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 Ufo V lantern

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PostSubject: Ufo V lantern   Ufo V lantern Icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 1:25 pm

I went camping up in the north woods of Wisconsin this past weekend, 5 miles west of crivits by high falls flowage to be exact. The moon was out for a real nice and bright evening with some stars. Ya know all those stories about sightings that get stamped as Chinese lanterns. Well, somebody in the group I was camping with had some. Chinese lanterns.

They lit one of many up and let it go. First, it has to burn the square ignition material to create heat for the lantern to rise. The lantern rises rather quickly with the fire below the lanterns dome. It went almost strait up till the breeze caught it and moved it in a southern direction as it continued to rise.

Ya know, it just didn't look like a UFO to me since I could see the outline of the lantern in the moon light and that fire below was very noticeable even as the lantern moved a mile down wind. Why even the lanterns inside was glowing so there was no mistake what was flying above. Somehow, this lame conclusion certainly does not fit explaining lights in the sky to be other than a UFO.

Now, I really did see a UFO Saturday night up there. We were all sitting around a fire and as I looked up at the moon a bright light appeared left of the rising moon and moved in a northern direction. I got the attention of my big city friend next of me who looked up to where I was pointing and because he's not tuned to the ways of the world, he missed it as it dimmed out while moving away from the bright moon. At least I saw it and thats what counts the most.
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