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 Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More

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Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Empty
PostSubject: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 2:56 am

A person I spoke with multiple times who was involved in attempts at reverse-engineering 'unconventionally-acquired technologies' had this to say about some of the difficulties the team he worked with was facing.
I am quoting from memory and my notes;
"Hand a laptop to a pre-Neanderthal type.He can take it apart easily enough,but how much do you think he'll understand about how it works and putting it back together so it works?" This person went on to define as best as possible how vast the gap between Humanity's understanding of physics and sciences is relative to the technology being studied;
"This isn't like our own technology only a few decades or centuries ahead,that's what you have to understand...this technology,these systems and components were made by non-Human intelligence and from a science-industrial base a good few thousand years ahead of us also.We don't even really understand what we're messing with,so we have to treat every little step as if we were bomb-squad defusers...Maybe it's a light source,maybe it's a way of containing antimatter,and we can't just f*** around with those kinds of unknown risk factors."

Just some things for you to consider regarding how successful any attempts at reverse-engineering alien tech would be...which basically means that the 'odd' tech that suddenly shows up and any 'alien-tech' vehicles possessed by Humanity have come about from technology being dispensed to Humanity.
The questions is this; "In exchange for what?"


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Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 7:48 pm

You have to ask yourself, why are there so many UFO crash and landings where the human secret government military complex has the technology scooped up almost immediately to back engineer. Doesn't anyone find it odd that when a crash or landing occurs an occult presence shows up almost within minutes if not right away to take control of the event and remove evidence and screw with witness.

Something very not right is happening and it looks to me as though this is made to happen with occult strangeness intimidating people who are on the scene moments before the authority shows up to take ownership of the situation.
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Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 8:27 pm

Gigas wrote:
You have to ask yourself, why are there so many UFO crash and landings where the human secret government military complex has the technology scooped up almost immediately to back engineer. Doesn't anyone find it odd that when a crash or landing occurs an occult presence shows up almost within minutes if not right away to take control of the event and remove evidence and screw with witness.

Something very not right is happening and it looks to me as though this is made to happen with occult strangeness intimidating people who are on the scene moments before the authority shows up to take ownership of the situation.

That was one of the things my source wanted some answers about also,the disturbing precision and exactness of tracking vehicles that by definition should be essentially untrackable.
One of the things mentioned by my source was the radar-tracking of vehicles that as far as tests could determine would inherently be 'invisible' to radar wavelengths because of it's extremely high absorption of anything and every energy form but strictly visible-light wavelengths,and highly reflective/refractive in those same visible-wavelength frequencies.
Despite being on the 'inside',there seemed to be as many or more questions in the 'inside world' than out here in 'civvie-land' for this person to contend with.
As you say,there is something 'not right' going on...
That's why we're doing what we can to protect ourselves,make ourselves difficult to find,doing our part to increase awareness that all is not Interstellar Altruism and Glorious Beneficience from the aliens.Humanity keeps wanting to believe that there's nothing inherently wrong/flawed in trusting aliens to be inherently 'good' and brimming over with altruistic kindness that will only be to the benefit of Humanity...people like you,ourselves and others have to hold the line of common-sense alive in the face of something that could possibly challenge the survival and future of Humanity as a whole.That,of course,being Alien Contact.


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Mike Good
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Mike Good

Number of posts : 155
Location : Left Field, California
Registration date : 2009-03-12

Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 2:41 am

Blackwinter wrote:
...people like you,ourselves and others have to hold the line of common-sense alive in the face of something that could possibly challenge the survival and future of Humanity as a whole.That,of course,being Alien Contact.


Because fear rocks? Suspect
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Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 3:38 am

Mike Good wrote:
Blackwinter wrote:
...people like you,ourselves and others have to hold the line of common-sense alive in the face of something that could possibly challenge the survival and future of Humanity as a whole.That,of course,being Alien Contact.


Because fear rocks? Suspect

Not so much,no.
But,it's the sign of the times we live in that fear seems to be so pervasive.
Terrorism,ecological collapse,economic collapse,alien visitations amongst assorted other fear-generating aspects of life in the modern world.
But,lets be honest about one things amongst all of it--blindly trusting in the presumed altruism of any foreign power just because they have advanced technology is just being foolish.Yes?

