I think this is the best way to describe what i am after.
Out of those of us that have had a sighting....have you experienced a follow up to your sighting?
If so...was it diminshed or the same. Ie: Same place...same show....flying...acrobatics...etc.
Or was it different...ie: toned down...subdued...more stationary.
Had a future sighting in another state after your first sighting.
Has the subject of your sighting seemed to toy with you?
Ie: My personal sighting. Recieved the disneyland double E
ticket ride the first time. Slightly less the second time.
3rd and subsiquent sightings item slowly gets closer to myself.
Item has stabilized at one location and sighting is repeatable.
Item appears to raise up just enough that i can not make out
what is behind the lights....as if item is aware of my line of sight.
Light and sometimes lights...vary in intensity as if being operated.
Fade in and out.
Just kind of curious if anyone else has had this type of experience.
Thanks all. DW