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 Crashed ufos found on google earth

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PostSubject: Crashed ufos found on google earth   Crashed ufos found on google earth Icon_minitimeWed Jul 27, 2011 11:32 pm

Just today i found my third crashed ufo on google earth.This ufo was located in the side of a hill and looked like it had some kind of antenne on it.I found this crashed ufo while looking for gold deposits.I had thought is mayhave been just a ufo sitting on the ground but on different angles it looks like its dug into the ground and you can only make out the top of the ufo.I have photos of this ufo and the ufo i found on the seabed in shallow water in the pacific ocean.I will try and upload the photos.You can also view my crashed ufo photos on my facebook page too.The third ufo i had found last month on google earth.This is a triangled shaped ufo with some feathers on the top of the craft.That ufo was discovered sitting on top of a hill in a very remote location.Hope you enjoy the photos.See what you think[img][/img]

Last edited by azula on Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:35 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : tryed to add photo of crashed never worked as usual)
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