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International Write To The U.N. Day. Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2023 3:56 pm by onlychild

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International Write To The U.N. Day. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 09, 2015 7:55 pm by ufoteacher

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» The John Ford UFO Nightmare Premiere Show
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International Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_lcapInternational Write To The U.N. Day. I_voting_barInternational Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_rcap 
International Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_lcapInternational Write To The U.N. Day. I_voting_barInternational Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_rcap 
International Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_lcapInternational Write To The U.N. Day. I_voting_barInternational Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_rcap 
International Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_lcapInternational Write To The U.N. Day. I_voting_barInternational Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_rcap 
International Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_lcapInternational Write To The U.N. Day. I_voting_barInternational Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_rcap 
free wheel
International Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_lcapInternational Write To The U.N. Day. I_voting_barInternational Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_rcap 
Jeremy Vaeni
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International Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_lcapInternational Write To The U.N. Day. I_voting_barInternational Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_rcap 
International Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_lcapInternational Write To The U.N. Day. I_voting_barInternational Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_rcap 
International Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_lcapInternational Write To The U.N. Day. I_voting_barInternational Write To The U.N. Day. Vote_rcap 
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 International Write To The U.N. Day.

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International Write To The U.N. Day. Empty
PostSubject: International Write To The U.N. Day.   International Write To The U.N. Day. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2010 12:03 pm

Going back a while ago now I had a very, very simple idea

International Write To The United Nations Day - Not very catchy I know.

Going by the rule of thumb that most people know other people in ufo groups and forums - What if every member of every group and forum who had experienced something over the globe sent a one paragraph letter to the U.N. on the exact same day.

All that is needed is a DATE set in about a years time! This would give time for the word to spread, from group to group and continant to continant.

15 minutes, 1 piece of paper, a couple of stamps and a walk to the post box.

Acting as a whole - we could change the world!

Has anyone got any thoughts on this?
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International Write To The U.N. Day. Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Write To The U.N. Day.   International Write To The U.N. Day. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 1:16 pm

There are over 400 members on this site. Hasn't any of you got a thought on this.
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free wheel
CE 3
free wheel

Number of posts : 338
Location : UK
Registration date : 2009-09-06

International Write To The U.N. Day. Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Write To The U.N. Day.   International Write To The U.N. Day. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 4:43 pm

I think it's the " write " thing that is putting people off Mac 5 .
Nobody writes anymore .
Like your intention though .
FW . Very Happy
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International Write To The U.N. Day. Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Write To The U.N. Day.   International Write To The U.N. Day. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 5:31 pm

Hi F.W.

Thankyou for your post, You may well be Correct, But if we all used i.t. at the same time, high up people may get upset with us ! Very upset !

If we done it by post we could inform the U.N. what day they could expect it to be delivered.

They would need to put on more staff if 50 mail trucks delivered at the same time.

Best wishes to you Freewheel, long time since we chated.

Mac 5
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free wheel
CE 3
free wheel

Number of posts : 338
Location : UK
Registration date : 2009-09-06

International Write To The U.N. Day. Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Write To The U.N. Day.   International Write To The U.N. Day. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 6:04 pm

Hi Mac5 , yup , good to catch up !
I can truly see something not far ahead that makes a massive difference . Don't know what it is . Could be anything , but i consider that it may be something so simple .

All the best mate .

FW . Very Happy
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free wheel
CE 3
free wheel

Number of posts : 338
Location : UK
Registration date : 2009-09-06

International Write To The U.N. Day. Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Write To The U.N. Day.   International Write To The U.N. Day. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2010 4:16 pm

Wow . Check the disappearing act !

FW . Very Happy
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CE 4

Number of posts : 455
Age : 78
Location : Tampa, Flordia
Registration date : 2010-04-09

International Write To The U.N. Day. Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Write To The U.N. Day.   International Write To The U.N. Day. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 24, 2010 12:05 am

free wheel wrote:
Wow . Check the disappearing act !

FW . Very Happy
sadly stated "how true"
But then perhaps an agent provcater?
He knew how to fish, but not how to cut bait.
I wonder if you and I look forward to the same events.
If so frightening would be the term.
I had so hopped that the events would be furthur in the future.
That my children and grand children might live thier lives in relative safety.
That the cycle would not end durning my time or thiers.

davefair afro
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International Write To The U.N. Day. Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Write To The U.N. Day.   International Write To The U.N. Day. Icon_minitime

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International Write To The U.N. Day.
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