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 ORBS some real life entities some dust....

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ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 3:09 am

If orbs are not come scientists say they want to study them because they feel they are alive.
I know someone who has been studying them....ok some are dust on the lenz..but how come you can take a picture and they move...Don't stay in one place then they go and become smaller or then move to another spot...Do this..If you get a few orbs notice how if you take photo after photo ORBS move..they are not dust..they are not can't take a photo of a bug unless it's a spider in the tree's hanging in th e trees or a huge moth, then you will catch them..a Friend was in her house she took a photo ,there was a huge thing she kept following it and it moved from one spot to the other while someone watched and they saw nothing in the air, no bug ,no dust ....then the orb just left and disapeared... If that was dust or light shining. we would see it all during the time..or have to clean the lens, nut she was in the the basement during the day and not in the direct light or even near it, some pictures she used a flash, other times not..still the same this is not just something that is just normal every day has think and move and scientist are questioning this. They should and not give this half ** bull story.
And what about all the colors..form white to red to blue and like a rain bow...with or with out a tail....they move straight up or go way far away and hide being seen only half way hidden behind something...get hugs or small and transparent....!

Goes behind something and then it's seen sticking out with ends like only seen on either side of what it is hiding from...we have dust could do that..NOT! it's like looking at a crowd of people...spirits well yes if you want to get deep..I think alive/smart and evaluating it's surroundings and us IS the right term!

The man who first walked on the moon, said there is whats called Live Z-particles in space...Nasa even said to watch out for them..WHAT>>>why??????? do they know something that is not spoke of....and they can move and even be seen with-out your eye's's a flash of light energy....Is that not what Orbs are..they might be a little different in our atmosphere..I how-ever think they are getting smarter...he said it was alive like it was studying them in the space ship. Now I am starting to wonder also about cooling of our earth and they are coming in crowding us out of our own air and such, that would be the evil way of getting rid of humanity.....if these things found a way to come into our atmosphere then they might be studying all of us or worse off what I said above....Does this sort of makes sense? Maybe it's a vortex or open door way that we are being watched through? something to think of...and there is something in the bible also about this type of thing. farao

Read here!
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ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 3:11 pm

There are those who feel orbs are ghosts, and others think they could be extraterrestrial in origin.

My problem with orbs is the evidence could be dust or other particles in the air. It is also quite easy to fake the images on photographs and video, especially with the computer programs out there now.

I do not have a problem with scientists who want to study orbs. I wish science would do more to research and find out more about the UFO phenomena.
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Number of posts : 343
Location : Land of Enchantment
Registration date : 2009-03-08

ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 6:17 am

A few years back I kept getting orbs in my photos. Everyone kept telling me it was dust so I tried an experiment. I went out on a windy dusty day and took some photos -- no orbs in any of them. Maybe it was conditions outside, maybe it was too windy and blowing the dust too fast. I think a lot of orbs are lens flare, but there are a couple orb photos I have that seem fortean to me -- whether they truly are or not. Very Happy
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ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 2:32 pm

Interesting experiment, Lesley. I do think some orbs could be something other than dust. More people should do those types of experiments to see what results they get.
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ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeSat Jul 11, 2009 3:04 am

What do you think about orbs that are actually around someone? This has happened 4 times. They are blue orbs and just float for about 15 to 20 seconds and then disappear.
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Number of posts : 343
Location : Land of Enchantment
Registration date : 2009-03-08

ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeSat Jul 11, 2009 3:43 am

donnam wrote:
What do you think about orbs that are actually around someone? This has happened 4 times. They are blue orbs and just float for about 15 to 20 seconds and then disappear.

Are they visible or just come out in photos?

Many people have reported visible orbs. I haven't been lucky enough to see one myself though.
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ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeSat Jul 11, 2009 4:50 pm

I did see on a program (aired a while back ago and I cannot remember it) video shown of orbs floating in the air. It was quite eerie, and was like what you witnessed donnam. There was no explanation for what it was, and they had an eerie glow about them also.

If I remember the show, I will post it here.

Goddess Bless,

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ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeSat Jul 11, 2009 11:45 pm

They are actually around me and are a medium to deep blue. They aren't eerie or spooky. It seems like energy to me. But I wondered if anyone had any other ideas Smile
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ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 5:16 pm

donnam, they may not be eerie to you, but I would consider them weird the first time I witnessed them. I would try to understand what is going on so I would not feel weird about it. After a while, I would probably not feel anxious about what was happening. I am only human after all!

Last edited by kidflash2008 on Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:29 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : grammar correction)
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ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2009 2:49 am

It was strange at first, but now I just want to understand. Odd what you can get used to. I have had other strange things happen, but the orbs are the most consistent.
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ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2009 6:26 pm

After seeing the episode about orbs on UFO Hunters, I am one to believe they are possible entities. Are they supernatural beings or ghosts? Are they possibly vampire like entities that feed on cows' blood? Are they psychic type entities here to watch over us and warn us?

Since they do fly around and are not identified, they are also considered UFOs too. This is another area where both the paranormal and ufologists can work together and find out more about these fascinating phenomena.
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Registration date : 2010-03-22

ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: LIGHT AS CAMOFLAUGE   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 9:15 pm

As with ufo's sometimes and other phenomenon it usually starts with a bright light. Perhaps to get you your attention and reveal itself signature wise that it's emiting a recognizable energy and has some type of life aboard or is an embodiment of it.

I had an encounter with some type of aerial life form that began as a ball of light. It was brief but incredible and to make a long story short and not to reveal anymore for right now was able to get a up close and clear digital photo of it. Alternate life forms are residing hear on earth and are here to stay.
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ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 5:27 am

Would be interested in seeing your photo if you felt like posting it .

Welcome to the forum . Very Happy

FW .
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PostSubject: Re: ORBS some real life entities some dust....   ORBS some real life entities some dust.... Icon_minitime

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