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 Question about the Maya's?

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Number of posts : 53
Age : 55
Location : Terre Hauet, IN
Registration date : 2009-06-11

Question about the Maya's? Empty
PostSubject: Question about the Maya's?   Question about the Maya's? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2009 1:35 pm

I have a question about the ancient Maya's I want to made sure I'm clear on was it the maya's that made the calendar that did the daily human killings to bring up the Sun God. These where the same Maya's that have detail caves of the planets and stars better information than what we now have that where doing the daily killing.
It maybe be just me scratch misunderstanding the ancient times, but if it was the same people why would they have killed daily to bring up a Sun God if they had the information of how the solar system worked.

Did we get the information of why they killed daily from those who wanted to take over and kill the Maya's at that time and it could have been a miss understanding or they couldn't and wouldn't understand the truth of what the Maya's did. Could the daily killing have been not to a Sun God but to an alien craft to either get them to come back or to show a sign of honor to them since it was set at a set time.

I don't know ancient Maya times that well and it could just be a misunderstanding on my part of the time frame, I know I'm not the sharpest mind around but could it have been a misunderstanding on those who took over the Maya lands about the daily killings? scratch

I'm looking for an answer it has always puzzled me about the time line and if they had that much info why would they kill a soul daily to a Sun GOD to make sure it would come up? scratch
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PostSubject: Re: Question about the Maya's?   Question about the Maya's? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2009 5:42 pm

The thing about the Mayan, Aztec and other cultures in that time frame was that they learned by rote. Their society did not advance when they were living in those cities. They did not have the wheel on carts, but they did have wheels on toys.

They were very bloodthirsty for the type of culture that would build such monuments.

To answer your question, I think they sacrificed people to the gods for an abundant harvest and other reasons. The people sacrificed were willing to die, except for the enemies they would sacrifice. It is not known how often they did sacrifice people or how many were sacrificed.

They learned all their sciences from the past and never grew upon the knowledge. Colin Wilson (and other writers) suggest an even more ancient peoples taught them about the stars and planets. They also used the same calendar as the Olmec peoples. That does indicate the knowledge passed on was very old.

I know it sounds confusing, but I hope this helps answer one question.
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Question about the Maya's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about the Maya's?   Question about the Maya's? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2009 10:36 pm

alittletouched asks questions I like - nice Damascus edge. Very Happy If "alien", the notion of "training" and "loyalty oath testing" and the stagnation of the various cultures and their sudden disappearances could fit with a "basic training" regimen. At some point a recruit reports for active duty? Slavers-enslave, call in the motherships for pick-up. Farming.

"They take the white-trash first 'round here anyway", Steve Earle, Copperhead Road 1991.

They could tell time, they could understand planetary motion, built some strange architecture, they had language, mathematics, they may have understood aerodynamic and hydrodynamic concepts, they could kill their own, they had their own UFC-cum-field-team-sports, all very pliable assets - what's not to like? What still isn't to like? 'Doesn't even scratch the surface of the "weird" goin' on back then or now. Bright-enough, but not "too-bright". Fine soldiers.

Don't all human monumentally blood-thirsty cultures have "monuments"? Very Happy I'm trying to think of any that didn't/don't in their own way. Noble-beasts we. Have a Nobel. Very Happy

The reasons for blood-sacrifice vary, the behavior does not. "Law" did/does that. And from where might such "laws" come? Very Happy "Reason" rhymed by rote, note for note. Author, author! Here Fido. Dawgma and just 'cause. (Winks to Alf)

The chicken or the egg? Seems to reason that the Sun was "happening" all along ('cept for those nasty eclipses on their version of a calendar widget) so... "sacrifice" was made to fit the existing local "need"? Maybe, maybe not. It could just be "shooting rubber-bands at the Moon", yet it was premeditated killing - here, let me cut your heart out, don't squirm it will only... This was thought of as "good". The trade in human-Albino parts is alive and quite well in Africa in 2009 too. Big human-ova bust in Romania today...

