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Does E.T technology advance with time? Vote_lcapDoes E.T technology advance with time? I_voting_barDoes E.T technology advance with time? Vote_rcap 
Does E.T technology advance with time? Vote_lcapDoes E.T technology advance with time? I_voting_barDoes E.T technology advance with time? Vote_rcap 
Does E.T technology advance with time? Vote_lcapDoes E.T technology advance with time? I_voting_barDoes E.T technology advance with time? Vote_rcap 
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Does E.T technology advance with time? Vote_lcapDoes E.T technology advance with time? I_voting_barDoes E.T technology advance with time? Vote_rcap 
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Jeremy Vaeni
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Does E.T technology advance with time? Vote_lcapDoes E.T technology advance with time? I_voting_barDoes E.T technology advance with time? Vote_rcap 
Does E.T technology advance with time? Vote_lcapDoes E.T technology advance with time? I_voting_barDoes E.T technology advance with time? Vote_rcap 
Does E.T technology advance with time? Vote_lcapDoes E.T technology advance with time? I_voting_barDoes E.T technology advance with time? Vote_rcap 
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 Does E.T technology advance with time?

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Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2010-03-22

Does E.T technology advance with time? Empty
PostSubject: Does E.T technology advance with time?   Does E.T technology advance with time? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 3:36 pm

Is it just the same as it's always been since our ancestors witnessed it? I guess that's a loaded question with many complications. The aliens or whoever they are always stay the same technologically?4real
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