Number of posts : 338 Location : UK Registration date : 2009-09-06
Subject: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:35 am
Hi all , Just catching up with whats going on in the skies over New York . Can't find a lot on this yet but it appears to be more than a little interesting . Thought it would be useful if we had a thread going regarding the activity of late and would especially like to hear from any forum members who live in New York . Any info ?
All the best .
FW .
free wheel CE 3
Number of posts : 338 Location : UK Registration date : 2009-09-06
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:36 pm
Errr , we are all interesred in UFO's arent we ? I mean this is UFO magazine forum .
FW .
WIlhelm CE 1
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:56 pm
I'm in NY.
I guess it depends on which "UFOs" you were referring to.
It's cam with around a 10 second time lapse. The lights you can see on there any given night are airplanes getting ready to land at one of the major 3 area airports, or news and police helicopters.
free wheel CE 3
Number of posts : 338 Location : UK Registration date : 2009-09-06
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:31 pm
Thanks Willhelm . Did you personally witness any of these events ?
WIlhelm CE 1
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:05 pm
free wheel wrote:
Thanks Willhelm . Did you personally witness any of these events ?
Not those balloons, but I did find a few still photos that someone posted from an online Times Square camera. You could see people on each corner holding these huge bunches of yellow balloons which they were handing out. Unfortunately, i can't find the link right now.
But, as far as the night footage on that Earth Cam, I see it every night.
Nancy Birnes Seeker
Number of posts : 90 Age : 77 Location : Pennsy Registration date : 2009-03-10
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:23 pm
I'm not so sure that the official explanations are actually correct. A few things just don't line up ... and we'll possibly try to cover this on tomorrow night's Future Theater.
I was going to start a thread here as the night progressed on the 13th, but I had my hands full with getting the magazine on press, so I just decided to watch and not participate. But, I did follow a lively thread on Above Top Secret (link to come in a minute), as well as watching that night cam and looking at radar anomalies on various weather sites.
If the night cam showed airplanes, why were there so many for a few hours and then no more for the rest of the night? And I'm no radar expert, but the weather patterns were very odd that evening, to say the least.
Finally, there does seem to be a legit sighting on the Golden Gate cam, as well as other cities. Yes? No? I'm still researching, but it was a little bit freaky.
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:31 pm
Nancy Birnes wrote:
If the night cam showed airplanes, why were there so many for a few hours and then no more for the rest of the night? And I'm no radar expert, but the weather patterns were very odd that evening, to say the least.
The commercial traffic doesn't go all night. That is, of course, assuming those lights were airplanes waiting for a runway at whichever area airport.
Another explanation is that they were news helicopters, just doing their normal thing during the nightly broadcasts, which all end by 11:30pm.
Whatever the case, UFO or IFO, most NY area air traffic dies down at that point, starting up again at around dawn.
Nancy Birnes wrote:
Finally, there does seem to be a legit sighting on the Golden Gate cam, as well as other cities. Yes? No? I'm still researching, but it was a little bit freaky.
if you're referring to the same video that I saw, that appears to be the Oakland Bay Bridge, even though whoever put it on YouTube marked it as the Golden Gate. Also, If that was footage from the 13th, it was early morning footage, because I found some random forum where that got posted at about 2 or 3pm pacific time on the 13th - in other words, still daylight. The comments on YouTube also started around that time of day.
The only fishy thing I saw from that day was the evacuation of the radar facility in Westbury, NY (about 20 miles west of Manhattan on Long Island) because of a "gas smell" reported by employees. I believe that was around 6:30-7pm.
edit: it's 11:41pm in NY and I'm looking at very similar lights on the midtown earth cam right now. I guarantee if you check out that cam between dusk and midnight (with a peak from 8-10pm), you are guaranteed to see the same thing as the stills making their way around the internet.
here's a screenshot from just now. 11:41pm.
And, that's just randomly looking at it. If I kept that cam open for 5 hours, I bet I could come up with 100 stills that look much better than the ones from the 13th. It's completely normal NY air traffic.
Last edited by WIlhelm on Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:12 am; edited 2 times in total
Nancy Birnes Seeker
Number of posts : 90 Age : 77 Location : Pennsy Registration date : 2009-03-10
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:44 pm
Good work, Wilhelm! I'm now going through the entire ATS thread, plus a second one, trying to follow all the links and looking for whatever doesn't seem to follow the official story. I just copied out that gas leak story for posterity, for instance.
