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PostSubject: WHAT IS THIS??   WHAT IS THIS?? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 09, 2012 2:41 pm

Myself, my father, and my good friend were hunting in central Wisconsin this last weekend and my friend saw something to say the least we could not explain. We had just gotten up into our treestands when my friend texted me asking if I could see lights on my property, I couldn’t but he was persistent and honestly sounded a little scarred. I have pics, but without knowing the layout of my property they really wouldn’t mean much unless you just kind of take my word for it. I have 42 acres and he was looking right out into the middle of it into what is the thickest brushed area of the property. The sun was not up yet, and there was no fog for the moon to be illuminating. There was about a 50-75sq yd area of intense white light illuminating the woods. It is way to much and to bright of light to be another person with a flashlight, or for the matter even multiple bright spotlights. There are no roads or houses anywhere in the direction that the pics were taken, just more woods. The pictures are a little blurry due to being taken in the dark but you can clearly see a large area of brightly light up woods. I was about to walk over to see for myself when my friend said they just blinked out and it was then dark. Im not saying that this is a UFO, but my father is to say the least a skeptic, and we could not think of a logical or rational explanation for a source of this light. Again, you pretty much have to take my word for some of the conditions but I will send the pics and would love to hear if you guys have any ideas on what could have naturally been causing this light. Also, later in the morning we walked back in the area of the light and there was no sign of people being back there. Im not looking to be on your show or anything like that, I would judt like to hear what you guys think. We thought maybe the moon hitting fog, but there was no fog and in my opinion the light is way too concentrated for that. Also some might think it’s the moon reflecting off of water, but there is no water back there. Again there is also no roads or houses in that direction. Im sure you guys get hundreds of emails, but if you happen to come across mine I would love to hear what you think. Please feel free to email me back if you have any other questions that would help you come up with a theory on what this could be.

Thanks Guys

[img]WHAT IS THIS?? Lights14[/img]
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Registration date : 2012-10-09

PostSubject: Re: WHAT IS THIS??   WHAT IS THIS?? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 17, 2012 1:45 pm

Come on people, all of you guys looking at this have to have an opinion. Im really curious/anxious to hear what some of you have to say!
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