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Future Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth Vote_lcapFuture Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth I_voting_barFuture Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth Vote_rcap 
Future Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth Vote_lcapFuture Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth I_voting_barFuture Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth Vote_rcap 
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Jeremy Vaeni
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Future Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth Vote_lcapFuture Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth I_voting_barFuture Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth Vote_rcap 
Future Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth Vote_lcapFuture Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth I_voting_barFuture Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth Vote_rcap 
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 Future Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth

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Number of posts : 9
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Location : Puyallup, WA
Registration date : 2010-04-30

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PostSubject: Future Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth   Future Asteroid Predicted to Strike Earth Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 9:50 am

When I heard Obama announce one of the key strategies during his Presidential Address was to land on an asteroid, it all makes sense now. It looks like there is probable risk and likelihood that asteroids could strike or annihilate earth at some future time.

While researching this topic, I stumbled upon this 1999 paper that I think is interesting. Speaks about concern in 2033.
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