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I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_lcapI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art I_voting_barI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_rcap 
I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_lcapI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art I_voting_barI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_rcap 
I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_lcapI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art I_voting_barI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_rcap 
I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_lcapI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art I_voting_barI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_rcap 
I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_lcapI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art I_voting_barI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_rcap 
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I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_lcapI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art I_voting_barI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_rcap 
Jeremy Vaeni
I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_lcapI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art I_voting_barI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_rcap 
I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_lcapI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art I_voting_barI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_rcap 
I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_lcapI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art I_voting_barI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_rcap 
I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_lcapI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art I_voting_barI discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Vote_rcap 
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 I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art

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Tailor marc
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2012-09-06

I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Empty
PostSubject: I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art   I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Icon_minitimeThu Sep 06, 2012 9:59 pm

Hi everyone, to cut a long story short, me and a few mates were fishing in a really remote part of northwest Australia (Burrup) in Karratha and got stuck at low tide. We were in trouble seeing as though it was going to get dark and our boat had no lights and wouldnt know how to get back to the boat ramp not to mention the many other dangers being that remote.
We decided to walk up to the to top of one of the hills to see if we can get any phone reception.
As i was walking in this remote secion i found a load of rock art. I marked the spot the day after we got out of this delema.Turns out that it had never been seen and i got to name the site and im now listed at the person who discoverd it. I have been told the roack art is 10,000-15,000 yrs old.
I even got to name the site for history.
I sent all the pictures to Aboriginal affairs (govenment) and they said not to show anyone one of the pictures.
Really makes me wonder because it looks like an alien holding a staff with stars above its head.
I have decided to show you all the picture as i feel i should be able to seeing as though i found this site.
Please discuss , would live to hear your opinion.
Here is the "Alien"

Last edited by Tailor marc on Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tailor marc
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2012-09-06

I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Empty
PostSubject: Re: I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art   I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art Icon_minitimeThu Sep 06, 2012 10:01 pm

Sorry guys, tryed to post thepictures but being a new member it wont allow me to, have to wait for 12 days or something
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I discoverd an ancient Aussie aboriginal sacred site with Alien rock art
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