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Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2015 1:21 am by ufoteacher

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Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_lcapPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. I_voting_barPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_rcap 
Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_lcapPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. I_voting_barPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_rcap 
Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_lcapPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. I_voting_barPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_rcap 
Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_lcapPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. I_voting_barPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_rcap 
Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_lcapPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. I_voting_barPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_rcap 
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Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_lcapPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. I_voting_barPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_rcap 
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Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_lcapPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. I_voting_barPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_rcap 
Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_lcapPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. I_voting_barPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_rcap 
Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_lcapPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. I_voting_barPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_rcap 
Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_lcapPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. I_voting_barPrahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Vote_rcap 
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 Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years.

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Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Empty
PostSubject: Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years.   Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08, 2014 12:51 pm

Prahlad Jani claims he's had no need for food or water, for 65 Years. Prahlad-Jani

"I feel no need for food and water," states Prahlad Jani, a seventy-six year old Indian ascetic who lives in a cave near the Ambaji temple in the state of Gujarat. Mr. Jani claims that he has not had food or fluids to drink for the last sixty-five years. At the age of seven years he left home in search of spiritual unfoldment. Jani states that at the age of eleven years he was blessed by a goddess. He claims that since that blessing he has gained his sustenance from nectar that filters down through a hole in his palate, and has not passed urine or stools since then. Mr. Jani explained, "I get the elixir of life from the hole in my palate, which enables me to go without food and water." Almost daily Mr. Jani enters a state of Samadhi characterized by extreme bliss and enormous light and strength. He says that he has never experienced medical problems. He says that he did not speak for a period of forty-five years.

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