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 Government Amnesty

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Jeremy Vaeni
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Number of posts : 34
Location : Abingdon, VA
Registration date : 2009-03-30

Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 9:52 am

As I haven't seen this avenue for disclosure before, i would like to get everybody elses take on the idea of an Amnesty.

I don't think the government (or NWO or whatever is in charge) is any longer afraid of a global meltdown due to lack of faith, religion, faith in the economy (that ones gone for sure..LOL). I think what they are afraid of (for disclosure), is criminal prosecution.

Now granted, i do believe that there are those who have done things in the past, probably brutal, to keep the secret. Even up to maybe ten or fifteen years ago, it may really have been necessary. But there is no excuse this day in age. The Pope (for those that believe in a religious meltdown) has stated that it was OK to believe (and there was more said than that, just a summation).

Maybe what needs to happen, and I think this would really solve a great deal for the government on general disclosure, is a Congressional Bill, that mandates an AMNESTY for those involved in the cover- up.

Try to imagine if you will, court cases and civil litigation, for human rights violation, murder, harrassment......the list goes on and on. Before, as someone who i really have found ZERO respect for recently mentioned, the broadcast of "War of the Worlds", people went nuts. Cover at that time was justified. But society has done a 180 degree turn since that time. Again, it was mentioned by the Pope, sanctioned by the church, broadcast all over the news, and there was no meltdown.

To end this, and allow us to take the next step in our conscious evolution for mankind as a whole, I think an Amnesty is required. I then think those that constrict those that want to reveal the truth, would allow it. Does disclosure mean that they will reveal all the tech, probably not. I don't think Iran needs anything more dangerous than they already have, but that being said, i don't think that sharing things with other countries is, or has been an issue. I just think the last thing they are worried about is prosecution.

"When they find out what we have done in the name of the American people, they are going to chase us down and lynch us". George H.W. Bush
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CE 2

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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 1:39 pm

Your point about the Catholic Church acknowledging the possible reality of UFO's and alien beings is an important point to the discussion.

I happen to hold a view that UFO's and ET's could possibly be connected to the Bibles teachings of the great battle between God and satan, or the forces of good and evil if you will... and how it all revolves around satans desire to deceive mankind before the end. UFO's would fit that deception perfectly, imagine if alien beings were to drop down and announce that they are our gods, and that the story in the Bible is wrong, that nobody should consider themselves a christian or a jew , that any religious beliefs were now outlawed , everyone must denounce the Biblical God or be condemned .....

The evil angels (bad ET's) could be trying to create hybrid humans so they can appear as "humanoid" as to not alarm the population with their "grey reptile" look....

It's just another possibility to throw into the mix as we try and discern the truth about UFO'S and ET's.

The Bible tells of Jesus return in the final days ...his appearance in the clouds in the air.

The Bible tells of how satan attempts to decieve mankind ... would he possibly mimic God by "appearing in the clouds" and announcing himself as "God" ?

its something to ponder ... and it would stay in line with the Vatican acknowledging the possible existence of "other beings" in the universe.
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Jeremy Vaeni
CE 2
Jeremy Vaeni

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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 1:36 am

Why isn't anyone asking the aliens for disclosure? Clearly they are helping with the cover-up.

Greer wrote the CE-5 Initiative with an alien and is friends with them. Why doesn't he ask them to come to the X-Conference? Anyone ever ask him that?
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Number of posts : 34
Location : Abingdon, VA
Registration date : 2009-03-30

Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 6:05 pm


I think many would if they could. Maybe mass sightings are their way of doing that. I find the biggest problem to disclosure is us (humanity) in general. Too many worry more about their own skins and what will happen to them, rather than doing what is right. I made the decision when coming forward with the siting, that it was more important than my life, and yes, more important than the lives of even my children. I fully anticipate some problems, but come what may, the truth is the truth.

I spent eight years in the Airborne Infanty in very special small units. The best people I ever met in my life were there. Now, many of those men are engaged in combat, wounded, and some are dead. I cannot, and will not betray their memories, by sitting silent. They (and I) have sacrificed a great deal for a democracy that really doesnt exist.
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Number of posts : 34
Location : Abingdon, VA
Registration date : 2009-03-30

Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeMon Apr 06, 2009 10:47 pm

I realize this is a rather new board, but is there no other opinions rather than this?
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Number of posts : 343
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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 3:51 am

I don't think anyone is afraid of being prosecuted, you can keep anything a secret and lie about whatever you want if it is done for National Security.

I don't know why everyone thinks that if there were disclosure that means the government would tell us everything. I don't think I would ever believe the government has told us everything or even that I would have trust in what they decided to tell us. In fact, if the government came out tomorrow and said there are aliens visiting the planet -- I would start questioning their motivation immediately, they would only ever do that if it benefited them in some way and they would only tell us the parts that would help build whatever case they were making. Heck, if they said there were aliens I would start to really doubt that there are aliens. Very Happy

Really I think it is nice that there are people that believe the government (assuming they know as much as people think) would disclose everything just for the sake of being honest, but I don't believe that.
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Number of posts : 34
Location : Abingdon, VA
Registration date : 2009-03-30

Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 1:35 pm

LOL............I dont think the Government would tell us everything not that crazy. But I do think they are scared......and it's George H.W. Bush's comment about getting chased down and lynched, that makes me think that.
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George LoBuono
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George LoBuono

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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 1:53 pm

Here are some scenarios for disclosure:

Actual, phased disclosure is already underway, but is interrupted/stalled by those semi-official meetings where some insiders want it, some don't. Those who want it can see, as we do, that the public already knows about aliens but some in the public need official statements and evidence to be sure. When it happens, there's no going back, so some in the official/~MAJ/corporate loop are trying to assess just how ready we are for it all. First off, and above all else--far above all else, they want to see that the globe has a comprehensive ability to thwart misuse of scalar weapons--should someone in a foreign country realize the significance of alien energy technology. As physicist Mark Comings and Tom Bearden have pointed out, the US/European structure (mostly the US-NATO and Echelon parties) already have a system of scalar detectors, but what they want to have installed, hardened, and with redundant back-up energy supply, is a system that can locate a destructive offender (intent on reckless harm to prove a point), pinpoint it then send reverse-streaming scalar energy that instantly fries the offender's electronics. That much is easy.

