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 The Fate of UFO Magazine

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Nancy Birnes
Nancy Birnes

Number of posts : 90
Age : 77
Location : Pennsy
Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: The Fate of UFO Magazine   The Fate of UFO Magazine Icon_minitimeWed Feb 19, 2014 4:19 pm

alien     alien     alien 

Hello forum friends. I haven't been on here often, and now I regret that. I regret that I let others determine the future of the magazine. I also regret to have to tell you that this forum will have to change dramatically and/or go away.

We can no longer can use the three letters U-F-O in front of the word "magazine," according to the license agreement we signed when we bought the rights to do so back in 2003. Bill paid the guy -- who I will call Big Boss to save him from embarrassment for now -- $1.00 cash for the privilege, which was to last "in perputuity" as long as we published at least one issue a year.

We thought we were in the clear last year when we published our all-free, all-digital issue #159 as a favor to long-suffering subscribers. I was also hoping that if I made that issue free-free-free that many would check it out and see that the future is online, as sure as you are reading this.

Big Boss doesn't consider digital publication real enough to save our agreement, and he waited a full six months to tell us this. The bad news is that this forum will have to be renamed, and if you look up at the URL, you'll see that's not a trivial change. The logo and the letters are less difficult to change, and I'll do that.

So -- any suggestions, comments, etc., that you have -- this is the place to speak up. I promise to answer each post, if I can.

 rendeer     rendeer     rendeer
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CE 2

Number of posts : 212
Registration date : 2009-03-16

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PostSubject: Re: The Fate of UFO Magazine   The Fate of UFO Magazine Icon_minitimeFri Feb 21, 2014 11:04 am

Have you considered an intellectual property attorney? Nashville has a lot of good ones.

Just a thought.

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CE 2

Number of posts : 219
Age : 62
Location : California USA
Registration date : 2010-04-07

The Fate of UFO Magazine Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fate of UFO Magazine   The Fate of UFO Magazine Icon_minitimeThu Feb 27, 2014 8:44 pm

how about a direct link from here to the new forum site for awhile, say 4-5 years?
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Nancy Birnes
Nancy Birnes

Number of posts : 90
Age : 77
Location : Pennsy
Registration date : 2009-03-10

The Fate of UFO Magazine Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fate of UFO Magazine   The Fate of UFO Magazine Icon_minitimeFri Feb 28, 2014 4:13 pm

Jocariah wrote:
Have you considered an intellectual property attorney? Nashville has a lot of good ones.


That's the big question. For the ten years we've been licensee and able to use the letters UFO in conjunction with the word "magazine," the intellectual property has always reverted to the writers and artists once we've published it once in print. As Bill and I understand things now, the writers themselves have to give me permission to re-use their work should I decide to.

Not sure if I'm correct, however. I'll post here if I know more. Also here at the UFO Minions FAQ.

 flower flower flower 
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Nancy Birnes
Nancy Birnes

Number of posts : 90
Age : 77
Location : Pennsy
Registration date : 2009-03-10

The Fate of UFO Magazine Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fate of UFO Magazine   The Fate of UFO Magazine Icon_minitimeFri Feb 28, 2014 4:19 pm

jackgbowman wrote:
how about a direct link from here to the new forum site for awhile,  say 4-5 years?

The thing is -- we can't stay under this umbrella any longer. This forum has to change a bunch of stuff if it is to stay intact, I think. This is where Lesley will advise me, I hope. I need to change the logo, the slogan ... and then, the actual name of the forum itself. Is that last part do-able? I don't know. Lesley might know.

Also, I want to make a direct link to some of the stuff being discussed on the Paracast Forum and maybe talk about it here, since I don't want to go onto that forum and get -- you know -- pilloried, kicked in the shins and otherwise made miserable with no one on my side. Wait. That describes here sometimes, too.)

Basically, there is nothing to hide in this whole débâcle. Ready the ripe tomatoes.

 cherry alien cherry 
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Mike Good
CE 1
Mike Good

Number of posts : 155
Location : Left Field, California
Registration date : 2009-03-12

The Fate of UFO Magazine Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fate of UFO Magazine   The Fate of UFO Magazine Icon_minitimeSun Mar 09, 2014 2:04 pm

Hello Nancy,

SIGH!!  Shocked Sad 

Well, I suppose it had to happen. All good things must come to an end. I know I have been out of the loop for a while but this is still a big bummer. I started reading UFO magazine when it was little more than a zine put out by Vicki Cooper and Shari Stark. Yep, showing my age alright.

Add to that that I am very much old school - I have lived with magazines my whole life. Sorry, but the internet has a feel of impermenance about it that I have never been able to get past. Sorry folks, but one good solar hot flash and everything cyber will disappear in an instant. My paper magazines? Yeah, they will disappear too. But in the meantime, I can always revisit them when I like and the only solar flare that will wipe them out will most likely result in my demise as well.

Geez, just when I was thinking I had something new and, dare I say, paradigm shifting to write about too:

It looks like the late Lloyd Pye, along with Zecharia Sitchin left this earthly coil giving us some serious food for thought: scientific evidence of the presence of non-human beings, somewhat like us, here on earth! And all it will take is some brave scientific folks to weather the withering tide of entrenched ignorance and point out that this evidence means that all those "rational" beliefs about aliens and humans and all that "secular vs. religious" baloney, desperately need some serious rethought.....  Suspect 

Yeah, in my dreams......

Peace and Love my special peeps!   What a Face 

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Sandy Price
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Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-09-30

The Fate of UFO Magazine Empty
PostSubject: UFO Magazine future.   The Fate of UFO Magazine Icon_minitimeTue Apr 08, 2014 4:48 pm

I am more concerned about the authenticity of the subject of Ancient Aliens as a whole. I've had an interest in UFOs since 1960. I've read all the books and been corresponding with many people who believe that we are not alone in this universe.

The general information seems to be that many leaders in Washington D.C. know that there are aliens in and out of this nation and yet not a single one of them has the balls to stand up md be counted.

I was interested in the information that Dr. Werner Von Braun admitted sharing information with an alien. My husband did some work with Dr. V.B. and I met him in 1960 at a social gathering in Santa Monica.

Is anything written or shown on H2 even close to the truth? Is it possible that quoting so many American leaders as lying about their experiences being passed over as a reason to make money on a great science fiction story?

Is this a simple story being told to make money for a small group?. I'm a Capitalist but not if it makes liars and cheats of the only government we have here.

At the age of 9 I stepped out of the theory that Jesus Christ was my Salvation. I married a scientist who turned out to never share a thought with me or our children.

Can you honestly sell Hangar 1 as having any legitimacy? If this group is based on just another 3rd rate religion, I will have to log out. No loss!

Sandy Price

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