15% that are so intreging you cant help but read about them. If you eliminate all the faked sighting there ,would be 10-15 % that cant be identified. Years ago that was called unknown.
Aliens operating in our atmosphere would expose themselves to microbes and germs that they couldnt possibly be immune to their infection. Just as the Maya and Aztecs were wiped out by smallpox by the Spanairds. The same would apply if they are not genectically to these microbial world. That would have to be challenged I would lioke you to. The same if we find a beautiful planet but the oxygen content was 25% instaed of 14% its a poison. We live in a narrow band of oxygen levels any less hypoxia any more and its poisonious. The same would apply to an alien species not genectically from earth. Its not rocket science but reality.
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PostSubject: Re: Five problems with extraterrial visitation   Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Icon_minitimeThu Feb 07, 2013 10:55 pm

Yea, well, when someone(me&wife) gets a 360 degree view of one at close range, it tends to change your mind.

1: Of detectible planets which over 1500 have been found exactly "none" are habital now these are found from 5 -15 lightyears out from earth. None could be traveled to in a lifetime. At speeds we can attain about 6 miles a sec, 60000 mph. To reach the nearest star 73000 years traveltime one way. Thats about 4.5 lightyears from earth. The sheer distances involved and hazards inherantly involved in space travel makes it very unlikely any visitation occured.

It was also thought that nothing could live in the areas of underwater volcanoes/ fissures where they were blowing gasses, but extremophiles were found...not intelligent life but life no less. I do believe, as an experiment, a virus or germ or ...something can't quite remember), was exposed to the elements of space for an extended amount of time and returned to earth still living. Point is, Life comes in many shapes.

On Earth, there are a Gazillion plus life forms BUT only one has the knowledge that we live on a planet...only ONE has the capability to ruin the planet...ONLY ONE has the capability to fly out into space....and we've only been flying for just over 100 years...this planet is 4.5 Billion years want to make alien space travel in the NOW, but truth is the Universe is estimated at over 13 Billion years old..another 2/3rds the age of earth. It's not that they are traveling here, they were already here.

2: Hazards in space, dust, debris, rocks, gravel, ice,asteroids people saying they can achive lightspeed would require a fuel tank as big as a planet. To maintain that speed requires more energy to maintain the speed. How so you dodge or detect anything in your path at lightspeed a pebble could destroy a craft.

First of all, they probably didn't need to travel "light speed" 8 billion years ago....things were much closer then and getting from on area to another wouldn't take as much time.... make argument, Humans have only been flying out in space since 1969...about 45 years ago...we've already put a gel type substance on satalites and captured the entrails of a comet.That gel stops dust going all the way through... I'm sure the "aliens", over whatever billion years they've been around, have figured out the same far as fuel goes, i'm sure that "aliens" didn't have fossil fuel to run on so no need for a 'planet sized" fuel tank...(remember, humans have been using fossil fuels for a little over 100 years. We have been here alot longer than that) I tend to think they use magnetism and solar "rays" for fuel. We've already seen the potential of electromagnetism.

3: Why come all this way and not communicate in some form in 60 years or more. Why not, an intellegent being would interact communicate in some way. Wouldnt they say hello trade information sciences and refuel to return to point of origin. Maybe its a one way mission to an occupied world where their presence might interfere with the home species.

Soooo did something happen BEFORE 60 years ago that tells you they DID communicate?? Like, maybe the Egyptian hieroglyphs?...Nazca lines? artifacts? Funny you held that in a time range.

You assume they have human habits and need to communicate, but what if they are like "animals" and try to avoid human contact. Maybe they said what they needed to say....maybe they just ain't ready to talk....YET.

You assume they to to return to their "origin"...what if there is none to return to?

4: Knowing microbes they can kill beings that cant tolerate infection by them. Microbes are everywhere in life and beings from another world couldnt possibly tolerate them.

True, maybe thats why they are still in their crafts...

5: Light and oxygen are nessities that in a narrow band we can tolerate, too much oxygen is poisonious. This could apply to extraterestrials also.
refer to #4...