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Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 1:27 pm

Levels of fear are only dwarfed by the level of awareness. If a human is happy that they have a good paying job, a wife, and three kids, they think its all good and thats the world as it should be.

If that human who thinks the world is a blessed safe haven and they are god blessed and their lives are as good as it gets because a government who throws in some god smack tells them so, needs nothing but a wake up call from an alien rapturing them from their world of faith filled illusion into the aliens dark domain of horror to perform procedures. Thats a harsh reality wake up call which will scare anyone into a disorder of some kind.

People are asleep to the real reality hidden behind what the eye sees and know very little about life. Well, other than to live it in similar fashion of their predecessors mom and dad who trained the new subject to accept some bizarre reality that most the time fails and becomes hell.

I was scared when I first went into the dark void. I was afraid because I thought I needed air to breath and I thought I felt cold because I was not prepared to be there in the unknown, and then, I was returned. Second time in, I realized to relax and observe it. All was fine. But, ever since aliens got into my head, I have looked differently at reality and know now this can go away at any moment.

That thing with fear, I want to meet a Draco. I know from stories they are scary and may kill me but I still want to see one and say hello with questions to follow. That is, if the Draco allows me to communicate.
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Mike Good
CE 1
Mike Good

Number of posts : 155
Location : Left Field, California
Registration date : 2009-03-12

Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 1:50 pm

Blackwinter wrote:
Blackwinter wrote:
...people like you,ourselves and others have to hold the line of common-sense alive in the face of something that could possibly challenge the survival and future of Humanity as a whole.That,of course,being Alien Contact.


Mike Good wrote:
Because fear rocks? Suspect

Not so much,no.
But,it's the sign of the times we live in that fear seems to be so pervasive.
Terrorism,ecological collapse,economic collapse,alien visitations amongst assorted other fear-generating aspects of life in the modern world.
But,lets be honest about one things amongst all of it--blindly trusting in the presumed altruism of any foreign power just because they have advanced technology is just being foolish.Yes?


Thanks BW! Wink

I have to agree that all of our social structures seem to revolve around various paradigms of fear. I sometimes find it frustrating how much fear shapes our thinking, even unconsciously. When I have mentioned fear to others elsewhere, I find they often do not even understand what I am talking about. They do not re-cognize latent fears in their ordinary thinking. In fact, many will actively defend these cognitive disconnects as being "rational" or "necessary" - then innumerate the many human treacheries that justify their reptilian reactionaryism. Many of us, apparently, just accept fear as the "price" for living. I find this attitude puzzling. It is like the alcoholic who completely fails to recognize he has a problem.

Should we fear the unknown? How about the un-ascertained? I would say that the presumed aliens fall into the latter category. If we don't know a thing, if we are unaware of it, we do not - indeed cannot - fear it. You cannot fear a "thing" which has no presence in your awareness.

The only difference between the unknown and the un-ascertained, is that the un-ascertained has a presence in our thinking. We create a mental construct of it. But it is only a construct of our imagination - it has no corporeal status. Yet, you propose here that we should embrace fear of the un-ascertained as a rational imperative.


This is how I see the fear factor in dealing with the mental-construct we call aliens: If they really wanted to do us in, wouldn't we be "done-in" already? What is stopping them from invading, enslaving, zapping, exploiting or roasting us on spits and having us for brunch? If they are our technological superiors, as you suggest (and I agree with, otherwise they could not have any contact with us), then there is little we could do to stop them.

Yet, here we are having a dialog about these things and there are no aliens huffing and puffing and blowing down our homes or ripping our heads off and crapping down our bloody neck stumps. If they have active surveillance of us, then theoretically, they could do all of the above things if that was their desire. But they have not.


Could it be that they don't want to do those things? Logic tells us that they have no desire to do those things, because we have a tentative awareness of their presence and they have pretty much left us alone. The alien is not crapping down our bloody neck stumps. From that last fact we can draw the logical corollary that they probably have no desire to do so.

I am not saying they are all love and light and are only here to insert blossoming flowers into our wretched Bubba-esque gun-barrels. But let's not presume that they are as motivated by reactionary fears and nefarious designs as we fear-oholic humans are at present. That is just psychological projection: we are not so much afraid of "them" as we are afraid that they might be like us....

