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Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_lcapSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity I_voting_barSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_rcap 
Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_lcapSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity I_voting_barSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_rcap 
Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_lcapSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity I_voting_barSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_rcap 
Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_lcapSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity I_voting_barSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_rcap 
Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_lcapSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity I_voting_barSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_rcap 
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Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_lcapSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity I_voting_barSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_rcap 
Jeremy Vaeni
Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_lcapSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity I_voting_barSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_rcap 
Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_lcapSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity I_voting_barSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_rcap 
Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_lcapSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity I_voting_barSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_rcap 
Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_lcapSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity I_voting_barSpace Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Vote_rcap 
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 Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity

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Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Empty
PostSubject: Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity   Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2010 9:54 am

It seems the Vatican has released the statement that they are sending Missionaries to the Stars to bring Alien Souls to Christ. You thinking I'm kidding don't you? Well I'm not it has been released from them all over the news circuits. I can't believe it honestly. But it's true. Religion hasn't learned anything since the slaughter of millions under its thumb to convert others. Who did not want to be converted.

Seems like to me this is what is going on. Oh there seems to be a scandal with Children in the Church.. It seems to be getting terrible. Oh my. I know let's talk about Space Aliens and distract everyone from this hopefully with the absolute bizarre of it. I don't trust it and certainly don't buy it. Oldest farce in the book. If Aliens are more advanced than us which most probably are. Then I'm pretty sure they would know about The Christ energy and wouldn't desire their primitive babble down their throats. Watch out Natives here comes the nutter butters again! Talking peace and love all the while stomping a boot down your throat with Machine Gun fire to back it up. God save the aliens from your own followers!

Vatican Says Aliens Have Souls also! Well No kidding Sherlock. Now they say of course they can convert these souls to Christ. What a bunch of crazies. The last time they tried that blood ran in the streets for centuries didn't it? I hope they run across the Xenomorphs. The Vatican is going to spend gazillions going to space to turn aliens into Jebus nutter butters. Aliens who probably got there own thing going with Cthulhu right? Yet in the meantime starving children are dying in Somalia and God knows where the heck else. With flies and maggots eating their faces and mothers. When all that money could be used to save their lives and all the homeless. Ridiculousness and frustrating. We need a revolution on the streets worldwide! Just what we need Ufology taken by the horns by pedophiles. Life just keeps getting better and better. Don't it?

Don't believe me? Well here are the links from the news source. There are many more out there that I promise talking about this. This is heavily being discussed right now on Ufology and Paranormal radio and world wide. But probably not around these parts so much. Until you found me that is. Smile.

This Article by Jeffery Pritchett
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Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity   Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2010 2:39 pm

The least the inhabitants of the stars can do is blow anyone from earth out of the stars if mentally unbalanced but faith driven emissaries from this crazy planet try to negotiate our disturbing ways upon others in this beautiful universe.

I think this idea to sign em up is nuts. Man needs to leave others alone and get themselves straightened out first before pushing some nutty religion on the universe.
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free wheel
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Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity   Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2010 5:22 pm

Ha !! Great to see you around again Ufofiend . Say what you think , and you are not far off the mark in my consideration .
I wonder if the Pope ! visited Rosslyn whilst in Edinburgh ? I woul have , if i was him . Which , thank God , i am not !

FW . Very Happy
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Number of posts : 616
Registration date : 2009-06-10

Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity   Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 7:49 am

Great to be back. Glad to see someone missed me a little. Didn't think it was possible.

Now we all know these Popey Religious psychos did all this converting stuff in the past and killed hundreds of thousands if not millions in the process.

Then they have the nerve to wanna do it to aliens?

Very frustrating.
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Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity   Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 3:25 am

Gigas wrote:
The least the inhabitants of the stars can do is blow anyone from earth out of the stars if mentally unbalanced but faith driven emissaries from this crazy planet try to negotiate our disturbing ways upon others in this beautiful universe.

I think this idea to sign em up is nuts. Man needs to leave others alone and get themselves straightened out first before pushing some nutty religion on the universe.

That's putting it mildly,and excellent points also,by the way! Smile
In our experiences it would be a devastating mistake for Humanity to try mouthing-off to some of the aliens out there.The Greys might be patient regarding such,but there's at least one alien species out there that would consider it an act of cultural-warfare and respond in-kind,albeit far more 'directly',and that is a conflict Humanity wouldn't stand a chance of winning.


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Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity   Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 7:41 pm

That missionary to the stars stuff is the most ridiculous thing mankind could ever throw down on the universe. First, aliens are so far advanced they would short circuit these fools brains at such a silly but futile endeavor by the lowly earth creatures who would gladly kill to promote their religion as an act ordered of a god. Aliens have no need for such foolishness to restrain them from finding answers to questions that can only be found by snatching up humans and poking them and hurting them and chopping them up for reasons yet to be discovered.

These fruit cases better wise up and realize you don't fool with a superiour race that owns the world.
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Number of posts : 60
Age : 58
Location : Buffalo, NY
Registration date : 2009-10-07

Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Empty
PostSubject: RE: Space Missionaries heading out ..................................   Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 5:11 pm

What happens if the aliens come to earth, and expect us to convert? Shocked
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free wheel
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Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity   Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 5:52 pm

If anything or anyone should try to infleuence your thinking as regards faith i should be wary .
I should expect nobody to think as myself .
The Moody blues said it well . " Red is grey , and yellow white . But we decide which is right , and which is an illusion "

FW . Very Happy
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Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity   Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 12:27 am

Neutron wrote:
What happens if the aliens come to earth, and expect us to convert? Shocked

Convert to what, a pork chop. No, if a god created this mess, we can expect aliens to hold the same values of the gods just as we, the lowly creatures of the earth do. Unless, the aliens created religion to play with our minds for the ultimate state of control. Than we have already been converted to a god(s) at war like state killing in the name of our god(s) as we kick and claw our way to the top of the human heap for a just reward.

I have a theory our planet is a safe haven for war refuges from mars. Looking at that planet and the moon phobos, tells me a war was waged and the planet was devastated but not destroyed and the moon phobos shows some very peculiar markings like weaponry was used to rake across its surface. That big gash in mars is either a space weapon result that opened the surface or expanded the ground beneath which caused the surface to split open. Looking at our moon also shows signs of surface devastation.

We could very well be prisoners held in an alien induced matrix.
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Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity   Space Missionaries heading out to the Stars to convert Aliens to Christianity Icon_minitime

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