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 My simple philosophical theory about Prophecies and those who make them

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Luna Dragon
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Luna Dragon

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My simple philosophical theory about Prophecies and those who make them Empty
PostSubject: My simple philosophical theory about Prophecies and those who make them   My simple philosophical theory about Prophecies and those who make them Icon_minitimeWed Oct 28, 2009 10:01 pm

I've been watching too much on Nostradamus again, but I came up with a very simple metaphysical theory of /why/ prophecy works so effectively.

All is one, and one is all. Every human being that ever was and ever will be is connected together. Those in history gifted with prophecy, are connected to this fabric. And so they can connect with the hearts of mankind.

These people use symbols to translate their visions, symbols are the security systems that these prophets use to hide their work. By finding out the symbols of the time they are trying to predict and using them, they can ensure their work remains untranslated until the time it is intended for.

Symbolism is what gives many occult systems their power. Because symbols resonate with the unconscious mind of man. They're like bells, like music, they communicate even to those who cannot read or write.

Very simple, very matter of fact. Obviously it can't be proven, it only makes sense in the field of philosophy.
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My simple philosophical theory about Prophecies and those who make them Empty
PostSubject: Re: My simple philosophical theory about Prophecies and those who make them   My simple philosophical theory about Prophecies and those who make them Icon_minitimeThu Oct 29, 2009 4:40 pm

The one thing about Nostradamus was that he wrote so much that any major event can be found to correlate what he says. His prophesies are too vague to get any real meaning out of them.

Those series are about doom and gloom and no hope. I quit watching it as I did get tired of the usual end of the world, end times predictions.
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Luna Dragon
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Luna Dragon

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My simple philosophical theory about Prophecies and those who make them Empty
PostSubject: nods   My simple philosophical theory about Prophecies and those who make them Icon_minitimeThu Oct 29, 2009 8:40 pm

Honestly, I believe that Issac Newton wrote that paper, but if Einstein can prove Newton's theory of gravity wrong, then I think he might have been wrong about that too. Plus biographers think that Newton had OCD, when people who study the psychic encounter somebody who has power but also has the possibility of mental illness they screen the person carefully with a psychietrist for other problems like schizophrenia.

I do not believe Da Vinci quite had the gift of prophecy. I believe that his witnessing a massive flood as a young man gave him a phobia of water so great that he was obsessed with the element.

Some of our greatest geniuses are also cursed by madness. Its the nature of the beast. With blessings come curses.

I also do not believe that the Web bot project is a source of prophecy, simply by the nature of how it gathers data from the internet to make its predictions. I think the web bot is parroting the anxieties of webusers. If enough people google 2012, odds are the bot will pick that up and confirm those fears. Like some kind of superspy it searches out the things we write, the things we publish, the things we search for and the things we send to each other.

Its great for predicting sales trends and the economy, with all the money changing hands on the web every day, a supercomputer that can analyze them all and turn them into a simple coherant picture is a powerful tool. But it flat out sucks as a source of prophecy. I mean, if it were smart enough to predict the future, then one might wonder why such a program doesn't go Terminator on us and take over in an attempt to do something about it.
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