I like the concept. I would love to get a call and know that something is coming my way, or make a call and know that someone else would be able to see what I saw. I was in law enforcement for 10 years and our statewide dispatch knew if they got a report that I wanted to know about it. It might not be a bad idea for MUFON to request that some time be given for a briefing as to why it would be so important for the contact calls to be made at each of the law enforcement agencies in each state. They have the capability to make several calls at one time.
While I am thinking of it. KFYR TV in North Dakota has a severe weather notification hot line service that we can sign up for, and you get a call, if a tornado, or life threatening weather is headed your way. The same process could be utilized for a UFO sighting. I think this would be worth checking into.