I think Stephen Hawking recently caught flack for stoking similar alien fears. No more fear for me, thank you. I have had quite enough. What a Face
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Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 9:24 pm

Mike Good wrote:
Blackwinter wrote:
Blackwinter wrote:
...people like you,ourselves and others have to hold the line of common-sense alive in the face of something that could possibly challenge the survival and future of Humanity as a whole.That,of course,being Alien Contact.


Mike Good wrote:
Because fear rocks? Suspect

Not so much,no.
But,it's the sign of the times we live in that fear seems to be so pervasive.
Terrorism,ecological collapse,economic collapse,alien visitations amongst assorted other fear-generating aspects of life in the modern world.
But,lets be honest about one things amongst all of it--blindly trusting in the presumed altruism of any foreign power just because they have advanced technology is just being foolish.Yes?


Thanks BW! Wink

I have to agree that all of our social structures seem to revolve around various paradigms of fear. I sometimes find it frustrating how much fear shapes our thinking, even unconsciously. When I have mentioned fear to others elsewhere, I find they often do not even understand what I am talking about. They do not re-cognize latent fears in their ordinary thinking. In fact, many will actively defend these cognitive disconnects as being "rational" or "necessary" - then innumerate the many human treacheries that justify their reptilian reactionaryism. Many of us, apparently, just accept fear as the "price" for living. I find this attitude puzzling. It is like the alcoholic who completely fails to recognize he has a problem.

Should we fear the unknown? How about the un-ascertained? I would say that the presumed aliens fall into the latter category. If we don't know a thing, if we are unaware of it, we do not - indeed cannot - fear it. You cannot fear a "thing" which has no presence in your awareness.

The only difference between the unknown and the un-ascertained, is that the un-ascertained has a presence in our thinking. We create a mental construct of it. But it is only a construct of our imagination - it has no corporeal status. Yet, you propose here that we should embrace fear of the un-ascertained as a rational imperative.


This is how I see the fear factor in dealing with the mental-construct we call aliens: If they really wanted to do us in, wouldn't we be "done-in" already? What is stopping them from invading, enslaving, zapping, exploiting or roasting us on spits and having us for brunch? If they are our technological superiors, as you suggest (and I agree with, otherwise they could not have any contact with us), then there is little we could do to stop them.

Yet, here we are having a dialog about these things and there are no aliens huffing and puffing and blowing down our homes or ripping our heads off and crapping down our bloody neck stumps. If they have active surveillance of us, then theoretically, they could do all of the above things if that was their desire. But they have not.


Could it be that they don't want to do those things? Logic tells us that they have no desire to do those things, because we have a tentative awareness of their presence and they have pretty much left us alone. The alien is not crapping down our bloody neck stumps. From that last fact we can draw the logical corollary that they probably have no desire to do so.

I am not saying they are all love and light and are only here to insert blossoming flowers into our wretched Bubba-esque gun-barrels. But let's not presume that they are as motivated by reactionary fears and nefarious designs as we fear-oholic humans are at present. That is just psychological projection: we are not so much afraid of "them" as we are afraid that they might be like us....

I think Stephen Hawking recently caught flack for stoking similar alien fears. No more fear for me, thank you. I have had quite enough. What a Face

Well said and well-written.
Our perspective (that we've been trying to say in our clumsy fashion) is that caution is warranted.
As you say,there is too much baseless fear in the world,but prudent caution regarding aliens is one we feel is an intelligent way of approaching things.
Based on our experiences,not all aliens are given towards making encounters traumatizing,most seem rather benign,this is something we try to keep in sight as a positive thing about this whole thing in general.

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Mike Good
CE 1
Mike Good

Number of posts : 155
Location : Left Field, California
Registration date : 2009-03-12

Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 1:08 pm

Thanks BW!

If only we humans made a little more sense...... Wink
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Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 1:21 pm

Mike Good wrote:
Thanks BW!

If only we humans made a little more sense...... Wink

It would be nice if Humanity did,but compared to some of the species in the Galaxy,Humanity's a very young it 'growing pains' I suppose.

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PostSubject: Re: Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More   Alien Technology,Reverse-Engineering & More Icon_minitime

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