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 Mt Bugarach South West France UFO Base

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Registration date : 2012-01-08

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PostSubject: Mt Bugarach South West France UFO Base   Mt Bugarach South West France UFO Base Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 4:18 pm

I would like to know your opinion on this subject it has been said that it is the only place that will survive in December 2012. It has been said that in December 2012 the mountain will open and a space ship which has been buried for thousands of years will come out to save the planet. There has always been a lot of UFO activity in this area and a lot of organisations have been investigating here from the French secret service the Vatican and even the Mossad makes you wonder if they know something we dont. I live a few KMs away from Bugarach I have seen a UFO whilst staying the night on the mountain Not to mention the 15 or more UFOs I have seen in 2011 , 3 captured on film by accident whilst I was filming a French military plane flying over my house. There is something very special about this area there has been sightings in the 1970s of a ufo stationary in a village about 100 metres off the ground and about 300 metres in length .Another one landed about a 1Km from the first sighting this one landed and left a visible mark on the ground that stayed for over for over 20 years . If anyone else has more information on this subject please let me know...............
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PostSubject: Re: Mt Bugarach South West France UFO Base   Mt Bugarach South West France UFO Base Icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2012 11:45 am

timfrance wrote:
I would like to know your opinion on this subject it has been said that it is the only place that will survive in December 2012. It has been said that in December 2012 the mountain will open and a space ship which has been buried for thousands of years will come out to save the planet. ...

Since you are asking for "opinions" ... mine goes like this:

So, let me get this straight ... you think it's possible that "a space ship" (one craft) will "come out of a mountain" and "save the planet?" My first question would be: Why the theatrics? Is this real life - or a movie script?

As far as "who knows what" goes, after all of these years - if we knew - we wouldn't be questioning it today. That's called a dead end. And if we don't stop trying to feed it, if something IS coming, we will ultimately lose.

Then, people always go back to "sightings" - and NOTHING has EVER been learned via that method, it's another dead end - so WHY are we doing it?

The problem in this picture is, and has been - US! We are NOT thinking correctly, entertaining some of the stupidest pictures I have ever seen, and it doesn't stop. Logic would dictate that if you can not come to ANY conclusions about a subject via a particular approach used, you stop looking there - but we don't - and I have to ask why.

The problem we are having today is the SAME problem we have had all along ... dataless conclusions. The same picture was used in the thinking of the ancients. The ancients weren't stupid ... they could, and did, figure things out via trial and error. But there were things they couldn't figure out because the topic was beyond them, and what is called mythopoeic thinking emerged. Mythopoeic thinking's simplest definition approach is using 2 1/2 parts of a three part brain, and the part that is left out is the part that handles the hard data - the left hemisphere of the neo-cortex. Why was it left out? No data to use - so, just like us today, they GUESSED. They built a picture based on images - which shows exactly what area of the brain they WERE using. What are we doing today? Constructing pictures based on images - same thing. What hard facts do emerge in the picture are not conclusive enough to use, hence we are STILL floating is a sea of confusion.

So what does one do? Well, first off, STOP. If you aren't going anywhere why are you still walking? Second, examine everything and look for hard data ... no hard data? - don't even think about moving. Your opening question was a correct move, however I would have believed you could figure that one out yourself. So where do you go from here? Let's see what you do.

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