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Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2015 1:21 am by ufoteacher

Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 05, 2015 2:10 am by ufoteacher

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Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 02, 2015 3:22 pm by ufoteacher

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Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_lcapAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) I_voting_barAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_rcap 
Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_lcapAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) I_voting_barAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_rcap 
Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_lcapAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) I_voting_barAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_rcap 
Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_lcapAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) I_voting_barAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_rcap 
Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_lcapAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) I_voting_barAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_rcap 
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Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_lcapAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) I_voting_barAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_rcap 
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Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_lcapAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) I_voting_barAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_rcap 
Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_lcapAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) I_voting_barAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_rcap 
Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_lcapAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) I_voting_barAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_rcap 
Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_lcapAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) I_voting_barAliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Vote_rcap 
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 Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret)

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Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Empty
PostSubject: Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret)   Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 13, 2010 3:05 pm

Major Keyhoe has written a few earlier books on this subject that are required reading for many in ufology. He always tells is like it is, and has many facts and actual cases to back up what he puts in his book. He states the nuts and bolts ET hypothesis and has kept his files intact.

The only problem about this book is he does not cover much about abductions or crashes, which were considered crackpot for many of the researchers back then. (He does give some credence to the Hill case, but that is the only one he really mentions in depth.)

Written in 1973, there are many very good cases he goes over, mostly known in ufology circles. There are several good ones that do not get any publicity, and it is good to read about those cases.

Available at used bookstores, libraries or even some garage sales, if one sees this book they should pick it up.
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Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret)   Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret) Icon_minitimeThu Aug 05, 2010 5:56 am

Thanks for the tip. I just got Keyhoe's The Flying Saucers are Real from and am looking forward to digging in.
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Aliens From Space by Major Donald E Keyhoe (USMC Ret)
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