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 Knights Templar in America

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PostSubject: Knights Templar in America   Knights Templar in America Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 3:51 pm

I missed the show on History Channel on the Knights Templar called "Holy Grail in America", but it will be reran on Saturday, Sept 26, 2009. The show is about the Kensington Runestone and other clues that back up the theory the Knights did arrive on the Americas in the mid 14th Century, a full one hundred years before Columbus.

The speculation is they brought a huge part of their treasure and hid it somewhere in the continent. Oak Island is brought up, but they would not put any parchments where they would get wet. Could it be a decoy?

I will watch the show and give a review.
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PostSubject: Re: Knights Templar in America   Knights Templar in America Icon_minitimeWed Sep 15, 2010 1:53 pm

Check in google "andesenios explorers" and "sociedad Delphos" Also check my post here in this forum.

I think all is related to patagonia, and the grial, the ancien templars wanted to hide their secrets in the end of the world, they had knowledge of america due to ancient books kept in secret by societies. The nazis also knew about this secrets and wanted to find the ancient artifacts of the gods (vimannas also) with help of vril and thule society they went to south america, and many esoteric SS went to Bariloche , Argentina, seeking for knowledge and enlightment related to this.

Lost cities of akakor and "ciudad de los cesares" are the hidden cities of "white gods" called like this by the indians.

Also if you read "cronichles of Akakor" you will see that the writer a german guy called "Karl Bruguer" talks about 2 thosand german soldiers that came to Brazil to check the cities and artifacts of the gods.

Patagonia was also sorrunded by nazi submarines during the ww2 and many german lived and helped nazis here in Argentina.

I think they were looking for what the templard hided here in south america.

The book of akakor also talks about the godos and vikings , and how they came to america after beinmg defeated by the romans in the vesubious battle for the empire.

sorry for my bad english, im from argentina and i talk spanish. greetings
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