I'm pretty sure most of the night cam lights were planes, of course, but I want to make sure. When I was watching it myself, it was insane at times -- way too much stuff. I read somewhere that there might have been a "flusing" of flights because of the gas-leak delay.
Also, the reports of the shiny objects remaining stationary for long periods of time is interesting. Plus, the reports from military-type witnesses who saw lots of jets scrambled up there with them -- I'm copying out those reports.
We just confirmed that we're having Stanley Fulham live on Future Theater tomorrow night, so that should be interesting. I plan on asking questions.
WIlhelm CE 1
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:53 pm
Oops, I edited while you were posting.
Yeah, maybe there were a lot of lights being seen because flights had nowhere to go. I've been on flights which circled the entire area twice before landing. That's what happens sometimes, they just make the planes wait, and they take a huge circle around the entire NY area.
Add to that news choppers in the air ready for stories about those yellow balloons. It was certainly an interesting day.
WIlhelm CE 1
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:10 am
Ok, it took me a few minutes, but here are the pix I was looking for:
Nancy Birnes Seeker
Number of posts : 90 Age : 77 Location : Pennsy Registration date : 2009-03-10
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:16 am
... they be balloons ...
no dispute there. Believe me, I'd be happy if that's all that people were seeing. Hope so.
Have you seen the radar weather photos? I really want to debunk those.
WIlhelm CE 1
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:05 am
Nancy Birnes wrote:
Have you seen the radar weather photos? I really want to debunk those.
I have not. Any links? Because I'm trying to sift through all the garbage that a google search gives me.
Nancy Birnes Seeker
Number of posts : 90 Age : 77 Location : Pennsy Registration date : 2009-03-10
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:13 am
I'm looking for them now; I think they are in the 50th page or so of the ATS thread. The weather images coincided with images that Fulham has on his video toward the very end. His video was shot 4 months prior, and I'm hoping that the circular radar images have something to do with the mechanism of the radar collection itself.
I will post the links to both images once I re-find them.
WIlhelm CE 1
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:55 am
I just came across this article which claims there was also video from "Moscow, San Francisco and Seattle that seemed to be similar."
Was she talking about video from the 13th, or just some similar UFO vids from an earlier date? I wonder...
This is all pretty strange, but my best guess tells me that it's mostly a case of self-fulfilling prophecy. Mr. Fulham mentions a date, and the people that heard about it are looking up. Of course, that doesn't explain the evacuation of the Westbury radar facility.
Another major aspect of all this, which can't be ignored, is "twitter trending." This story began on twitter, and while "trending" is cool because you can know what many people are talking about, it can easily be manipulated.
For those who don't know what twitter trending is, it's when people add a "hashtag" to their tweets ( Ex: OMG Look at these balloons in NYC. #ufo), which links to everyone else tweeting about the same thing.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:22 am
I think they saw balloons. As for blinking lights, people have been sending aloft these flashing leds that go blue, white or yellow, white with some flashing red. These flashing leds can be bought relatively cheap online. I was at a weekend gathering up in northern wisconsin where people had chinese lanterns they lit up and they flew up up and away. They were so obvious as to what they were that only a serious leprechaun would think they were ufos.
Flashing lights in the night sky. What happened to the old ufos that use to pulse rather than flash. Stanley Fulham, where did this guy come from. I never heard of him. I did hear him on C2C last night and he sounded interesting. I'll have to listen to the future radio with him.
Edit: I see on stans website he has the Bill and Nancy future theater listed.
Stan will be a guest on UFO Magazine's Bill Birnes' Future Theater on Saturday, October 16th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm Eastern Time
free wheel CE 3
Number of posts : 338 Location : UK Registration date : 2009-09-06
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:45 pm
It is my understanding that these balloons were released between 1 to 1,30 pm that afternoon . It seems that people were watching these "things " in the sky past 5 pm . Is it possible that these ballons would stay in the vacinty for that long " Could people spot a balloon at 4000 ft ? Would the balloon not burst ?
Just a few things about this event seem a bit extraordinary .
My mind remains open .
FW .
