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 Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154

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Jeremy Vaeni
Mike Good
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CE 4

Number of posts : 455
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Location : Tampa, Flordia
Registration date : 2010-04-09

Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154   Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 03, 2010 11:41 pm

I'm sorry,
Let me make myself perfectly clear on the matter. Any one who trustes antohter human bieng to tinker with thier head is taking a chance of an error happening. Truth is that an unentended word or words can have catastrophic results. Weather or not the person is a reputable theripist or not. I believe that most of the problems in our poor old world are caused by people with no more morals than a snake.
As proof let suggest both the earky settlers of our great land and the robber barons who followed them.
I stated the Mr. Vaeni's article warrants more research. I am sure he has already done so. I still need to confirm what he wrote.

Davefair (just another irish man)(or is that a dumb mick)
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Number of posts : 343
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Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154   Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 10:26 pm

I personally don't think Jeremy's article warrants anymore research. It seems quite obvious that Jacobs should not be practicing whatever it is that he practices. I don't think everyone that is involved in such research should be tainted by the article. Certainly, I know abductees that also research and regress people. I know them to be sincere, but that doesn't mean it is helpful. In fact, I am looking into this, but why do people feel the need to be regressed and how many people has this actually helped (even assuming the regression memories are real) -- and why would it help?
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CE 4

Number of posts : 455
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Location : Tampa, Flordia
Registration date : 2010-04-09

Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154   Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 1:59 am

I take your point. I meant for my own edification. Not that he or his article need to be researched. The topic is what warrants my research.
I do not trust charlatans any more then I trust some one to form an opinion of me based on a fifteen minute interview.
Regression and the means of accomplishing it are what I question. Shrinks are reputed to be trust worthy but I personally don't think so.
My opinion, such as it is, is that quacks and charlatans abound in the field. When you meet one go to the wall and look at his diploma.
The last one i had anything to do with asked me, as I was existing the room, have you considered suicide? What kind of person would ask that. She had me pegged totaly wrong. I would be 'more inclined to go postal and take a few with me. Thank god those days are long gone.
Would you willingly trust one of them to tell you it was safe to cross the street?
I am, with out the research, to say the mr. vaenis article is correct in his assment.
Over the years, I have on several occasions, seen the results of thier near sighted manuplation of weak people, who have made the mistake of trusting them. I had a nephew, in the 82 airborn, who experienced having his best friend falling to his death. He came out the door just behind my nephew. He watched helplessly as his friend fell to his death. Rather then helping him get over it, they turned him into a physco.
Thank God he finally died.

So you see, I am more then prejudiced against the quacks.

sorry leslie time to put my soap box away and quit railing about them.

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Number of posts : 343
Location : Land of Enchantment
Registration date : 2009-03-08

Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154   Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 2:14 am

Actually I very much agree with you. I have a strong distrust for the entire "mental health" field, it doesn't matter if they are dealing with alien abduction or depression. I know several people that regularly visit psychologists and none of them have ever got any better from that, 99% have become worse.
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Alfred Lehmberg
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Alfred Lehmberg

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Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154   Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 12:31 pm

Lesley wrote:
Actually I very much agree with you. I have a strong distrust for the entire "mental health" field, it doesn't matter if they are dealing with alien abduction or depression. I know several people that regularly visit psychologists and none of them have ever got any better from that, 99% have become worse.

I think their own numbers reflect about a third getting better, a third worse, and a third staying exactly the same. ...Sounds pretty "zero sum" to me, in what Terence McKenna called the softest of the soft sciences. Why bother, especially when it's a duplicitous culture and its prevaricating officiators likely driving you buggy in the first place.
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CE 4

Number of posts : 455
Age : 78
Location : Tampa, Flordia
Registration date : 2010-04-09

Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154   Jeremy Vaeni's article in issue #154 - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 2:34 am

I am in agreement with you. Sadly, they used to take the people who did not get "better" and subject them to electric shock "therapy".
At one time, in my youth, I used to transport the "incurables" to our State Sanatariums. One for the incurables and the other for the criminally insane ones. It was not a good experience. Some of the incurables were perfectly normal in most regards. Some of them were going for thier second time and begged for release. Electro shock therapy. God, the fact that man can and does torture his fellow man in the name of therapy. Some twenty years ago as a cost saving they released the nonviolent ones and shut down the minimum risk facilities .
Castro, durring the mariel boat lift to the us cleaned out both his prisons and asylums. The results was a spike in the crimes in my state.
After observing the changes in our poor world, I am amazed that the aliens would want to have any thing to do with us.

Dave(the sad)fair

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