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 The Ramey Document

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PostSubject: The Ramey Document   The Ramey Document Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 4:59 pm

The document that Brigadier General Ramey is holding in the publicity photos after the weather balloon story get another look at by Barry Greenwood:

It does look like it was just a press release he was holding. Others have noticed and so have I: Why would a flag officer hold a top secret document without its cover slip?
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Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2010-03-22

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PostSubject: They Were Called Victims not Aliens   The Ramey Document Icon_minitimeSun Feb 15, 2015 8:52 pm

Periodically, I like to look through my old issues of UFO Magazine that are some 15 yrs old. I stumbled upon the Ramey document edition where they show the various interpretations of The Ramey document. Clearly than most of the other words some key ones stand out. If you google Roswell images and click on the image of the document you can make out the word victims. It's on line two plus of course there is the word wreckage,weather balloon story further down. Don't know of any mention of victims officially or being related to a top secret "project Mogul". Clearly by calling the Alien occupants victims it says there was a crash and a form of life was lost. There was no crash dummies,human occupants,animals etc. to account for the explanation of victims. There is no way around this one! 4REAL
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