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PostSubject: Re: Five problems with extraterrial visitation   Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Icon_minitimeThu Feb 07, 2013 11:29 pm

Lmonske wrote:
Not all UFOs are UFOs if bright lights in the sky miles away could be anything. As for these small ships they couldnt be interplanetary they are too small. So many fakes just for a smile on youtube. Or you have people that see something in a city of 7 million and no else can see the same thing. Or theres the people that have 55 \hours of video in their backyard. Then there is the 15% that are so intreging you cant help but read about them. If you eliminate all the faked sighting there ,would be 10-15 % that cant be identified. Years ago that was called unknown.
Aliens operating in our atmosphere would expose themselves to microbes and germs that they couldnt possibly be immune to their infection. Just as the Maya and Aztecs were wiped out by smallpox by the Spanairds. The same would apply if they are not genectica
lly to these microbial world. That would have to be challenged I would lioke you to. The same if we find a beautiful planet but the oxygen content was 25% instaed of 14% its a poison. We live in a narrow band of oxygen levels any less hypoxia any more and its poisonious. The same would apply to an alien species not genectically from earth. Its not rocket science but reality.
im talking about an encounter 5' away,not miles, and whos to say they dont live here in hiding. I believe they have been here for thousands of years.lmo.
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CE 2

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PostSubject: yeah?   Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 9:15 pm

#1. not true in fact a few that are called large earth's; ( ) may not only be inhabitable but thriving
other bodies in our own solar system may contain life: Europa, Ceres, Encedelious, Titan, Mars(underground) even the, big rock called the moon has some water on it(from Comets.)
Our solar system is 4.6 billion years old has had 6 major extinctions and we are still here.
The universe(our) is 13.7 billion years old. More advanced planets could have mastered many of these things a million years ago, just like we mastered all of our obstacles so far in the last 200 or so..
2: Hazards : with a sheild that repels other objects. they haven't stopped Voyager or the Poineer ships yet.
#3. communicate: they have, see FOIA from NSA "29 messages from space."
#4: microbes: have been found living on meteorites and they can promote life as well as destroy it.
#5: Light and oxygen: Vents that are highly poisonous on the sea floor and in the dark, have life all around them, other species may not need them.
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Crusty Bob
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PostSubject: Re: Five problems with extraterrial visitation   Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 11:11 pm

Theoretical physicists will currently tell you that there are eleven+ dimensions (number depending upon the various 'proving' algorithms). Think of anti-gravity space travel as slipping into a nearby dimension, one that would be different enough to help facilitate travel to a distant star and its' planets in a timely fashion. I'm quite sure that a civilization that's utilizing that mode of transport will have perfected, over time, the proper procedures and appropiate places to access various 'portals' to and from a nearby (or NOT nearby, lol) dimension.
I imagine that in time, many civilizations would utilize the same mode of transport, and in that scenario space/dimensional travel would be quite fluid. To the extent that remaining in ones own dimension may be inconsequential.
Of course T. Townsend Brown was on the right track you know, although he was at the very basic beginning, he wasn't given enough time to perfect it. Smile That takes care of your points one and two.
As for point three, many would say that communication was already done, but at the behest of a particularly powerful postwar government, which shall remain nameless at this time, LOL, the world was presented with ridicule, denial, and disinformation. Smile
As for point four, there are soo many ways to answer that, but the most logical one (according to Occams Razor) is that if one were advanced enough to traverse the stars/dimensions then one would be quite gifted in biological sciences too. Although one does have to wonder if microbiological critters are the reason that some 'spacecraft' have supposedly crashed. =)
And finally point five. As in point four, advanced technology will find a way to conquer most problems. One possibility, or example, is that if there is too much oxygen on a planet an extraterestrial could be genetically altered to have its' skin absorb oxygen ONLY at a specified rate. There are other examples, but I'll get to them at another time. Smile
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Search Coil
Search Coil

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PostSubject: Dimensions   Five  problems with extraterrial visitation Icon_minitimeMon Oct 21, 2013 10:15 pm

If there are extraterrestrials coming to Earth then they have learned how to manipulate dimensional travel. I have seen things that I couldn't ID but still don't believe in aliens. I am interested in Black Military Projects which get ID'ed as UFO'S. It's fun to listen in on Military Aircraft comms. .

Search Coil Idea
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