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 Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists.

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Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Empty
PostSubject: Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists.   Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 7:32 pm

As the title suggests rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists:

1. Werewolves

2. Vampires

3. Angels

4. Poltergeists/Ghosts/Specters

5. Witches/Warlocks

6. mermaids/sea nymphs

Feel free to put in other supernatural creatures I have neglected. Try not to put in cryptozoological creatures, as I will have a separate thread for them.

Last edited by kidflash2008 on Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added creature)
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Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Empty
PostSubject: my reply   Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 7:42 pm

1. Werewolves: While there have been sightings of wolfman like creatures in Wisconsin, I do not believe a person can actually turn into a wolf. Of course I will keep an open mind on the possibility, but it seems highly unlikely. Some people may think they turn into werewolves (or other creatures), but so far no real credible cases.

2. Vampires: The Hollywood idea of the vampire has romanticized the idea that an aristocratic Count who is immortal and feeds on blood could be real. There may be people who actually feed on blood or psychic type energies, but the Hollywood type seems improbable. However, there have been a few unexplained cases that make me keep an open mind on this subject.

3. Angels: These beings may be different than what the Bible describes as many Pagan and other belief systems have angel like beings who watch over people. I think angels are possible, and am open to them being supernatural entities who do help out people some of the time. The angel may be a little bit of all versions out there, and not just one religious sect.

4. Poltergeists/Ghosts/Specters: There have been some good cases of poltergeists and other ghostly phenomena, so I keep an open mind on this one. However, I am a bit skeptical on all the photos of orbs out there. I do believe in ghosts, but have not seen one myself.

5. Witches/Warlocks: There are Wiccans and other types of witches out there. Are there any with real powers like Circe? That is always a possibility. Just like the other paranormal beings, I keep an open mind on this one.

6. mermaids and sea nymphs: While most of the older sightings may have been dolphins, there is a possibility that mermaid like beings could be from Atlantis or another under water civilization. This is fanciful on my part, but I can still dream!

Last edited by kidflash2008 on Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added answer)
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Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2009-04-30

Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists.   Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2009 9:54 pm

As the title suggests rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists:

1. Werewolves
In the mutant wolf sense, yes. In the man turning in to a werewolf a la the teenage werewolf et al, no, I don't.

2. Vampires
Again, it's a matter of definition ~ yes, I believe there are those who enjoy human blood (though for the life of me I cannot imagine why) but not those who have special powers or turn in to bats ~ though I will confess that though I don't believe in them watching Dark Shadows did make me look over my shoulder more than once

3. Angels
Yes, I believe that there are angels ~ I think angel is a bit of a generic term that encompasses a wide variety of beings, from those of G-d to even maybe aliens that people mistook as agents of G-d. At the risk of seeming "out there" I also believe that a lot of the early "angel" or "et" sightings of early man were human time travelers going back in time in an attempt to "fix" things, try to course correct to avert some catastrophic event in the future.

4. Poltergeists/Ghosts/Specters
Absolutely. Though a lot of the alleged sightings, paranormal activity probably something else, I do believe that there is definite spirit activity in the world.

5. Witches/Warlocks
Again, yes, I have a friend who claims to be a witch ~ granted she cannot fly or any of that silly "Charmed" sort of thing, but she does perform rituals, etc. I think a lot of it is focusing their energy and tapping in to the energy of the Source (be it G-d, or whatever one considers the higher power to be, even if it's just the collective energy of the Universe) and bringing about change, even if just in how they perceive things. In short, I think it's simply putting their intentions out there in to the great unknown. Shrug ~ of course there are the teenie bopper love spell casting types out there, but I don't think they're anything more than kiddies playing around. So Wiccans, yes, "Charmed" or "Bewitched" type witches, no.

6. mermaids/sea nymphs
I don't know ~ maybe. I guess anything is possible. It would be really interesting if there were.

Last edited by Pearl on Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:58 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I tried to get creative with the cool colors, but they were rough on the eyes lol)
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Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists.   Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2009 7:05 am

I'd say that Angels exist & the rest are just night-terrors or dreamtime concoctions.
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Number of posts : 53
Age : 55
Location : Terre Hauet, IN
Registration date : 2009-06-11

Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists.   Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2009 4:18 pm

1.) Werewolves - I'm with Pearl on this one

2.) Vampires - There are people who enjoy drinking blood, and there are energy vampires around us everyday. You know the people who after you talk to them your tried and feel drained of energy.

3.) Angels - Yes, the workers.

4.) Poltergeist/ghost/spirits - Yes, I'm seen many different types in my life and cleared, helped and learned from the different kinds.

5.) Witch/Warlocks - I have friends that study it, and I've seen one friend cast a spell to stop the water leak in his house only to have all his water be off for three days. The bill was paid the water and the water company was not working on the line there was no reason other than his spell.

6.) Mermaid/sea nymphs - Maybe we really don't know the sea and oceans and it's like everthing else on the list it may not be like the TV/Movies/Books has them.

There you go, but hay I also believe that there is good in every human.
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Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists.   Rate each paranormal creature on whether one thinks it exists. Icon_minitime

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