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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2023 3:56 pm by onlychild

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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Icon_minitimeWed Dec 09, 2015 7:55 pm by ufoteacher

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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2015 1:21 am by ufoteacher

There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Icon_minitimeSat Sep 05, 2015 2:10 am by ufoteacher

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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 02, 2015 3:22 pm by ufoteacher

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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2015 8:29 pm by ufoteacher

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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2015 12:51 am by ufoteacher

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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2015 7:54 pm by ufoteacher

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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2015 5:12 am by ufoteacher

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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_lcapThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! I_voting_barThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_rcap 
There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_lcapThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! I_voting_barThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_rcap 
There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_lcapThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! I_voting_barThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_rcap 
There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_lcapThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! I_voting_barThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_rcap 
There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_lcapThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! I_voting_barThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_rcap 
free wheel
There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_lcapThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! I_voting_barThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_rcap 
Jeremy Vaeni
There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_lcapThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! I_voting_barThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_rcap 
There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_lcapThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! I_voting_barThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_rcap 
There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_lcapThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! I_voting_barThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_rcap 
There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_lcapThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! I_voting_barThere are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Vote_rcap 
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 There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System!

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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Empty
PostSubject: There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System!   There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08, 2014 5:48 am

There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System! Structure1

There are alien (or ET-human) devices, vehicles and structures on every physical planet in our Solar System! Some moons and major asteroids have been everything from mining excavations to battlefields over time. In some cases, the machines, crafts and alien buildings are extremely ancient. Off-world, artificial structures are right there in front of our eyes.

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There are Alien Structures throughout the Solar System!
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