After they fry the offender's system, they want to go in and be able to land with an intervention party to look for any other backup system or evidence of who did it, and more. They already have a system that can probably locate the offenders physically--their very persons, and target them directly (energy/psychotronics) so this is very serious stuff. If the offender is in a defended nation state, they will go slower but may fry the system, then warn the head of state and its military: stop or else--global conventions already exist in this regard, on this planet, and on others. Aliens may also have offered a posture on this scenario---possible intervention to abort a misuse.

The problem, of course, is that the abducting (gray) alignment has literally seeded this planet with exactly such potentially destructive systems. They have breeding program operatives who may be the #1 risk to this planet for destroying our planet's ecology with such technology. Such aliens do this as part of their intervention: breed an elite that may push the envelope on genetic, scalar, and faster-than-light. travel technology, then hold it over the planet's heads as a "fail-safe" prong to try to gain control of the planet. They also try to exacerbate some violent tensions among humans. In other words, they could use the Rockefeller/Rothschild mafia's control of such to make it seem as though someone unknown did the first attack on this planet of the sort, when it's really the breeding program operatives themselves who might do it.

In 1953 Nelson Rockefeller was allowed to redesign President Eisenhower’s national security structure. Unknown to Eisenhower, Rockefeller ended direct presidential control of alien-related programs. It was a major coup of an unprecedented sort, and it set the stage for the most bizarre development in all of US history: direct basing of aliens on US soil.

Career Airman Charles Hall writes that he witnessed how Air Force brass condoned the presence of “tall white” aliens who were given a small base and supplies in the southeast corner of Nellis Air Force range starting in 1954, or perhaps earlier. Military careerists Clifford Stone, Steven Wilson, and Michael Wolf all stated that they saw aliens working inside US bases during their careers. In addition, Army Sgt. Robert Dean says he saw a secret NATO document that said senior political and military leaders had mixed with human-looking aliens who could blend into a human crowd, unnoticed. Dean said the NATO command feared such aliens could infiltrate high public positions without being detected, a suspicion that Col. Corso said haunted the Pentagon. More recently, computer hacker Gary McKinnon claimed to have viewed internal US military documents about “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers.” Adding to suspicions, the US government is prosecuting McKinnon for violating its secrecy. Meanwhile, McKinnon’s story is like that of Clark McClelland, who worked on NASA’s space shuttle program until 1992. McClelland says that he saw live video feed of an 8-9 ft. tall, non-human working alongside two human astronauts in the Space Shuttle’s open bay while the alien’s wing-shaped craft hovered nearby. The alien craft, seen at, was similar in design to the Roswell craft.

How did the US go from suspecting a stealth alien colonization attempt here, to direct joint-basing of such aliens on federal properties? The Rockefeller coup appears to have spearheaded the effort. The gray alignment may have feared that Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander during World War II, would continue direct presidential control and veto over alien-related programs. The gray alignment went behind US presidents’ backs to deal directly with black budget racketeers like the Rockefellers, who convinced Air Force brass that they would profit by playing along with such aliens. Meanwhile, the US government’s analysis about the origins and intentions of aliens it was dealing with was dangerously flawed. Data amassed in recent years suggests that two genetically engineered sub-groups of aliens working for the gray alignment pretended to be enemies of the grays and then ceded a minor trickle of their technology to a black budget mafia. Apparently, the idea was to supplant independent human initiative and foster dependency.

Navy intelligence officer William Cooper, who briefed the Pacific fleet commander as part of his duties, stated that while in the Navy he saw classified papers saying that in 1954 a taller version of the gray aliens had landed at Holloman Air Force Base to initiate talks with the US military (presumably Air Force generals). The US Air Force appears to have been the easiest route of approach for the aliens. In part due to Du Pont and Rockefeller ownership of key aviation interests, an Air Force faction prioritized profit and technology dependency over national security. The Navy and the Army appear to have been more cautious.

Some months later, President Eisenhower reportedly pretended to visit a dentist but went to Edwards Air Force base near Palm Springs, CA. Cooper and Sgt. Charles L. Suggs, the son of a Navy Commander, alleged that Eisenhower met there with aliens of the gray alignment. CSETI witness Don Phillips, a former Air Force and Skunkworks employee, also read documents about the 1954 meeting. A tentative agreement was reportedly signed that allowed the aliens to continue abducting and implanting humans—as long as they told the US military which humans were targeted (and the targets would have no memory of the events). Michael Wolf also mentioned the treaty. *Cooper suggested that under duress, Eisenhower permitted two bases to be built for the aliens within Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Range. However, unless he was pressured and deceived by men like Rockefeller, it’s hard to imagine a man like Eisenhower conceding bases to an alien occupier.

Cooper said that by 1955--one year later, Eisenhower had evidence the aliens had broken the treaty. Cooper said the infiltration phase noted by Robert Dean and Corso resulted in manipulation of secret societies and cults that worked against effective human government. *Cathy O’Brien’s first book speaks similarly.

Col. Corso wrote, “Those of us in the military who knew what was happening also felt that we could be experiencing an invasion that was more of an infiltration…. These creatures weren’t benevolent alien beings who had come to enlighten human beings.” Instead, Corso said his colleagues thought the aliens were coldly calculating, “cloned biological entities who were harvesting biological specimens on Earth for their own experimentation…. We had negotiated a kind of surrender with them as long as we couldn’t fight them. They dictated the terms because they knew what we most feared was disclosure.” In other words, US officials feared what might happen if the gray alignment made itself known before the public was adequately informed about aliens. Readers should remember that aliens outside of the grays’ alignment have largely refrained from open intervention here. Corso’s statement doesn’t mean that US officials think all aliens have designs on this planet.

In short, in early US policy and in future human-alien relations, a distinction must be made between issues involving the gray alignment and policy regarding other aliens. The crash at Roswell alerted humans to a direct intervention, here, by (self-described) alien colonizers. Although we have a lot to learn from aliens, when it comes to infiltration and manipulation of human affairs we need to be careful. Human reports about grays indicate that the grays’ home planet was killed during an intervention, there, by the aliens grays now work for. So the question must be raised: do such colonizers prioritize their resource needs over the ecology of target planets?

If, as science suggests, the universe contains many intelligent populations, wouldn’t competing aliens respond to the intervention, here, of a materially motivated gray alignment? Other aliens appear to have monitored the situation, thinking that the challenges posed by gray alignment excess will provoke humankind to be more competent and more refined in our critique of aliens.

