Thanks to you Nancy, Bill and Pat - we now have a series we can watch and enjoy and it's new every week. What me and my fellow UFO enthusiasts used to be forced to do was search our DVR schedules for certain keywords, and watch reruns of old shows or browse the many "less than credible" UFO websites available online.
You people have pulled the field into a direction - and I believe the right direction!
Any sane person knows that a group of people with similar interests and goals, are aimlessly roaming around in different directions, cannot individually achieve much.
You people have showed the world how UFO investigations should and do take place, and more importantly you have been open to making the process better and more open to us in the general viewing public. Far to often the UFO "community" ( whoever that may be) is easily attacked and ridiculed because the honest legitimate researchers and investigators are lumped in with mentally disturbed individuals and/or just plain whackos out to sell a book or see their names in print, or worse, the legitimate researchers are lumped in with the misinformation groups designed to pass along obvious hoaxes as facts. I think you are responsible for the important first step of separating legitimate research from the pack of phonies and head cases. You have also shown the average person, who may or may not have had experiences of their own, that they are not part of some cult or other-worldly religion just because they have an interest and/or belief in UFO's. Science and investigations can always be intepreted in different ways by different people- and thats fine and good. Bill and Nancy and the rest on the show have demonstrated that each episode. I think people like Skeptic Magazine and the like are far more dangerous in their belief of nothing and in nobody. They truly scare me!