Whitley invited me to his online home this week to discuss my new book, Urgency., which he calls:
“The most unusual book I’ve read in years…. This is one of those books that completely blows everything you think is true out of the water…. I urge you to get this book because it’s got a lot of power. It is a deeply interesting and deeply funny book in exactly the way you need the book to be funny in order for it to work for you.”
And for subscribers, we delve into the David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins fiascoes Paratopia exposed a short while ago, that have come to define their work.
So head on over to
www.unknowncountry.com and click the Dreamland link if you've got a need for deep discussion on just what exactly a human being is, because that's what Urgency. is about. And nobody asks better questions about the human experience than Whitley Strieber!