I liked Peru. Mexico was a waste of time. Chile was OK. Brazil a nightmare - missed Colares because of a strike. But even the various guides to the sights at the sites "vary" as to the "in-situ" story of the day. Very Happy Some make sense, most just make money - it's a racket even when it's not. Stagnant, banking on the calendar's-end in some places. Academics? Sorry, we only have entrepreneurs in stock these recessionary days. Academics of such esoterica as the "truth" are on back-order - have been for quite some time - lost in the signal to noise. Very Happy Stagnant. Without inertia.

I agree with kidflash2008 about growth... seems to me too that when there is really "interesting" human events - "they" may not be so far away. Crisis? What crisis? Time after time for thousands of years. Our "civilized" monumental moments and monuments would seem to support that idea of intervention even if only by anecdote - guilt by association. Maybe. Our "laws" may stem from "their" courtings amongst other peculiarities of our genus.

Who knows? Maybe "they" will be back as so many tales tell - maybe "they'll" have "friends", maybe "not-friends" too. Some say we already "cut a deal" - maybe bet on the wrong horse too. When it's time - we'll find out.

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Number of posts : 53
Age : 55
Location : Terre Hauet, IN
Registration date : 2009-06-11

Question about the Maya's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about the Maya's?   Question about the Maya's? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 3:40 pm

I thank you, in some places that I have read it has them killing at a set time just to make sure that the sun would come up. I understand that the give of blood and others body parts to a higher power for the blessings of the harvest and other things but it was the killing to make sure that the sun would rise that made me question if they had all that knowledge why would they do it? scratch

When it comes to 2012 I don't fear it, it goes along with my thoughts on time. To me time is not a set thing it flows like energy in waves sometimes faster sometimes slower. If time was a set thing we would already have time machines, but when you have some many different types of calendars and when people can go around and change their clocks twice a year to gain or lose an hour every year time is not a given thing in my mind.
The maya calendar gives a little to the cycle of time with the seasons. To me time could just be changing to a different frequency(sorry, i would love spell check) on 12/21/2012 and with all things that changes the old that can't handle it goes away, yes, sometimes painfully but the start of something new and better will be there.(Ok, not so much if its Mcrosoft) I know its crazy and confusing but if you had a time machine which calendar would you use and would it get you to the correct time and place that you wanted to go to. confused

Sorry, I got off the subject you don't want to hear my childlish thoughts on time, just to say we have got to stop worring and just live our life. flower
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Question about the Maya's? Empty
PostSubject: knowledge   Question about the Maya's? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 6:08 pm

While they did repeat knowledge to hand down the generations, the question is did they even know what it meant? I think Mr Wilson makes a very good point about the Mayan society and what they actually did with it. They did not have any arts that really flourished, nor did they develop as a culture during the time. It was like they were taught some things and told to pass it down.

I don't think anyone really does know how many were sacrificed during those events. If they sacrificed thousands, then how did the population survive? (They could of used sacrifices as part of population control, especially if there were crop failures or other problems.)

My question is who taught them the knowledge they passed down? Who was there before they were? Who aligned the cities so perfectly?

It could be they did have teachers come from other areas, possibly from another planet to re jump-start the civilization that may have preceded them thousands of years before the Maya showed up.

These are my rantings too! Thank you for reading them.

Goddess Bless,

Lloyd sunny flower
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Number of posts : 53
Age : 55
Location : Terre Hauet, IN
Registration date : 2009-06-11

Question about the Maya's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about the Maya's?   Question about the Maya's? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 3:02 pm

I like those kind of rants myself, I want to understand more and for me grow I want to hear how others see and understand life that helps me to expained my mind. I'm in the beginners line of study on ancient mysteries of UFO, so please forgive me that is way I asked to question.

I do thank everyone. Smile
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Question about the Maya's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about the Maya's?   Question about the Maya's? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2009 12:24 pm

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