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Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_lcapSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? I_voting_barSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_rcap 
Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_lcapSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? I_voting_barSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_rcap 
Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_lcapSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? I_voting_barSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_rcap 
Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_lcapSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? I_voting_barSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_rcap 
Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_lcapSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? I_voting_barSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_rcap 
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Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_lcapSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? I_voting_barSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_rcap 
Jeremy Vaeni
Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_lcapSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? I_voting_barSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_rcap 
Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_lcapSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? I_voting_barSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_rcap 
Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_lcapSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? I_voting_barSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_rcap 
Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_lcapSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? I_voting_barSirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Vote_rcap 
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 Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors?

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Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Empty
PostSubject: Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors?   Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 10, 2009 5:02 pm

I have read the book "The Sirius Mystery" by Robert Temple, and have read other books where the star Sirius is heavily used in ancient belief systems. It is quite interesting that all the cultures have similar stories about amphibian type beings coming from that area. The dog star is also abundant in the stories, and the moniker of dog is common among the many different cultures.

With science finding out that Sirius is a three star system with a blue giant, white dwarf and a red dwarf, it looks like the area could be a logical point for another civilization to evolve. The red dwarf is stated to have a planet orbiting around it in many of the myths, and now astronomers now state that red dwarfs would be perfect for planets as they are very stable and have very long lives. They have also found some red dwarfs that have planets orbiting them to add to the evidence.

Could the theories of the Nommo be true? Could the Anunnaki be true also? Both creatures are described a fish-like or amphibian in nature. Were we visited over 5,000 years ago by these extraterrestrials and given a jump start?

The more I think about it and the more evidence is found, I am thinking that this theory may be quite true.
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Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Empty
PostSubject: Sirius   Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 14, 2010 3:55 pm

Is ripe for legend because it is very bright and present in the sky for a long time throughout the year. It is primarily a blue-white giant star which means it is larger, hotter and younger than our sun, for these reasons I do not think it is a likely candidate. But hey, maybe planet Sirius 12 is an ocean world with an advanced civilization because they only had two massive exintctions compared to our 6 or so.
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Sirius, the home planet of our early visitors?
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