Paratopia Episode 104www.paratopia.net9pm (EST)
Microbiologist Tyler Kokjohn joins us again on Paratopia. Why back so soon? Because Jeff received a message that concerns us all from his man in the black shroud, who, for the first time, urged him to talk about it publicly. Since this concerns brain chemistry, we thought, Who better to spring it on than a doctor working to cure Alzheimer's Disease? What started as a simple question ended as a feature-length show covering not just this but Budd Hopkins' recently-released rebuttal to Carol Rainey's article in
Paratopia Magazine, Lloyd Pye's Starchild Skull, issues of dementia and human consciousness, and much more.
Budd Hopkins released his rebuttal to Carol Rainey's
Priests of High Strangeness article from
Paratopia Magazine. What he'd like you to believe is that she's a debunker, we're debunkers and she's his angry ex wife. Angry about what we are not told. If you'd like to read it, you can find it here on the Intruders Foundation site: Rainey will be releasing a counter piece that I'm told involves video. Interestingly, Kevin Randle has beaten her to the punch with his own rebuttal to Budd found here:, another prominent voice in ufology is speaking out! I commend Kevin on his bravery and hope others follow suit really soon.
Perhaps, between Dr. Randle and the highly-anticipated release of the full
Paratopia Magazine next week, there will be a lasting revolution in "alien abduction" research.