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 andros island and uso's

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CE 4

Number of posts : 455
Age : 78
Location : Tampa, Flordia
Registration date : 2010-04-09

andros island and uso's Empty
PostSubject: andros island and uso's   andros island and uso's Icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 12:39 am

This evening I watched bill and the boys on andros Island. The navy test facility that is there and the strange cables leading off into the depths. To bad they didn't go to Barbados too.
The old sub base there is quite pretty, if you like water so clear that you can watch the anchor kick sand off of the bottom when it hits.
The important thing about both places is that the com. wires that go off of the deep end.
The one on barbados is hooked to a repeater.
The purpose of the lines is to provide long wave communications to the subs and back, while they are at sea.
andros so the test facility can monitor the tests and get the reports back that much sooner.
While it is not commen knowledge, after the cold war ended, the information was released. The subs carried two diffrent long lines that they would drag behind them. One was for dectecion, it was a very sensitve passive sonar system. As i understand it they now use it to track whales.
The other one was a long wave radio system that could be used to send and recieve data and voice.
The Russians never caught on.
I don't think there is a sailor in this world, who hasn't seem some thing odd out there.
Strange lights, bio luminesces, odd objects both above and below the water.
It's curoius that the people who live by sailing are the ones who see the most.
They are also the ones who speak the least.
The navy maintained a number of under water facilities on the continental shelf.
Mostly abandoned now. Why spend the money when the cold war is over.


I remain
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