WIlhelm CE 1
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:37 pm
People also claim that the sightings started at 9:30am. Yet, the NYPD didn't start receiving calls until around 1:30pm, and no one posted anything on twitter until around that time.
For whatever reason, people love to invent stuff after the fact.
What I think is infinitely more interesting then some specks in the sky, is that fact that there were two separate balloon events which were both misidentified as UFOs by normally unfazed New Yorkers, on the day that a major UFO event was predicted.
And if that weren't enough, a few hours later, unusual problems at a nearby radar facility cause landing delays, which forced air traffic into an atypical pattern above the city, waiting for their runways. (To avoid confusion, I don't mean atypical like one in a million, I mean atypical like when there are somewhat serious airport delays, so around 5 or 10 times a year.)
On the surface, that would sure sound like a huge cover-up, except for the fact that the day time footage sure as hell looks like the balloons in question, and the night time "footage" comes from a time-lapse camera. While it may look odd from one angle on a time lapse, I was personally looking at the sky - the real life sky, not a camera on the internet - and, I was on the phone with a friend who was closer, and looking from a completely different angle, and neither of us had any doubt as to what we were seeing. Airplanes.
I'm going to reiterate - it was a very odd day.
Nancy Birnes Seeker
Number of posts : 90 Age : 77 Location : Pennsy Registration date : 2009-03-10
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:46 pm
Try to listen to Future Theater tonight and I will talk about this ... thanks W and G!
WIlhelm CE 1
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:53 pm
Starts at 6?
i didn't even realize how late it was, been in sick with a hell of a cold. Maybe those UFOs infected me...
Nancy Birnes Seeker
Number of posts : 90 Age : 77 Location : Pennsy Registration date : 2009-03-10
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:55 pm
yeah. we go live in 6 minutes ... go to and follow the live thingy. Also, check out the chat. It's very lively.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:36 pm
The pic of times square with all the yellow balloons from wilhem is what one guy took a pic of in the air. Three yellow balloons from that crowd balloon gathering was alluded to as ufos. Later, some school kids revealed they had released 50 something of reflective balloons for their teachers birthday.
I beleive this was a coordinated event by people in staregic locations pointing out objects in the sky and a mass crowd hysteria formed.
WIlhelm CE 1
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:19 pm
Gigas wrote:
I beleive this was a coordinated event by people in staregic locations pointing out objects in the sky and a mass crowd hysteria formed.
Normally, I would also think that. What gives me pause is the problem at the radar facility which caused concentrated air traffic, which people could see on a web cam. So if it was a coordinated operation, it had to have been done by the Gov/Mil. Or, the radar event was just a huge stroke of luck and coincidence.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:10 pm
WIlhelm wrote:
Gigas wrote:
I believe this was a coordinated event by people in strategic locations pointing out objects in the sky and a mass crowd hysteria formed.
Normally, I would also think that. What gives me pause is the problem at the radar facility which caused concentrated air traffic, which people could see on a web cam. So if it was a coordinated operation, it had to have been done by the Gov/Mil. Or, the radar event was just a huge stroke of luck and coincidence.
Someone started an event and mass crowd hysteria kicked in. Could very well be miss info agents of the dot mil persuasion.
Ps, I corrected my misspelling in the quote section. I use a spell checker and sometimes miss.
WIlhelm CE 1
Number of posts : 114 Age : 47 Location : Hudson Valley, NY Registration date : 2010-05-26
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:47 pm
I didn't even notice the typo.
Anyway, I'm afraid this won't be settled until the next time a reason arises for more than a usual amount of news choppers to be in the sky. I'm seeing these "V formation" airplanes all night on this web cam, but no Heelacopters.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: UFO 's NEW YORK 10.13 10 !!!!!!!! Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:04 am
WIlhelm wrote:
I didn't even notice the typo.
Anyway, I'm afraid this won't be settled until the next time a reason arises for more than a usual amount of news choppers to be in the sky. I'm seeing these "V formation" airplanes all night on this web cam, but no Heelacopters.
Something is wrong with this picture we are seeing. If the air traffic control was interrupted, why was there no announcement made by the media or am I missing that there was one. Also, if the interruption was because of unidentified air traffic, why were no military alerts issued with defensive support activated. The same goes with the events occuring over moscow and the chinese air traffic interruptions.
Something, and I do mean something, since it isn't clear what, is playing with our minds.