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Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_lcapNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media I_voting_barNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_rcap 
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Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_lcapNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media I_voting_barNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_rcap 
Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_lcapNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media I_voting_barNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_rcap 
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Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_lcapNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media I_voting_barNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_rcap 
Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_lcapNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media I_voting_barNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_rcap 
Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_lcapNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media I_voting_barNight time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Vote_rcap 
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 Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media

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Number of posts : 65
Age : 46
Location : Twin Cities, MN
Registration date : 2009-10-22

Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Empty
PostSubject: Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media   Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 8:48 pm

The following link is to a story by Channel 5, KSTP in Minnesota.

It has been sighted 2 nights in a row. I'll be watching tonight and see if I can see it.
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Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media   Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 1:12 am

natedog54 wrote:
The following link is to a story by Channel 5, KSTP in Minnesota.

It has been sighted 2 nights in a row. I'll be watching tonight and see if I can see it.

Man that's great. Nice video channel 5 did a good job getting that one.
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Number of posts : 65
Age : 46
Location : Twin Cities, MN
Registration date : 2009-10-22

Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media   Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 11:19 pm

Well, the latest scoop is that the St. Paul Police "speculated" that it was a weather ballon with LED lights on it. Funny thing is, that channel 5 is running with that now.

The "Above Top Secret" website has a blog that they say has completely debunked it. But as I said, SPPD stated thay "speculated" it was a weather baloon. Nobody has produced a daylight picture or video, or a close-up with a explaination saying "See, here it is, here's where the lights are mounted, this is the teather."
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Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media   Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Icon_minitimeThu Aug 12, 2010 7:10 pm

Viewing the video I have to say something is not right about that scene. I just watched si-fi and they have this show fake or fact. They did an armateur forensic examination on a video which showed three lights in the night sky. First they used a helicopter that suspended three points of led light. It looked plausible but the helicopter was making way to much noise even when they ascended to a higher position. That ruled helicopters to suspend lights.

They again tried the lights thing but this time they suspended the contraption from a lighter than air balloon that was 100 feet above the lights which by the way was not LEDs this time, but red flairs. The contraption was hooked to a vehicle with a winch that let the contraption out and behold, it looked just like three Erie lights in the night sky.

Wait a minute now. I don't fully agree with this since the eyeball can detect a balloon in the night sky if observed at a relative distance. So they may have indirectly concluded a made to order fact but that still does not fit the testimony of witness account.

I suspect this video is made to play and someone with the camera is in on it. The lights acted like they had a mechanical movement with never changing angle or move off to a new position or high or low.
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Number of posts : 65
Age : 46
Location : Twin Cities, MN
Registration date : 2009-10-22

Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media   Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Icon_minitimeThu Aug 12, 2010 9:19 pm

The video was filmed by KSTP Channel 5 News, not a private person. There is however another site which has 2 videos from a non-media whitness.
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Number of posts : 65
Age : 46
Location : Twin Cities, MN
Registration date : 2009-10-22

Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media   Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 8:21 am

*sigh* Nother update...

So, a few differant articles have come out on KSTP in regards to this. On their website, these stories tend to get a lot of comments. A few versions of this story has come out on, only to dissapear within a day or two. This story has not been covered by any other local news station.

So they came out with a follow up story after a ton of comments about how they did not investigate this (even though their camera crew fimed it) and find some sort of explaination. The follow up was that the Saint Paul Police "speculated" that the lights were from a weather balloon. So the comments to that story (which can't be found now) were to the affect of "show us the balloon and the person that did it."

Well, another follow up story. Here's the explaination;

A man attatched LED lights to several kites. They even showed a picture of him smiling as he held up 5 kites still in the packaging. But it gets better. When SPPD went to talk to him, they discovered he had a gross misdameanor warrant for his arrest! Seriously, you can't make this crap up...

Now if you saw the video, there are 5 lights (see above paragraph, 5 kites in their packaging). In perfect formation. They never move. One of their follow up stories mentioned, (also referenced in the comments) is that there was not even a slight breeze that night, so, no wind.

Ok, well that story as I said has dissapeared, along with the picture. But before the story went MIA, the comments, including one from myself, were to the affect "So on a windless night, 5 kites were flown in perfect formation by one of America's dumbest criminals to send a signal to SPPD to come and arrest him on his warrant?" Fantastic! Whinesses stated these lights were observed for over 3 hours, by the way...

Here's the new follow up story. It wasn't 5 kites. (They just happened to have a picture of "Captain Duh" holding up 5 kites in their indavidual packaging. Remember, there were 5 lights, picture holding 5 packaged kites. Correlation between the two? Maybe I'm paranoid or reading too much into this.) It was 5 lights on 1 kite string. So what were the other 4 kites for? Here's the link before that story goes bye-bye as well.

Am I reading too much into this? What do you think?
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Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media   Night time sighting, St. Paul, MN, filmed by local news media Icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 12:59 pm

This video is highly suspect. If a media station videoed this, why is their vehicle with the station logo not in the scene and why no narration by the crew videoing this video with people just standing around, and if you notice, there is no wind or even a breeze moving the blond girls hair. There's no genuine excitement being displayed other than smoking cigarettes and casual acting. This is a publicity video for the station it aired on to get hits on its website and for channel surfers to tune in for more of the story.

How it was done: This is a classic case of a lighter than air balloon suspending a hoop aloft that has 4 LED array light groups and 1 strobe array LED attached to the hoop. The center LED is in strobe mode, the next two outer LEDs are in sequence flash mode so they appear to flash back and forth and together those LEDs can be bought for around 10 bucks each and simply are emergency flashers that you can mount to the front or roof of a car.

Here's an irritating video of LED lights you can tape on to a helium balloon and play with peoples minds. Notice how the remote can adjust brightness as well as color combination.