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when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_lcapwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! I_voting_barwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_rcap 
when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_lcapwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! I_voting_barwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_rcap 
when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_lcapwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! I_voting_barwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_rcap 
when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_lcapwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! I_voting_barwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_rcap 
when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_lcapwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! I_voting_barwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_rcap 
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when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_lcapwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! I_voting_barwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_rcap 
Jeremy Vaeni
when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_lcapwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! I_voting_barwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_rcap 
when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_lcapwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! I_voting_barwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_rcap 
when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_lcapwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! I_voting_barwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_rcap 
when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_lcapwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! I_voting_barwhen will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Vote_rcap 
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 when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!!

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Number of posts : 43
Location : Norfolk, Virginia
Registration date : 2011-02-08

when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Empty
PostSubject: when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!!   when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 1:48 pm

I am waiting!!!!

I am surprised that the show doesn't have a set up like mufon where you can report cases directly to the show but I suppose some of the ufo hunters are members already.
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CE 1

Number of posts : 114
Age : 47
Location : Hudson Valley, NY
Registration date : 2010-05-26

when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!!   when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 2:52 pm

I thought History canned it? It would be a pleasant surprise if they did not, but I'm pretty sure it was cancelled.

I wonder if there is anyone else willing to bankroll the thing?

Or perhaps the guys are willing to try a "new media" approach; ditch the networks, get some advertisers, and release episodes online. If you had asked me 5 years ago, i would have predicted that such a thing would be prevalent by now, considering that it's completely feasible. Nostradamus, I ain't.
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Number of posts : 43
Location : Norfolk, Virginia
Registration date : 2011-02-08

when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!!   when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 4:39 pm

True. he have a big enough fan base. They need to revamp Do a weekly article format w/ featured episodes that displays links for sponsors. I am currently designing my own community however I do not have any original shows. If they insert advertisement like hulu does it is a sure fire hit and the new ufo can have featured video content.
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when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!!   when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!! Icon_minitime

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when will the next season of ufo hunters be out!!!!
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