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 The lost Book of Alchemy Released

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PostSubject: The lost Book of Alchemy Released   The lost Book of Alchemy Released Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2011 6:19 am

I have always been interested in the lost knowledge of ancient times. I read various books on the topics that no longer people talk about. I have been a regular user of and they have released some great books which had been lost in print. Last week i visited the website again and i saw that they have released a new book on Alchemy which had been lost in prints. The book of Aquarius is the name of the book and its about the knowledge and power of alchemy. I had always been interested in alchemists and so i downloaded the ebook which was free. I read the book and i became a fan instantly. The author seems to know a lot about Alchemy and power of nature. I am so impressed by the author and his writing and read some pages over and over again. I would like to quote a few lines from the book here..
Quote :

The purpose of this book is to release one particular secret, which has been kept hidden for the last 12,000 years. The Philosophers' Stone, Elixir of Life, Fountain of Youth, Ambrosia, Soma, Amrita, Nectar of Immortality. These are different names for the same thing.

Throughout history this secret has been used by a very few to extend their lives hundreds of years in perfect health, with access to unlimited wealth, among many other miraculous properties. Some kept the secret because they understood that the time was not right for the secret to be free for all people, but most kept the secret out of their own jealousy, ignorance, egotism and corruption.

The Stone's history and the history of the human race up until this day is a strange story full of secret societies, hooded cloaks, and mystical symbols. Such theatrics are childish and shallow. It's pointless to look for the light in the shadows.

The Philosophers' Stone operates and is made by entirely natural and scientific means. Truth is always simple, beautiful and easy to understand.

The Philosophers' Stone is real; you can make it at home. The Stone makes old people young, heals all forms of sickness and disease, extends your life, turns any metal into gold, and more, as you will learn. This isn't a myth or a metaphor, it's a fact.

Don't judge this book before you've read it. This is not one of those airy fairy books written in all kinds of mystical language, filling pages with words that makes sentences but not sense. This book will make more sense than anything you've ever read before.

The age of secrets is over. I'm writing this book in common English. There's no need for mystical language or metaphor. This book contains no hidden meaning or codes; everything is stated plainly and directly, in the shortest and simplest of words necessary to convey the meaning.

I know not many people will believe this. But i would like it if people just take a look at the book. I am working to make my own philosopher’s stone and i would like to have some fellow members of the forum to be interested in the idea. The Pdf and the audiobook version of the book is free and can be downloaded from the website

Please read the book at least once and let me know what you think about it. I would like to discuss this topic with other people. Cheers.
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