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Can a Paranormal Experience be a Scientific Discovery? Vote_lcapCan a Paranormal Experience be a Scientific Discovery? I_voting_barCan a Paranormal Experience be a Scientific Discovery? Vote_rcap 
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 Can a Paranormal Experience be a Scientific Discovery?

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Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2010-03-22

Can a Paranormal Experience be a Scientific Discovery? Empty
PostSubject: Can a Paranormal Experience be a Scientific Discovery?   Can a Paranormal Experience be a Scientific Discovery? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 5:10 pm

I'll start by answering my own Question. I believe that the experience I had with some highly charged plasma or gas in the form of a face and showing both reactionary emotion and awareness to my prescence by flying mid air to confront me was proof enough from my observation.In conjunction with the experience which quickly became an encounter with the special effects type of behaviour that it showed for a better word after it's unbelievable mid air flight from some 25 feet away I was able to capture a very clear digital photo.
What better way to discover something than to be confronted by it because creating it is virtually impossible in any type of setting or Scientific environment.
A spontaneous event that revealed itself for a short time can't be planned and observed on a specific time schedule. You either embrace the moment and validate it or never progress from a very profound experience.How to convince the rest of world that it has many important components for possible study to name a few is the real challenge.
All I have is a very real and authenic digital photo which can be possibly studied and me passing polygraph tests which I have no doubt I would.

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PostSubject: Re: Can a Paranormal Experience be a Scientific Discovery?   Can a Paranormal Experience be a Scientific Discovery? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 8:25 pm

You were able to get the event on digital imagery ? will you be able to post this image for us to view in your thread. I have one to tell. I was laying in bed one evening watching tv and as usual I see forms moving around me on either side of my bed. One dark mass to my right suddenly became a dark blur as it extended itself about 10 inches in front of my face while watching the tv. It was a dark facial image with big eyes like it was shocked to see me. Its mouth was open and the head was round. We looked at each other for about 5 to 8 seconds before it snapped back to my right and became a dark blur and faded away.
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