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 Gathered UFO Research??

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PostSubject: Gathered UFO Research??   Gathered UFO Research?? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 2:11 am

I have no idea where to post this. For over a year or so I thought about writing the UFO Hunters team and asking them about some things. I have been gathering research for many years. To design my own "UFO" / "flying saucer" type craft, and have come across some things that are not any secret, but still might be interesting. It would be nice to be able to talk to Bill or Pat ( or the different members of the team they have had over the seasons ) and get their opinion. For instance "taming gravity" and Quantum teleportation as some objects that might be in a craft and how might some things be designed by us today...and not necessarily from aliens that are higher tech. So would like to talk to one of them to see what they think.
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