In his farewell speech, President Eisenhower may have alluded to the threat that the Rockefeller coup posed to humankind. His successor John Kennedy reportedly tried to reassert presidential authority over secret programs but Kennedy was murdered, which deepened the coup and caused later presidents to fear the secret programs, also. A good friend of Jimmy Carter told CSETI Director Dr. Steven Greer that when Carter asked outgoing CIA director George Bush Sr. about alien-related programs, Bush wouldn’t give Carter any information. Carter was later buttonholed by “a suit,” who said, “Sir, if you would like to complete your first term as President, you will keep your God-damned mouth shut about this UFO matter.” (Hidden Truth, p 123) Bush Sr.’s Pennzoil corporation was bought from the Rockefellers.

In 1994 one of President Clinton’s friends told Steven Greer “there’s a consensus that if the President does what you’ve suggested to him and to the CIA director—that they exert executive power to get inside this (alien-related programs) operation and disclose it—the President will end up like Jack Kennedy.” (Hidden Truth p. 114) In other words, Clinton might be murdered. Later, in April of 1996 Greer’s CSETI was scheduled to meet with former CIA director William Colby, who said he wanted to give CSETI materials to make sure CSETI had hard evidence and documents for its disclosure effort. That week, Colby, an adept swimmer, was found drowned, fully clothed, in the Potomac River. (Hidden Truth p. 156)

Not only did the coup of 1953 place potentially dangerous alien technology in the hands of the Rockefeller faction, which had done heavy business with Nazis and was later implicated in crimes against humanity, it allowed an effectively uncontrollable alien presence on US soil. Thereafter, US presidents were removed from their constitutional role and were threatened with death if they tried to reverse the Rockefeller coup.

The US government had reverted to a pre-revolutionary form that was, in some ways, worse than the old British monarchy. Navy intelligence officer William Cooper reported that in 1954, acting on Victor Rothschild’s advice, Dutch Prince Bernhard (a former Nazi) formed the Bilderberg council so that an international elite of Rockefeller cronies could share control of alien-related programs.


Last edited by George LoBuono on Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:07 pm; edited 2 times in total
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George LoBuono
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George LoBuono

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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 1:55 pm

The Rockefeller coup led to crimes within a privatized sub-regime that fabricated “scalar” electromagnetic technology that could be used to threaten destruction of this planet if it doesn’t follow the plan of an occupation-phase sub-regime. As is noted below, both David Rockefeller and George Bush Sr. made direct, explicit threats to that effect, according to two witnesses. The severity of crimes committed in alien-related programs were best summarized by a senior Science Applications International Corporation executive who told Dr. Steven Greer that in order to support alien-related projects and black budget programs, “there was an army of 8000 men who did nothing but import drugs under the cover of classified, need-to-know programs. He stated that of the 8000 men involved (as of 1997 when we spoke of this) that 2000 of them had been killed for sometimes minor infractions of security.”

That 2000 killed is roughly half the number of revolutionaries killed in battle during the American Revolution.

Even if we allow for inaccuracy in some of the sources noted above, we see a general pattern. The Roswell crash precipitated a military research program that was intended to help defend against potentially dangerous alien designs on this planet. However, the superior maneuverability and capacities of alien craft and genetic sciences allowed the gray alignment to use subordinate groups to both approach and infiltrate human society, probably beginning years before the Roswell crash. Early defense against gray alignment intervention was thwarted and then turned against the US government via the Rockefeller coup of 1953. Subsequent secrecy forestalled a public response to the situation, and part of the US military was compromised by a trickle of alien technology into its hands, which strengthened the hand of the coup faction. That posed a major problem for humankind.

A supposedly equalitarian alien colonizer was effectively using elite human actors to frustrate independent human sovereignty. In order to deepen their leverage within human society, they worked against a more decent, equal human order. Apparently, the policy was rationalized as though the ends justify the means, a kind of winner-takes-all approach. The manipulation of human conflicts set the stage for the colonizer to intercede, then lay claim to planets in several nearby star systems. Evidence indicates that the plan was to wear down human resistance in order to maximize conformity and industrial productivity among a human worker population, which would be tasked by the colonizer. That, in turn, suggests that the early historical origins of the gray alignment may have been cruder than human officials suspected from 1954 through the mid-1960’s (and later) when Clifford Stone saw a gray alien working in a US base somewhere not far from the nation’s capital. *Early agreements with the grays may have been voided by a firefight between the grays and US soldiers in the S-4 section of the Papoose Dry Lake base in 1975, according to Michael Wolf, Clifford Stone and other whistleblowers. Dozens of US guards were reportedly killed in the incident.

Further complicating the situation are fairly innocent humans who assume that the relative backwardness of human regimes means that all alien contact is good for humankind. Awed by aliens who use mind-activated, mind-reading technology, some contactees want to think that aliens who travel between stars using advanced technology can do no wrong. It’s easy to see how they might think that. First contact can overwhelm a person, especially if leads to new and unexpected insights. As a result, some contactees see altruistic, if not angelic motives in gray alignment actions here. More problematic is a US Air Force faction that thinks joint work with an alien colonizer is okay, for now, as long as we can learn more about alien technology.

In sum, early direct contact led to conflict that was easily manipulated to a colonizer’s advantage. Bipolar relations of the Cold War stalled public disclosure about aliens, yet when the Cold War ended and humankind still wasn’t ready to submit to the gray alignment, the Rockefeller-Bush faction tried to plow the West into perpetual war against an enemy that was financed by the Saud family, close Bush family cronies. By then, disclosure about aliens was long overdue.

Now, with David Rockefeller and Bush Sr. both aged and non-competent, the Rockefeller-Bush faction lacks strong leadership. A closely allied Goldman-neocon group that wants to continue in their place was discredited by Bush Jr.’s failed presidency. The coup plotters’ remaining stronghold among DuPonts has long used men like Bush Sr. to do its dirty work. However, with DuPont-owned GM failing along with other DuPont holdings, that part of the regime is also in crisis. Public impatience with the collapse of the old financial order makes the situation ripe for a much-needed reordering of human-alien relations.

So, the cycle of manipulated violence and dislocations that the gray alignment used to its advantage has come full circle and has discredited the gray alignment rather than embellish it, as was their original plan. Now, our alien neighbors can see that we’re ready to explore a more civilized alternative: finer, more expanded contact and interaction with our native alien neighbors, rather than the predations of a distant colonizer. As a result, the era of conflict that followed early contact may be drawing to a close. Now humankind is ready to step beyond the obstruction of the gray alignment in order participate in a larger community of mixed human-alien interactions.

