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 indain mound of North America

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CE 4

Number of posts : 455
Age : 78
Location : Tampa, Flordia
Registration date : 2010-04-09

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PostSubject: indain mound of North America   indain mound of North America Icon_minitimeWed Aug 18, 2010 10:32 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong.
At various locations thru out the northern portion there are great earth mounds created by the now dead indains. The one that comes to mind is the great snake mound in Ohio. As i understand it you can only tell what it is from the air. Sounds famalair?
Don't you think?
I always thought they were placed on the lines of confluence! It is known that ceremonies were held there. Personaly I always thought scraficing virgins was quite a waste. By George the spell checker works.

Hmmm almost pill time.

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CE 2

Number of posts : 219
Age : 62
Location : California USA
Registration date : 2010-04-07

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PostSubject: Ohio   indain mound of North America Icon_minitimeTue Sep 28, 2010 6:45 pm

I once lived in that area when I was a wee lad, here's what I know.
serpent Mound and other mounds(Miamisburg)-earthworks, slash pyramids in the area were probably built by the Hopewell People a group of Native American hunter-farmers etc...
You could tell it was a serpent from the ground, but probably looks more impressive from the air - like Nazca lines-shapes etc... also in the area of Newark Ohio secret Military stuff and of course UFOs. Especially during the 1973-75 UFO flap.
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