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 Welcome to the Columns!

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Nancy Birnes
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Nancy Birnes
Nancy Birnes

Number of posts : 90
Age : 77
Location : Pennsy
Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Welcome to the Columns!   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 3:42 pm

Hello everyone, and fans of our fabulous columnists! Please post your love here.

I will start the ball rolling by telling you that for Issue #150, which is coming up soon, the columnists will be truly honored, I think. They are the hardest working folk in ufology, I think.

And if our magazine is going to hell in a handbasket, as Don Ecker seems to think, our columnists are not to blame. They are only to praise and to celebrate.

My opinoion, of course.

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Number of posts : 343
Location : Land of Enchantment
Registration date : 2009-03-08

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Columns!   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 6:23 pm

I haven't listened to the Don Ecker interview, so I don't know exactly what he said about UFO Mag. However, I do know that at least 2 UFO related magazines have totally gone under lately, Alien Worlds and UFO Data. UFO Mag is still going strong, so obviously we are doing something right.

I know the latest issue being late resulted in dozens of emails to me from people who wanted their UFO Mag and I can bet that Nancy and Bill got far more than I did. People love their UFO Mag!

Unlike others, I don't think that readers believe everything they read in the magazine, but that doesn't mean that they don't enjoy reading speculative articles and columns, they obviously do. If they didn't they would already be subscribing to some magazine that cloaks itself in science, like maybe the Skeptical Inquisitor (oops, inquirer). That is not to say that you only find speculative articles in UFO Mag, just that we have something for everyone. Very Happy
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Jeremy Vaeni
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Jeremy Vaeni

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Registration date : 2009-03-11

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PostSubject: Ecker, Schmecker   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2009 1:26 pm

Eh. Don't let Ecker getcha down. Nobody seemed to pay attention to that part of his "interview" (if you can call a monologue an interview) anyway.

I'm curious, though, Lesley--and not in a "pick-a-fight" sort of way, but actually curious--about how you define "speculative." I'm wondering what you think in the magazine is not speculative. Isn't it all speculative when we're talking about unknowns and unidentifieds?

By the way, whoever set this forum up, nice job! It looks great!
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Alfred Lehmberg
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Alfred Lehmberg

Number of posts : 192
Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Columns!   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2009 4:39 pm

I am abundantly under-whelmed with Mr. Ecker, myself. He's a man seemingly without the smallest shame as he prosecutes the most tediously unending mewl of oily self-promotion and blustery self-aggrandizement I can ever remember enduring... A man where any civility seems wasted so, provoked, you wade in for hair, teeth, and eyeballs, eh? I have only one word for him. "Fastwalker."

Additionally, his criticism of Richard Dolan via the Paracrats Biedny and Steinberg is obviously canted and I suspect politically motivated... when it is not incredibly presumptuous and astonishingly impertinent. "Fine tooth comb," my flaccid backside. His criticism of UFO Magazine, on the other hand, provokes imagery of Foxes and Concord grapes when he is not guilty of trying to do to UFOs, to a degree, what NASA does to space flight... make it boring.

That said, I suspect he's another hypocritical practitioner of what he would accuse in the first place, in my opinion, so perhaps not the best judge of what others should be thinking about, in the second.

Lastly, there is, most assuredly, the moral relativism that Mr. Ecker decries or we would still be killing our children for "dishonoring" us.
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Number of posts : 343
Location : Land of Enchantment
Registration date : 2009-03-08

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Columns!   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2009 4:57 pm

Jeremy Vaeni wrote:
Eh. Don't let Ecker getcha down. Nobody seemed to pay attention to that part of his "interview" (if you can call a monologue an interview) anyway.

I'm curious, though, Lesley--and not in a "pick-a-fight" sort of way, but actually curious--about how you define "speculative." I'm wondering what you think in the magazine is not speculative. Isn't it all speculative when we're talking about unknowns and unidentifieds?

By the way, whoever set this forum up, nice job! It looks great!

I get your point and you are right -- it is all speculative. What I meant is it isn't all pure speculation there are well investigated cases , as well as interviews with Ziggy Marley!

Oh, thank you!
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Jeremy Vaeni
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Jeremy Vaeni

Number of posts : 299
Location : NYC
Registration date : 2009-03-11

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Columns!   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2009 7:33 pm

Yeah, if I were Rich Dolan my reply would be, "I didn't call you, Eck, not because I'm lazy but because I just didn't think to. Who died and left you elder statesman?"
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Mike Good
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Mike Good

Number of posts : 155
Location : Left Field, California
Registration date : 2009-03-12

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Columns!   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 12:21 pm

Thanks to Nancy for being so cool and thinking we are so great. And thanks to Lesley for being so cool and doing such a good job with the website and this forum.

You guys ROCK! bounce cyclops afro
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Number of posts : 343
Location : Land of Enchantment
Registration date : 2009-03-08

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Columns!   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 5:21 pm

Thanks Mike!
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Jeremy Vaeni
CE 2
Jeremy Vaeni

Number of posts : 299
Location : NYC
Registration date : 2009-03-11

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Columns!   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeFri Mar 13, 2009 12:03 am

Nancy/Lesley, you should have a big ol banner ad or something for this forum on the front page, no?
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Nancy Birnes
Nancy Birnes

Number of posts : 90
Age : 77
Location : Pennsy
Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Columns!   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeFri Mar 13, 2009 12:13 am

Yeah, yeah. Working on it now. On the other hand, isn't it cozy in here alone? So much more cocktail wienies to go around?

Sleep Sleep Sleep
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Alfred Lehmberg
CE 1
Alfred Lehmberg

Number of posts : 192
Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Wienies?   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeFri Mar 13, 2009 10:33 am

There are weenies? Oh wait! Yeah... ...more for everyone unleavened and discursive as the birds fly —airliners for parasites— and toads need their weeping warts. No, really! [g].
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Welcome to the Columns! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Columns!   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2009 12:00 am

Thank you so much for building a forum!
I'm looking forward to frequenting the threads!
-gotta find an alien smilie!-

I've always been a believer, having had a few very remarkable experiences. I feel like believing in intelligent life beyond Earth has got to be an innate understanding for humans. I don't quite get the folks who don't believe. I mean, how can you not?

I've been a UFO Hunter fan from the beginning for various reasons...but mainly because it's a "mystery" in need of investigating in the mainstream.
Is History Channel mainstream?

Thanks again,
Good job.
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New Member

Number of posts : 17
Age : 40
Location : Wichita, KS
Registration date : 2009-08-07

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PostSubject: Magazine subscription   Welcome to the Columns! Icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 8:30 pm

Hey, Im new to this website and was wondering how do I get a subscription to your magazine?
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