At the same time, we need to clean up the dangers posed by a private cabal of black budget recketeers. Benjamin Fulford's story about a Japanese earthquake he says Rockefeller caused just to demonstrate such tech (killed some in Japan, says Fulford) shows how corruption grows under total secrecy. In a similar vein, Cathy O’Brien overheard Bush Sr. tell Dick Cheney that if the people tried to stop “technology’s plan,” Bush Sr. would “destroy the planet.” Was that also a hint at private control of such technology?

So, the biggest threat to this planet may be the abductors' intervention itself. It appears to be what engineered the death of the original "grays" planet. We can see that a killer scenario can be rationalized off-world in terms of preventing proliferation of weapons uses, the spread of primitive, conquest-headed populations. No one wants humans zipping into our neighbors' areas like US Navy Commodore Perry did in Japan during the 19th century. Perhaps you can see how a security posture re preventing the abuses of dangerous humans, off-world, can be used to aid/abet the gray alignment's attempt to dominate this planet.

Some human abductees were told they could be used for reproductive purposes because they "belong to" the abducting aliens. That sounds bizarre to us, but imagine being an alien who was genetically engineered to have less emotion, then conditioned to accept a regime's psychotronic monitoring and an expansionist agenda for all of his/her life. We're portrayed as dangerous primitives, even though all such aliens were probably similar to us at some stage.

So, when we talk about disclosure, the biggest hand in it all is the aliens--via their abducting-and-breeding program direct operatives. In a sense, the human regime that has alien technology is under the thumb of those very aliens--much more than most would suspect, but that's only a tiny, tiny sliver of humankind.

If humans decide it's time to begin disclosing more, the direct operatives may say no... we aren't ready for that. Why? They won't say what they REALLY think because they think that if we disclose now, humankind will go into shock over being lied to, people will be outraged over the theft of publicly-acquired alien tech by private (i.e. Rothschild/Rockefeller) parties.

Breeding program operatives don't want disclosure to occur until either the entire globe is wrapped into the glove of their relatively small hand, or until humankind is so desperate that we'll take anything we can get, including colonization-guised-as-partnership with their aliens. Richard Boylan is a leading ideologue of that plan, although he thinks he's the ultimate human (starseed) hero--he isn't psychologically capable of seeing wrong done by those aliens. nds.

Meanwhile, the human elite is compromised and can't move decisively when the economy is weak like it is now. At present, the western economies of the US and Europe are too deeply wrapped into a kind of fraud typified by the "Federal Reserve Bank," which isn't even a government bank, at all. So, as has been done for more than a century, economic contortions will be used to make sure that the intervention advances... and disclosure won't be allowed by the direct operatives anytime soon. We have to go around them.

Apparently, what breeding program operatives want is for the aliens themselves to control how it's all done. Everything they've done, their lives and the fate of their children hinge on humans being controlled, controlled, controlled. Independent disclosure could expose them all. So, they hide behind government structures and tell us all to obey, or else.

Imagine what would happen with disclosure. Suddenly we read who authorized an alien presence in places on this globe. Who went behind presidents' and other governments' backs to do that. Who did the first deals with aliens... People will soon see which humans would appear to be closest to the aliens (not contactees, not aficionados or accolytes, but actual direct operatives). So, the more such aliens can do Close Encounters of the Third Kind-like interactions that draw in normal humans, the more they can dilute the public awareness of who the breeding program direct operatives are. The more men like McCain and former Sen. Sam Nunn are treated to direct exposure to live, in the flesh aliens and alien programs, the less humans will be able to see that men like Rockefeller and Rothschild took control of secret programs that let the abducting alignment place aliens right here--on our planet.

Last edited by George LoBuono on Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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George LoBuono
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George LoBuono

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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 1:58 pm


Actual independent humans decide to disclose. But they're fiercely opposed by the direct operatives' interests. There are a handful of murders, which don't really scare competent soldiers and investigators, and then the debate breaks into two camps. Direct, breeding program operatives among us stand no chance once it gets out of hand. They could have to leave this planet.

Their problem, at present, is that the window of opportunity for making our planet part of their alignment is closing. It's closing because we're now capable of defending ourselves. We have enough technology to assure that we can go on independently. We don't really need the grays' alignment, although we need to study them very carefully, especially the implications on an inter-galactic scale.

And they don't need us as "diplomatic" contacts. We're so backward and will be so vulnerable for the next 150 years that we would do better to separate from the gray alignment and only interact with smaller alien groups who can be expected to be more moderate and understanding with us--even if they must worry about how we develop, as a planet. We can make other alien contacts and can do a smaller scale, limited interaction with a handful of neighbors, at first---all of it monitored and marginally steered by yet more advanced aliens. The truth is, some aliens don't want humans making their first mistakes in interplanetary relations with our actual neighbors. The best kind of first contact arrangements allow us to learn about aliens who aren't even from our local vicinity, at first. That way, when we actually meet our neighbors we know that much more, and will be more humbly understanding of the larger ecology, the alien community.

However, most people don't know that right now. So our big vulnerability is the ignorance, the lack of information that makes the minds of so many people (fundamentalists, greed hounds, and unscientific people) extremely vulnerable to manipulation by the grays' alignment. They may think, "let's take whatever we can get right now! What could possibly go wrong?" They don't see how vulnerable we are. We're also infiltrated by the gray alignment's direct operatives who can cause some trouble in the short term. But once people see it for what it is, that's mostly behind us---unless they try to stage a Rockefeller-like parting shot: manipulated earthquakes and such, more scare factor.

What would a typical direct operative look like? Like Saudi Prince Bandar--a Bush family friend, reportedly a cocaine abuser BIG TIME, a physical culture addict (says Cathy O'Brien), and a betrayer of both his people, and all of us. Bandar's family is a most backward dictatorship that gave money directly to Bin Laden's people, knowing exactly what that entailed.

The Bush-Rockefeller-Rothschild & Saud scheme MAY be a pacification plan in which humans must be made to think we couldn't possibly get it right, alone. So, a perpetual war on terrorism sabotages the idea of doing an independent disclosure NOW... Which may relate to why Daniel Hopsicker reports that a Rockefeller family foundation sponsored Mohammed Atta's studies in Germany, believe it or not (see Hopsicker's book Welcome to Terrorland). And who profited by the huge narco trade done by the man who owned the small airport where Atta and cohorts studied in Venice FL? Direct operatives, of course. It's a tightly intertwined ring of people, some in CIA, some elsewhere, but where does the money go? Not to independent banks. Instead, it’s ultimately used to betray humankind and to corrupt government.

