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The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_lcapThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt I_voting_barThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_rcap 
The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_lcapThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt I_voting_barThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_rcap 
The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_lcapThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt I_voting_barThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_rcap 
The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_lcapThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt I_voting_barThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_rcap 
The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_lcapThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt I_voting_barThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_rcap 
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The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_lcapThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt I_voting_barThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_rcap 
The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_lcapThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt I_voting_barThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_rcap 
The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_lcapThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt I_voting_barThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_rcap 
The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_lcapThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt I_voting_barThe Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Vote_rcap 
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 The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt

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PostSubject: The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt   The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Icon_minitimeWed Sep 10, 2014 2:22 pm

The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt Aswan-quarry-unfinished-obelisk_0

The unfinished obelisk in Aswan, Egypt, is estimated to be around 1168 tons, but the largest Obelisk that was actually erected in Egypt was no more that 500 tons. I visited the immense unfinished Obelisk first in 2010, and was immediately bemused by its gigantic size. The night before, I had visited Luxor Temple and was stunned into silence by the artificially lit Obelisk that sits alone at the entrance to the temple, trying to comprehend how on earth such a thing could exist (it’s twin was shipped to Paris - quite a feat in itself). It just looked so ‘alien’ and surprisingly ‘modern’, as though it was somehow designed on a computer. It is also much smaller than the unfinished Obelisk in the quarry.

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