So, let's say humans confer and realize that the whole intervention is getting out of hand. Now that Bush Jr. is gone, we can do more with a better government. Let's say humans in government and in elite economies meet discreetly and agree to turn up the pressure on the direct operatives, sabotage THEM economically and expose some of their crimes, while also beginning an actual, effective plan to have different nations agree: one will try to disclose, and if it fails due to internal sabotage, the others will do so, nonetheless. Actual alien artifacts, video, and a fraction of the actual news about it---NOT the whole story yet. The science may remain a "mystery" for a while, even if it is easily explicable, but just to be safe, the disclosure says some of it has to be researched better.

But the disclosure is enough to let humans begin to assess whether they can live independently, as they always have. Once it begins, the breeding program operatives IMMEDIATELY do their own, independent release of information. It's propagandistic and biased in favor of the grays' alignment. It tries to say the aliens may have done experiments on some people but allows the aliens to say they did it for scientific reasons. Maybe the aliens even try to suggest that they had a hand in staging some of the phenomena surrounding those "three human prophets." They let their accolytes on this planet say those prophets were Star Seed, hoping to rile up fundamental support for the gray alignment. It's a dangerous situation, and the only way out of it is to release more information.

On day two, security structures and governments are trying to assess if they've gone too far. Should they say more, or less? It requires good minds and people who can think on their feet. So, disclosure requires multiple contingency planning. And, at some point, someone will try to use presidents to take control of, or censor media. There will be stop and starts, but most people will take it all in stride, awed and wondering about the implications... but they already think aliens exist.

Now it's a question of what the best information about aliens can tell us. There's a risk that the best information gets drowned out by the most spectacular, possibly pro-gray alignment propaganda, so, once again, complex multi-scenario planning must be done in advance. I assume it already has. But the problem is: who do such planners trust? We aren't all on the same page, here. And the gray alignment's pre-placed direct operatives, who seem human, have fooled a number of people. Which is why we see, as Corso suggested, and as that Navy faction suggests, at least some principled separate planning in various parts of government.

You see, once you actually plan for the real-time eventualities of disclosure, you're reminded that there are enemies of real honesty among us. Hence we see a huge amount of disinformation. There are also good people who, whether they realize it or not, can be duped and made to thwart the best disclosure scenario. But eventually, as the big disclosure news about aliens lingers in press, news analysis, scientific discussions and intergovernmental forums, the stops and starts begin to reveal some good, reliable information. The challenge is to sort out the propaganda and the greedy lets-make-a-deal kind of thinking of those who don't care about right or wrong---just get whatever you can now from those aliens.

So, planning has to keep a major sequence of releases, statements and programs IN MOTION. It can't let people think ~that's it, now the abducting aliens can just play their hand to maximum effect. People have to see the promise of future info releases, more evidence, and public programs to get us acquainted with the idea of an inhabited universe. We have to put people on adequate footing to anticipate a dangerous move by the breeding program operatives, but we don't want the situation to deteriorate into an anti-alien arms race. That would separate us from our real neighbors and give the gray alignment easy justification for continuing to isolate us and say we're primitives. So we have to be able to defend our planet from unwanted intrusions, but we can't go out patrolling with scalar weapons like we do with nukes on aircraft carriers. This is a whole new context and we've already been warned: part of the rationalization for the manipulated death of the gray planet was its use of scalar energy weapons. Before they got out into space with such (or shortly afterward), their planet was dead, forever. And now they're minor dependents of the same colonizing alignment that probably put its operatives into the gray midst to ~arrange things, previously.

We have to be able to say we know of some materially uninterested, honest aliens who we can trust. We have to be able to say we have neighbors who actually evolved here in this galaxy, as contrasted with those gray alignment enclaves only recently positioned in some locations in our vicinity (as part of a colonization effort from afar). People neeed the truth. Otherwise, we're all vulnerable to dangerous manipulations by what, in some ways, are collectively acquisitive, sometimes deceitful aliens who think that humans aren't very bright.

Two months after disclosure, the collective intelligence here will be taking interesting steps into a whole new category. We need to prepare people for that now. We need to see beyond the gray alignment in order to plan correctly. We need to deepen our analysis and share what we know.

Or imagine a president saying:

"We have news of great importance. Years ago, the US government found a crashed aerial vehicle that military investigators said was not of human origin. Prior to and during the Cold War, the story was kept secret in order to prevent possible detection of the story by foreign foes, but now, we can tell the story..."

The speech would then say that the gray's alingment of aliens (alt. the Pleidians, or the tall whites, etc.--same group, say competing alien sources) are strategic partners willing to both trade and help us detect unwanted incursions by potentially hostile aliens (our neighbors). The gray alignment will be portrayed as more advanced
than our neighbors, a key element of the betrayal. By saying they're more advanced, it trivializes our actual, native alien neighbors and reduces them to secondary, potentially less civilized status.

There would be an uprising in US military circles--pitting those who want to maintain a trickle-down of alien tech against those who know that the gray alignment wants to colonize and essentially take over. The key to the strategy is to run the whole scheme through a narco-dealing, weapons-controlling elite, i.e. the Fed Reserve families. That way it's international, part of the same old scam that gives orders and keeps secrets. If they can hide it behind the moneymen, the public will be expected to obey---or else risk loss of credit, food, and such, supposedly. Of course, now that the US economy has nearly collapsed because it was controlled by those same, Fed Reserve families, public anger is high. No one trusts the big, money sponging bankers anymore (that’s a good development). If the betrayal is simply made to look like our regime doing a tentative deal in order to find out more, to explore the idea of further relations, it becomes a Trojan Horse.

Once installed, the abducting alignment simply needs to wow the public with spectacles: flyovers, new tech, secret news and info (imagine a video of Jesus, himself, alive and talking--from way back when). But that wouldn't be enough: expect attempts to play up to the global public by evidence of contacts with all major cultures'
antescedents--Islam, Moses, etc. The idea would be to get humans when they're weak, create mayhem of a pro-alien saviors sort vs. the wary. By pitting the faithful against the more sober-minded cautions of those who don't want an alien incursion, they'd hope to undercut skepticism by making the haters their own, fanatical advocates. Imagine: to betray those aliens is to betray God, Mohammed, Jesus and Moses all at one time. Do you dare insult the prophets?

Then appearances could be timed to mollify the public. The aliens could promise to cure AIDS (did their operatives literally seed it in Haiti and the southern cone of Africa, initially?), cancers, and also fix the environment. All of it is petty investment for them, the work of what is, effectively, a small city of 15-40,000 aliens on a single mother ship, plus some scattered breeding program enclaves.

The main goal would be to de-stabilize human politics, drive us to desperation so that we have no faith in ourselves, then enter upon the scene. A pacification program. Like the Chicago boys' attempt to inflict terror on S. America's southern cone prior to looting all of its public assets (a Rockefeller, Rothschild scheme that tied into the Federal Reserve). Naomi Klein’s book, The Shock Doctrine best explains that.

Then, voila, aliens solve all human problems. Sure, there were SOME abductions, but they can say those were kept to a minimum---they needed to simply get a comprehensive catalogue of all human genes in order to heal us. They’ll try to say that that it was only “volunteers” who were offered a place offworld, free of disease under a worry-free "government"---that’s what they’ll say about abductees used to breed those humanoid surrogate groups (Nordics, Semitics, Altaran, etc.) The idea is to prevent us from thinking thousands were kidnapped and stolen into slavery.

But the scheme killer, the ruin of it, would be public awareness of exactly who were the breeding program operatives planted among us, who betrayed us, deliberately schemed wars, epidemics, scarcity and ecological destruction. Because they went so far beyond what humans would forgive for any direct alien presence, their whole scheme is probably failed before it even gets started. Roswell may have been a liberation, in that sense. And it shows that we need to shove that alien group off in order to move on to normal inter-alien relations after humankind has had time to learn some basics about what we just went through. We shouldn’t respond with weapons, but global awareness,

From the perspective of our neighbors, that's exactly the kind of outcome that will get us up to speed so we can behave more responsibly. But that leaves us one major problem: how to compel the breeding program enclaves to get out of our neighborhood and go seek converts elsewhere. A colonizer doesn't listen to a target population because the first assumption of colonial propaganda is that we're incapable, not too smart---reckless and likely to ruin the planet. Therefore, we can be treated as infantile, incompetent to understand their plan. We aren't even a telepathic community, therefore we can be discussed like mere objects (as abductees report). The colonizer's internal propaganda trivializes the human contributions to human
history, the human numbers and the work we did to evolve ourselves. Instead, it's all framed as though THEY did most of it.

In other words, their minds are already set: it was necessary to sabotage us in order to save us. Therefore, we CAN'T let people know who their operatives are, among us, they insist.

Last edited by George LoBuono on Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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George LoBuono
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George LoBuono

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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 2:00 pm

Which suggests that the most effective route to public awareness is a) expose ; b) a more scientifically mature public that can understand how we don't need those aliens to survive--we already have adequate technology and sympathetic neighbors; and c) exposure of their direct breeding program operatives who've committed the most grotesque treason ever, against all of humankind.

War criminals are simply the enemy of the people, but to do treason for an alien colonizer is to be "the enemy of people," in general. It's quite a distinction. Which may be why we see disappearance of government into increasingly secret dark corners, the murder of witnesses, and wars that ruin the US and other public resources. The worse it gets here, the easier it is to hide behind the screen of the various humans implicated in ancillary doings. Is it the same old colonial game, as we've known it in the past?

The best way to probe and ascertain breeding program operatives is to simply learn telepathy and remote sensing. Also hone your expository skills. Don't be afraid because fear is their very refuge.

And remember, though you don't see the story on tonight's news, it's the biggest story in the whole of human history. It eclipses WWII, the Cold War, the Jesus story, the discovery of the Americas and penicillin--all combined. Mathematically, it’s trillions of times larger: an inhabited, intelligent cosmos, an equally extensive history, science, etc. Polls show that people are ready for this story.

It's most ironic that the gray alignment uses surrogate human-hybrid versions to blind alien-aware people to that fact that none of the gray alignment's aliens are native to this galaxy. They don't want us to look to see whether our neighbors are more decent, more finely careful and wary of a destabilizing Frankenstein scheme.

So, that could mean that our neighbors are part of the solution. It certainly feels that way. Rather than directly provocative, ruinous diversions, our neighbors appear to be toned down, much more cautious and collectively open. The colonizers try to reduce our awareness and make a loud and simple-minded spectacle of it all, while our native neighbors watch for a quieter, more collectively aware humankind.

Enter Obama. You can't expect the Rockefeller mafia to just fess up and tell what has happened since '53 (Rockefeller theft of control of e.t. tech/issues from Eisenhower), then 1963 (JFK's murder), etc.

Writing elsewhere, I note a DuPont family move to eliminate Howard Hughes' interests role in alien issues circa the Nixon administration. Remember the story about a Bahamas site with a lab to study a downed e.t. craft--all of it run by Hughes aerospace? Well, under Nixon the DuPonts, via their interest in Boeing-North American and their 17-19 percent ownership of GM, took control of Hughes aerospace circa 1975-7. And DuPonts are deeply entwined in the Rockefeller family’s corporations. For example, CIA chief Allen Dulles, who worked for the DuPont's United Fruit Co. in Guatemala prior to joining the CIA, is from the Dulles family that originally got wealthy serving Rockefeller corporations.

By pushing Hughes and competitors out of aviation corporations that reportedly had direct hands-on labs involving downed e.t. technology, the black budget mafia was further concentrated in monsters' hands. DuPonts supported fascism and now do heavy business wtih Rockefeller. A DuPont gofer, Gen. Ed Lansdale, may have organized the shooter team that Col. Fletcher Prouty and Pentagon colleagues say appears to have shot JFK at Dealey Plaza.

So, David Rockefeller will be gone shortly, but DuPonts (more wealthy than Rockefellers) and the Goldman family still have cabal power. That's who Obama would effectively be asking if he asks for info on aliens. They are monsters, and they aren't likely to say, yeah, we murdered Jack, we stole control of some reverse-engineered programs, and via Rockefeller we may have betrayed all of humankind by allowing aliens to base here, in some locations.

Obama's more realistic avenue would be to have his people secretly talk to people like Greer, Clifford Stone, and other whistleblowers, then talk to Corso's old contacts and any others who are actually honest. Obama should let executive branch employees approach the subject via various routes, rather than try to do so himself. And he can't give up if some Bushie-appointed gofer says Obama has no need to know. The Bushie regime failed, Bush Sr. is over with, as is Rockefeller. They are toast, not competent now.

But we have to develop public awareness. Obama's best route is various military brass and, if Michael Salla is correct, some of Obama's own acquaintances have worked on the PI-40 committee, so they have intimate knowledge of alien-related programs.

But the most important precaution Obama must make is to not step into the black hole, the same old rut of that cabal of offenders. It may be impolitic for Obama to eschew everything Rockefeller, but he must be aware that Rockefeller's rut is a walled-off prison for mass offenders, in a larger, cosmic sense. You don’t want to step into their rut because it’s so warped and criminal that your outlook would be biased, inadequate if you relied on them, if you placed yourself in their rut. The ultimate irony is that Rockefeller and his cronies may be easily manipulated, if not controlled by the very abducting aliens in question. The Rockefeller mafia wanted to aid and abet those aliens for reasons of power and inside influences. So, to ask them to fess up is like asking gray alignment aliens themselves to come clean. It isn't likely to occur.

Obama must work around them, let military brass come forward---but don't be too obvious about it. Once queries are made, the Rockefeller mafia finds out about it. Although David Rockefeller is over with, the DuPont-Goldman (and, by extension, Rothschild) mainstays are still there, and they don't want anyone to know too much.

So, an effective opening is a much larger consideration. Many must move, in concert, to open the subject up. The old monsters are no longer competent, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. We can help by further refining and deepening the discussion, raising our standards and spreading public awareness.

Roswell and other aspects of first contact were 62 years ago. That generation is gone. The discourse and the evidence has evolved greatly since then, to wit, this kind of website.

We need large, concerted convergence, and moves to encourage greater openings. You certainly feel it happening, these days. But don't wait for someone else to do it all.

Get involved, directly. (sorry about the long post---but it's a major subject)
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CE 2

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Registration date : 2009-03-26

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PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeTue Apr 07, 2009 8:22 pm

A very interesting and comprehensive read on the subject, although I disagree on a couple points, I did find most of it to be credible and in-line with the christian perspective and biblical relations on how satan and his fallen angels might go about their ultimate plan to deceive mankind. One could easily replace your theory of "an advanced, intellegent race of homeless ET's trying to trick a primative group of backward monkeys down at the city zoo into letting them be in charge of the monkey display while they live and interbreed among them under secrecy" ... to me, something doesn't jive with that scenario. And to make it harder to swallow is the fact that all of our local neighbor aliens of higher intellegence are all sitting back fooled by this too?

Although you allude to Jesus and God in your theory, it sounds like you dismiss them as just another "thing that happened" along the road of humanity. Nowhere do you address the possibility that these ET's could be the very ones that Jesus was warning us all about in the bible. The matter of "deception" and how satan worked was talked about in the bible as a warning to mankind, I'm surprised you haven't given this possibility more creedance, it actually makes perfect sense when you think about it, and it fits in better and more perfectly to your theory because it is backed by the historical evidence of the bible which wrote about this happening before it ever did.
The state of the world is also exactly what the bible forecasted it would be before the end ... when it says so many would be deceived by satan prior to Jesus returning on the clouds in the sky. Your theory actually fits very nicely into the biblical account of end times .... its entirely possible that satan using deception as ET/Aliens would try and control the human race in the end, outlawing religious beliefs, putting the mark of the beast on anyone wishing to eat and live ... or face death if they don't.

I find your theory to be as good as any i've heard and it fits perfectly into the biblical accounts of what will happen in the end times as many are deceived.

We're all entitled to our opinions, I just thought I'd give you mine too.

thank you
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CE 2

Number of posts : 219
Registration date : 2009-03-26

Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 10:08 am

Another thing .... if there are all these other beings and civilizations out there like you say there are , then why has there been no findings that support that theory? It seems the only evidence of ET's is the evil grays who work thru deception and exhibit nothing but "bad intent" as you allude to. This fact lends more support to the biblical perspective that there is not a universe teeming with populated planets and life forms, but rather one single group of fallen angels led by satan who are attempting to deceive mankind and work towards the eventual goal of announcing themselves as "the true god" which the bible warns will happen.
You've even used that scenario in your account of what might possibly happen when they reveal themselves to mankind , that they might use the opportunity to steer believers away from the notion of Jesus being our savior, this would fit in with bible prophecy.
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Location : Abingdon, VA
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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 11:15 am

Im not sure where religion falls into my whole amnesty question, can we keep answers on point guys and gals. I note that there are other subboards for the content of the last few messages............
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CE 2

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PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 1:30 pm

dennisjwisnoskyjr wrote:
Im not sure where religion falls into my whole amnesty question, can we keep answers on point guys and gals. I note that there are other subboards for the content of the last few messages............

With all due respect sir, I think all of our responses were on point , maybe you're just upset or frustrated by the fact that none of us agreed with you.

Lesley's response was on point when she posted that an amnesty program wasn't a very realistic expectation considering the track record we're dealing with...and you agreed with her.

The next poster responded with an extensive and indepth explanation as to why an amnesty program isn't very likely considering what's been going on as he stated.

My response was directed at "his response" when I raised a few questions about how religion might be playing into "deception" he says the ET's/grays are using. I'm sorry if I didn't respond directly to your question, but sometimes thats how message boards work.
In the end all of our responses are good and vital to the task at hand of sharing ideas and opinions regarding all of these topics. The religion aspect does fall into the topic of government amnesty and disclosure as it might explain that certain forces are at work to deceive the masses and keep certain leaders in the dark about whatys really going on, which the 2nd response had extensively explained.
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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: reasons disclosure isn't going to happen   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 8:03 pm

There are two basic reasons why disclosure isn't going to happen any time soon.

The first one is that the military and governments that may have any type of extraterrestrial ships or aliens will not want to share their knowledge of what they found out. This sounds selfish, but it is true of all governments out there. They want to have all the cutting edge technology that has been found to themselves.

We, as humans, are not ready for disclosure. We still like to kill each other in wars and other terrible ways. We have weapons of mass destruction pointed at each other. Why would any aliens want to have us as neighbors, less contact with us?

It is nice to think that the government is getting ready for disclosure, but if they really do have anything extraterrestrial, they are not going to share it anytime soon.
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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 3:51 pm

So then what unit of measurement do we use to dictate when mankind is ready for disclosure?
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PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 4:04 pm

kidflash2008 wrote:
There are two basic reasons why disclosure isn't going to happen any time soon.

The first one is that the military and governments that may have any type of extraterrestrial ships or aliens will not want to share their knowledge of what they found out. This sounds selfish, but it is true of all governments out there. They want to have all the cutting edge technology that has been found to themselves.

We, as humans, are not ready for disclosure. We still like to kill each other in wars and other terrible ways. We have weapons of mass destruction pointed at each other. Why would any aliens want to have us as neighbors, less contact with us?

It is nice to think that the government is getting ready for disclosure, but if they really do have anything extraterrestrial, they are not going to share it anytime soon.

I hope our governments are asking the ETs the most important question of all and that is: How did YOU survive for so long and evolve intelligently without destroying yourselves?
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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: answers   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 4:32 pm

dennisjwisnoskyjr wrote:
So then what unit of measurement do we use to dictate when mankind is ready for disclosure?

There may not be any if it is left to our governments. Remember, the governments of the world want to hold onto power. One way to do that is to keep the knowledge to themselves.

The aliens may be waiting until we are more peaceful toward one another. Why invite an alien race (humans) to join them if all we do is kill each other. If we cannot get along with other humans, would we get along with aliens?

Those are hypothetical answers, especially the one on what aliens think. Being human, and having been in the military, I do know a little bit on how the governments think. I do wish there was an easy answer, or a way to change minds, but unfortunately, the status quo will not change.
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CE 2

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PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 12:39 am

dennisjwisnoskyjr wrote:
So then what unit of measurement do we use to dictate when mankind is ready for disclosure?

I believe unit of measurement would be "wars, chaos, collapse of world economy,etc." , if say a war erupts between Israel and Iran ...and then Russia or China tries to defend Iran which leads to nuclear exchange .. the United States is drawn in .... North Korea attacks South Korea or Japan ... A scenario like that (which isn't a very big stretch) could be the point where governments introduce Alien contacts as a way to restore order around the globe and use it as a sort of "common ground" with which different nations can agree to a "world Government" of sorts, maybe feeling that the Aliens could be impartial judges over-seeing the new world order.

That would be how I would expect it to come out , in a time of total crisis.

I just don't see how a governement will ever come to terms disclosing the truth when they feel there is no need to, no emergency to warrant it. Keeping them (govmnts) in power and in control is their most important agenda , keeping the sheep calm and going to work everyday helps keep them in power ... disclosing ET's is probably looked at as a threat to the apple cart , its only to be used in an emergency..and to help them restore order and keep their positions of power.
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CE 2

Number of posts : 219
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PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 12:57 am

here's a copy of a response by a memeber of this message board "moonchild" which was posted on a different topic , but i think it fits in good with this discussion too...

moonchild posts .....

It easily explains all the missing people reports and cattle mutilations and it definitely explains the hush-hush following the shooting of this episode. It's one thing for the public to have "disclosure" of flying saucers but to know that there's this creepy little nest of mutants testing on our missing children would send us into an emotional revolution. And as one Hunter said to me, "why would you tell your children that you can't protect them?" This quote would simplify the entire reason why they have covered up everything they can about aliens here on Earth. They can't protect us. All they can do is minimize the horror by appeasing. The Forgotten suggests this about Wag the Dog. If they were to say, "yeah...okay we got a saucer from Rosewell" they'd have to start answering all the questions that would lead to creepy mutants testing on us underground which would not be okay with any human on Earth. No no.
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Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: another question   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 3:14 pm

Why would aliens need to mutilate cattle? They could just get a sample of what they need and leave the cattle unharmed. If they did any testing, why would they leave the evidence?

I think the cattle mutilation is done by the government to keep people off track of what is really happening. Too many people have seen helicopters in the area during such mutilations. The gas masks found by the investigator in the Dulce mutilations also is evidence it is humans who are doing the mutilating.
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PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 3:40 pm

The proverbial slight of hand. Interesting and plausible analysis and hypothesis!
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George LoBuono
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George LoBuono

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PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 1:13 am

Dennis, your question about a metric is well-aimed. We need strict, clean criteria. The public is certainly ready for disclosure, but religion is a sore point. Studies have shown that the most funamentally religious (people who believe that pre-scientific, iron age writings are infallible) are the least capable of assimilating new info about aliens. Aliens can't be fit into a pre-made human notion of a human-like god and a devil. Better to suspend that in order to listen to how THEY think, which isn't to say to live without belief. But be scientific. In Religulous, Bill Maher talks with some Catholic Church clergy who seem ready for the kind of info that will come with aliens.

An Amnesty is tricky. South Africa did an amnesty truth-telling project. The result was a quick Shock Doctrine takeover of the new government's economy without any significant shift of (stolen) assets to the native majority of South Africa. Mandela was held hostage to a pre-packaged NWO version of a corporate farm state. Argentina's amnesty was atrocious---the killers got off and the economy went completely to hell. Most of those who would want an amnesty are old or dead, but we need to move beyond retribution of ALL who obeyed murderous orders INSIDE the United States.

The real question is more about the subjects discussed in Michael Salla's new book, Exposing US Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life: the use of the CIA Act of 1949 to create a Rockefeller-led criminal substructure that is beyond redemption. The CIA was alllowed to rake off other agencies' money "without regard to law," which is ruinous. Imagine the Founders reading about it. Time for another Revolution, they might even say...

Or at least a new law that keeps the CIA merely the CIA, keeping it from being used by monsters like David Rockefeller, Bush Sr. or Mylar DuPont to traffic in sex slave children and narcotics, then use the money to murder whistle blowers who want to talk about how humankind is betrayed by those who allow (absolutely uncontrollable) abductors' bases right here in the USA.

Would an amnesty have resolved Nazi Germany had Hitler been killled?" Probably not. The Germany Uber Alles mentality would have continued to kill innocents. Maybe an amnesty for lower level soldiers who simply followed orders under the threat of death might be necessary, but we need to know who the worst offenders at the top are. They aren't the military men. They're people like David Rockefeller, Henry B. DuPont, and Bush Sr. We can all see that---they remained in power while other officials and military men were moved about on the map like chess pieces. But the old guys are mostly dead or going very senile at present. David Rockefeller is 94---what wimp is afraid of someone like that?

Amnesty is necessary--with conditions, and with discovery, publication of details and a full global consideration of some details. Obviously we're not going to tell the Sauds how to build a scalar weapons system, the North Koreans how to build an anti-gravity craft. But the larger criminal outlines must be bared, especially now that the old monsters are no longer really competent.
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Location : Abingdon, VA
Registration date : 2009-03-30

Government Amnesty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Government Amnesty   Government Amnesty Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 10:33 am

George - Excellent analysis of the issue...........thank you for the post. This is the type of discussion I was aming for, not that all the points are not valid in some of the earliers. I am looking to solve the issue of disclosure. I agree, the lowers, like those in the FAA that denied our request for FOIA in the Abingdon case (which we now have others involved and I will file suit if necessary), will need an amnesty in order to get them to come forward. If they come forward in droves and without fear of reprisal, they will have no choice. They worked (I think) the right avenue in the disclosure project, but just didnt go far enough.
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